


The boat rocked gently as it voyaged across the ocean as the dawn sky filled the horizon. The one sailing on that boat had been out at sea, on a voyage that to him came so sudden. His thoughts were put onto other things as he observed the open sea, nelfin features rather blank as he steered the boat. His journey had been set to Rikeland, a land rather unknown to him, but he had been told it'd likely be worth it, and much better than fighting in small pits in Daendroque. He tied something around the helm to keep the sloop-tier vessel from steering off course as he stepped away to stand by the rail.

The Altalar, young and usually altruistic, did not necessarily plan on taking such a trip. He didn't even want to take it. But yet, here he was, on the boat given to him as a parting gift, off to fight in a coliseum. He still had some doubt. He did not see him worthy enough for such fights, but instead just a mere pit fighter. It was his parents, however, that convinced him to go. Aeson, his father, especially encouraged him to do so.

"We'll do just fine here, Hols. No need to worry about us, si? Liana and I are more than capable of defending ourselves. And you are definitely more than worthy enough for such a task. So get out there and kick some arse!"

Those words from Aeson rang back to Holden as he leaned against the rail. He sighed as he walked over to the telescope he set up, aimed right about towards the horizon. Upon looking, he could tell that his destination was just about to greet him. He stepped away from the telescope afterward, making his way back to the wheel. No point in resting now. As Holden untied the wheel, he gazed forward. "I shall prove my worth then," he muttered to himself. He kept his eyes on the horizon, mindset on what was to come, but he allowed no feeling other than confidence fill him.

"Even if we won't be there, just know we'll be cheering for you either way."

Upon arriving at the dock, he stiffened. Despite his confidence, Holden still felt as if he was unworthy. But he proceeded as he fully docked the boat, making sure it was going nowhere. After getting off, the young Altalar took one last look over the horizon. Sunrise had just about ended.

Slowly, he turned back around, continuing his path. All around him was pretty much a new sight to him, but Holden would not let that drop his confidence. He had come all this way, so there is no point in stopping now.

"No turning back."