Archived Honey & Bees

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I'm tempermental, deal with it.
Jul 2, 2012
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United States, East Coast
Roleplay Guilds
Emerald Alliance
I dunno if this is even possible in minecraft, but I thought it would be fun if Honey was made into a craftable item and if you could set up "honey bee hives" by crafting them out of different materials. Then, lastly but probably most difficult, the honeybees themselves. Below I have my basic idea for these things...

Bee Hive
Bee Hives produce Honey and Wax, which can be used in custom potions (mead) and items (candle) which in turn can be used for roleplay and in game purposes. All non-wheat crops within 4 chunks of a bee hive drop double yields. They create random bee effects anywhere within 4 chunks of them (bee effects are stationary) and have a bee effect themselves. The more flowers or non-wheat crops that are around them the faster they produce honey comb (double for every 16 flowers/non-wheat crop, max of triple speed).

Birch Stairs | Birch Slab | Birch Stairs
Birch Log | Honey Comb | Birch Log
Birch Log | Birch Plank | Birch Log​

Honey Comb
Honey Comb is produced naturally by a Bee Hive. It can be harvested by right clicking the hive, which opens up a 3X3 inventory slot (same as Crafting Table). A total of 9 stacks of honeycomb can exist before a hive stops producing new honey.

Empty | Wax | Empty
Wax | Honey | Wax
Empty | Wax | Empty
Honey can be used to create custom potions like Mead, Heavy Mead, and named Brews. Mead has the effect of making one dizzy, but giving a strength boost. Heavy Mead makes one twice as dizzy, but gives a larger strength bonus. Named Brews make one dizzy but do not give a strength bonus (RP only). Honey can be found in Honey Comb
Wax can be used to create a few custom items. Candles, for example, which give brighter light than a torch but for a more limited area. Wax can be found in Honey Comb.
Candles produce twice the brightness of a torch but for half the area. They are crafted by placing 1 coal above 1 string above 1 wax. They can be placed on transparent blocks.
Empty | Coal | Empty
Empty | String | Empty
Empty | Wax | Empty​
Mead has the same attributes as a Strength 2 Potion, but lasts twice as long and causes dizziness.

(In a Brewing Stand):
Potion of Strength | Potion of Strength | Potion of Strength​
Heavy Mead
Mead has the same attributes as a Strength 2 Potion, but lasts three times as long and causes dizziness.

(In a Brewing Stand):
Mead | Mead | Mead​
Named Brew
A Named Brew is a brew that, when produced, has a randomly generated name (ex: Essence of Burning Village). It gives no In-Game boosts, but does cause dizziness in the player for 30-120 seconds (random).
(In a Brewing Stand):
Awkward Potion| Awkward Potion | Awkward Potion​
Bee Effect
Bee Effect is the 'appearance' of bees. It takes on the same form as Mycelium or Bedrock, except yellow in color. Bee Hives have a bee effect and generate 2-6 random bee effects within 4 chunks of their location. Bee Effect can also spawn in any location that has a concentration of flowers greater than grass and is within 4 chunks of an Oak Tree (natural hive). If the tree is chopped down the effects with vanish, but can return if a different Oak Tree is nearby/planted.


I dunno, I just want to be able to get into a drunken brawl or something. I think this would be a fun plugin that could get more pvpers or just general players into roleplay, as they would allow people to get into legit drunken brawls where they have no idea what's going on and just hit stuff. It would also add the ability for taverns to actually sell drinks to other players, and for candles in libraries.
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Beautiful… just beautiful...
Love the random potion idea,and this could all in theory be done through plugins and re textured blocks
-My thoughts on all of this.-
My bees shall sting those who defy me. But I do know there is a mod for bees but I am unsure the work for it to be a plugin.
I love the idea, but I'm fairly sure you'd need a client-side mod as well if you wanted new items and mobs…
I love the idea, though I believe it would require a client side mod.
To put it bluntly, there are better uses of Cayorion's time (such as MassiveMobs, the trait plugin to replace races, magic). If there was already a plugin coded for this, perhaps, but this is a non-coded idea, so I'd say no.
I'm not sure whether this is necessary as this is quite well thought out but if you would like I can put in my opinion as a developer? And while yes @Azas, Cayorion is the developer of so many Massive plugins, he's not the only plugin developer available to the MassiveCraft Team :I
I find this simply enthralling. I would love to add a few bee houses or whatever to the Pariah Farms. By that of course, I mean about 30 chunks worth! *Laughs maniacally....
To put it bluntly, there are better uses of Cayorion's time (such as MassiveMobs, the trait plugin to replace races, magic). If there was already a plugin coded for this, perhaps, but this is a non-coded idea, so I'd say no.

