Hopeless Preservation.


Sitting by this brook is so serene. I could stay here forever, start a new life without the chaos of Landers. I could leave everyone behind and start over. No more Maui, no more hate, no more of getting caught up in Human wars. I could eat plants and little fish and live here forever.

Makaha didn't, though. After long contemplation and relaxation by the little forest brook, Makaha waded into it's brisk waters to swim with it's motion to deeper waters. She returned to the city, patronizing any Darklings that looked at her. "Praise the Queen." Makaha said. None suspected her as she ran home with her soaking bag of fish.

She stood at the former art shop that her uncle Maui had boarded himself inside, and made sure none were around. She then slipped the sack and all it's meaty contents into the void, pushing it through the only hole in all the boards, and placing it on the floor back on Aloria. As she spied through into the poorly illuminated art shop, a dark, bony figure moved and sulked to the bag in the darkness.

"Blessings, Makaha.." Maui hissed.
Makaha knew nothing was wrong with her uncle, but since he did not go outside anymore before the invasion, he started to change. He became more sensitive to light, and used his spots less. Things he found to be the center of his entire life- Mainly art- were now no longer appealing to him. He felt alone, hopeless, unable to be healed by any of his nieces and nephews. When Makaha couldn't catch fish, she'd snatch meat from any butcher shop she could and bring him that.

Makaha wasn't going to stop Maui's spiral down into the family's base nature of tribal animals, but she would at least feed and water it to keep i
t alive. It was still her uncle.