Archived Horse And Carriage Transport Around Regalia

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I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
One day, I saw a noble roleplay getting into a carriage and riding off. Massievcraft is a medieval server. Why not have horse and carriages near various places of interest in Regalia? One a the harbor, one at the tavern, one at the prison, on at the guard training area, one at the noble park, etc. These would be small structures that when you walk into them, you press a button and you are teleported to the next carriage in line. The carriages would look like this: 2014-04-05_19.26.53.png 2014-04-05_19.27.12.png 2014-04-05_19.27.26.png

So, what do you think? Also, what are some other places you think the carriage should stop?

I know that you can teleport around Regalia, but this adds an rp aspect, and looks nice. Plus, some areas of Regalia cannotbe tp'd to.

Just a suggestion...


  • 2014-04-05_19.27.12.png
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I personally Love this suggestion. and it would just be simple command blocks to hook up instead of a whole plugin

The "horses" look funny. I suggest replacing them with noc horses, if that's possible.

Anyway, I don't think any commoner or poor man/woman could just jump onto such a carriage. This could maybe be limited for nobles only, like the noble lounge. Not sure about that one though.
I like the idea and yes it would be simple to do but I don't see how to implement it for common folk though you have 10/10 rating from me
It could be wagons or carts for the common folk instead :P I believe something like that was used in the Iron Hall quest place.
We used to have the TARDIS....then it was deemed terrible and destroyed.
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