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Honored Among Death


most honest biped in athens
Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Reaction score
A copied page is posted throughout Crookback and the sewers. It spreads some to Old Town, but the author made quite the point of avoiding New Town and anything remotely related to the Dragon Temple. It's not as though they can't find it, though. It's written in Sulvaley, but easily (and quickly) translated.

An open notice to the dedicated few of the Glacial in the city,

I, Nahiyan, place formal notice of requesting Valenia Aetris be remembered as HONORED AMONG DEATH, for her apt and altruistic servitude to the cause of the Cult of Death to the northern portion of the world. In her kindness and assistance of the faithful and Vampires of the world, she has given great swathes of the Violence of Faith, continued further through the work of her wife, whose aptitude in dealing death is nothing worth scoffing at. Not to mention her kindness toward her family, who took Frisit's valued oath. Our cause is greatly forwarded by her charity, thus, we should endeavor to treat her as one of us, in spite of her words toward the abandoner Aurora. There is thus, no need for any of the followers of the Glacial to bring arms to her, and I would even propose placing our own blades forward in her defense.

It is important to note that even though Honored, Valenia is a professing Dragon Worshipper of Asaph. This faith is clear in word, yet it is her valiant work toward the needs of Frisit which is why I propose such titleage.

Her wife, Viola Aetris, would also like to specify for the noble faithful and any who would dare misinterpret this extended hand of kindness: "Anyone trying to hurt her may as well be dead already."
Best regards,
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