Blue Blood Noble Family House Óltorskr


repairing the gens
Staff member
Jun 5, 2016
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Korok Forest
House Óltorskr
"Leave what does not serve you."

The Óltorskr family, though relatively young, has amassed significant wealth and assets. However, it has also faced numerous hardships and scandals. Despite this, many rival noble families have underestimated the resilience and independence of House Óltorskr.

In recent times, it was believed that the family's legacy had come to an end. The last Countess appeared to have lost her daughter, and her only son had favored his paternal Ravenstad lineage. However, towards the end of 312 AC, new stories emerged to refute this rumor. House Óltorskr has once again risen with prominent leadership.

The family motto, "Never Yield," has been replaced with "Leave what does not serve you." This new message conveys a similar meaning but emphasizes the importance of not being bound to loyalty or service that does not benefit them in return.

Historical Summary
Just before the Skagger Wars began, Adalradr Óltorskr and Svanhild Óltorskr got married, laying the foundation for the family's wealth through shipbuilding. However, the Skagger Wars took the lives of several Óltorskrs on different sides of the conflict. Adalradr and Svanhild had a son, Tridrekr, who married a common woman named Inga Haugeby. Their marriage produced children and ensured the successful continuation of the family's shipbuilding business. The quality and usefulness of an Óltorskr ship were undeniable, leading to profitable gains through usage by the family and neighboring households.

Tridrekr and Inga had five children: Leona, Árón, Aní, Enok, and Arnbjorg. All five children spent time in the city of Regalia at some point in their lives, drawn by the promise of better opportunities for growth in a diverse city such as the capital. However, only three of them made a lasting impact. Leona conspired with Freya Lo to kill Wirtem people, Árón was a tyrant and a brutal ruler, and Aní, the current Countess of Andarkelda, worked to redeem her family's history but faced challenges from power-hungry noble families.

Aní had twin children, Katrin and Vulmar, born to the late Bastien Ravenstad who disappeared before the children could know him. Most of their lives were spent in the capital with their mother until Vulmar went to learn martial combat and leadership with his uncles. Katrin was granted the Barony of Rykinsvik under her mother's rule and was later forced into a courtship that turned into marriage. She had three children during her marriage, while Vulmar did not marry at that time.

Under distant leadership, Rykinsvik and Andarkelda struggled to thrive. Both Aní and Katrin faced difficulties in their marriages. Aní divorced her husband and returned to rule Andarkelda, while Katrin faked her death to escape the castle in the Gallovian mountains, leaving her children behind.

Years after supposedly dying, Katrin returned as the restored Baroness of Rykinsvik. Aní continues to rule Andarkelda but has started to delegate leadership of House Óltorskr to Katrin. The two collaborate as needed, with the understanding that when her mother is gone, Katrin will be on her own. Her time to learn is now.

Values & Religion
The Óltorskr family predominantly follows the Fornoss belief. While there aren't many "priests" in the family, even the most warrior-like members have devoted some part of their identity or cause to a patron Fornoss god. In recent times, some Óltorskrs have been exposed to Unionism, particularly those living in the city of Regalia or those who have left Drixagh. There are differing opinions within the family regarding Óltorskrs who have chosen this faith.

It's a fundamental lesson for each Óltorskr to never lose their sense of independence and identity. This intentionally broad meaning of independence can apply differently to each individual. The age-old motto of never yielding has been applied mostly in combat, but also in spiritual and domestic situations. Whether warriors, poets, diplomats, carpenters, or shepherds, choosing any of these paths does not diminish the image of an Óltorskr. This means that an Óltorskr who chooses to build ships will never be considered lesser than one who chooses the path of a warrior or a knight. It is a strength to know what one is good at and to recognize areas where improvement is needed.

The Head of the House
Katrin Óltorskr, Baroness of Rykinsvik
Katrin Óltorskr is the only daughter of Aní. She is technically subject to the call of her mother, the Countess, but has been given explicit liberties to rule the Óltorskr family as its official head. Katrin has a fraternal twin brother, Vulmar. She is 28 years old and divorced with three children from her former marriage. However, her children are not with her as the King of Gallovia keeps them as the immediate heirs.

Katrin is known as the softer and kinder daughter born to a vicious warrior. She shares her late father's red hair with a reflective silver strand and deep blue eyes. Her twin brother, Vulmar, has blond hair and steely blue-gray eyes. Despite her family background, Katrin has never successfully swung a blade in her entire life. She is known for her deep appreciation of learning about other cultures and the arts.

Katrin defies some expectations of the court and society by engaging in manual labor to help the lower classes. She has been reported to have done so in the lowest of hamlets in Gallovia and Drixagh alike. She has also been exposed to Unionism and other forms of court etiquette, reflected in how she speaks and presents herself.

Katrin was born with a magespark but has barely tapped into it due to the poor views held on Mages, especially Mages in nobility. Because of this, she does not use her magic too often and relies on the guidance of others who are more professional and practiced.

Rykinsvik is treated as her second home, where a larger Velheim manor awaits her, as well as the people she seeks close, personal relationships with. Rykinsvik consists of a few notable families such as Ragnus, Eestakon, and Slon, and Katrin has gained the feudal loyalty of the Morkt fief and Sunnfjåare fief. It is preferential that Katrin has advisors who are more familiar with war, magic, and foreign diplomatic matters at her side, even though she has been exposed to many of these things in her time in Gallovia.

The Main Line​

Aní Óltorskr | Countess of Andarkelda, adjacent family lead [NPC]

Katrin Óltorskr | Baroness of Rykinsvik, twin sister to Vulmar @MantaRey
Alferic Howlester | Firstborn son [NPC]
Oswald Howlester | Secondborn son [NPC]
Talla Howlester | Thirdborn daughter [NPC]

Vulmar Ravenstad | Untitled Lord, twin brother to Katrin [Retired, now NPC]

Other Family
I'm leaving this mostly blank for the explicit purpose of giving potential applicants the wiggle room to come up with concepts. It is not farfetched to say Árón had several children outside of wedlock, for instance, or for someone to have been taken in as an Óltorskr if they were born to a bond wife/husband/partner somewhere down the line. I will list potential Óltorskr parents so applicants can know who their character considers their mother or father. These can all be around the same age or older than Katrin. For other character ideas, we can discuss them over DMs.

Leona had at least one child out of wedlock and could have more.
Árón had several children out of wedlock.
Enok could have adopted due to his preference for being with men.
Arnbjorg had children via marriage.


For Family Recruitment

Following the vague guidelines above, I have no hard-set expectations about what these potential family members' niches are. While most direct line Óltorskrs have blonde hair and light eyes, nothing is stopping you from playing a POC Óltorskr or a half-breed of some kind. I welcome it very much.

For House Staff Recruitment
There is an in-game manor and I'd love to have more commoner characters around either to be friends with or employ for various house positions. Namely, Katrin would benefit from having a mage tutor and a war or battle commander to help navigate [made-up] fights happening in Drixagh or otherwise. There are some limitations here in terms of what kind of Races will be employed, but nothing out of the ordinary (e.g., Kathar will probably be a no unless they're Regalian Kathar).
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