I know, I'm not telling anyone to make it a priority :) Just to think about if this could even be possible with a plugin using re-textured blocks and renamed items. If not as a server-wide plugin, it would be cool to see a few bee hives outside, say, Havenreach or Regalia. Just for added roleplay :)
I don't know much about OptiFine if I'm honest (I don't even use it, actually, so please correct me if I'm wrong) , but I gather there may be a way to retexture things with it from the server side? If you only wanted a simple retexture, you could put a small option in the OptiFine settings on the client-side that changes the texture of a rarely used item? Of course, for those of us without OptiFine, this is going to look odd, but maybe a small plugin could fix this.
Maybe barrier blocks could be retextured once 1.8 comes out? Of course, you could just make a texture pack for all of this, but I imagine it would be very useful to have a simple switch you could click (Swapping high-res texture packs can take quite a while, and is not the sort of thing I want to be doing often if it's avoidable...).
I'd love this game-wise. For now however, plop some droppers down and call them beehives. Yes, I think I'll do that now...
@Sven Tu
I like it... and with a tiny retexture... even more convincing. Unless I was the one retexturing, in which case it would look like an upside-down unravelled jumper full of celery. Actually, I'm not especially helping my own argument, am I? O_O
Is anyone on this server, besides Cayorion, capable of coding? Not that I'm try to come off rudely, I cannot code either. However, It seems he does alot, so maybe if anyone, not only staff, knew how, they could help him out?
To put it bluntly, there are better uses of Cayorion's time (such as MassiveMobs, the trait plugin to replace races, magic). If there was already a plugin coded for this, perhaps, but this is a non-coded idea, so I'd say no.
Is anyone on this server, besides Cayorion, capable of coding? Not that I'm try to come off rudely, I cannot code either. However, It seems he does alot, so maybe if anyone, not only staff, knew how, they could help him out?
I believe I threw my the offer for my opinion as a developer out there but it was looked over, I guess as it's requested I'll give it.

In regards to your OptiFine comment, the developers on this server are in no way able to edit the settings of OptiFine for such a thing. OptiFine is a mod created by a third party and as such, is not available to edit by the public. Also, I highly doubt an of the Techs are gonna jump at the chance to edit a mod as modding is quite different to creating plugins.

I think the only problem you would face are bees. the theory behind using re-textured is that you take a block, change the item meta, or the item characteristics, and give it a new value but the same texture as another block by default unless the client is using the Resource Pack that contains the re-textured block, in which case, when looking at the block number inside of the Resource Pack, instead of seeing the default block (a dropper to use a comment above) they would see a bee hive but to those without the Resource Pack enabled, enjoy the dropper. To use a direct example of re-texturing we can look at the entryway to the docks. It relies on item number, which is why it's done with World Edit, because it doesn't have an item for when in the inventory, it would not appear with the re-textured block in the inventory. To use another example would be the trade crates one can win from voting, the appear as a wooden plank but when placed, to anyone using the MassiveCraft Texture Pack they see the crates. Essentially you could create a plugin that did similar, when a person breaks hive, it disappears and they get a drop that represents the bee hive.

Sorry that was so detailed and possible unwarranted in depth explanation of how that would work. Hope it helped.

2014-03-11_06.33.08.png 2014-03-11_06.33.31.png
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Is anyone on this server, besides Cayorion, capable of coding? Not that I'm try to come off rudely, I cannot code either. However, It seems he does alot, so maybe if anyone, not only staff, knew how, they could help him out?
There is a tech department but as far as I know, Cay's our main coder (when he's healthy :()
There is a tech department but as far as I know, Cay's our main coder (when he's healthy :()
I got that, but if someone independently wanted to make this mod, you wouldn't turn them away, right?
(PS I do hope Cay recovers)
Nari absolutely would love honey, if I can get hands on these in RP. I hope this happens, or can be made possible!
This would not work because you cannot add blocks/items... HOWEVER there is the custom lore items on this server, and some boss mob items are not used, as in they could retexture wither's star into honey,wax, and whatever else they want with massive texture, and change it where they can't be used on beacons, then the enderdragon egg could be a hive, which you could interact with, they could code to where it WOULD NOT teleport. So yes there is ways around problems.

Also, since this is a whole different world, hives do not have to hang from trees or something like that either, they could have their own lore and things, well that's my input :D

Tell me if you like the idea at all.
This would not work because you cannot add blocks/items... HOWEVER there is the custom lore items on this server, and some boss mob items are not used, as in they could retexture wither's star into honey,wax, and whatever else they want with massive texture, and change it where they can't be used on beacons, then the enderdragon egg could be a hive, which you could interact with, they could code to where it WOULD NOT teleport. So yes there is ways around problems.

Also, since this is a whole different world, hives do not have to hang from trees or something like that either, they could have their own lore and things, well that's my input :D

Tell me if you like the idea at all.
It is possible to add cusomt textured packs if someone uses the Resource Pack but if they aren't then they see a normal block.
Recommends, yes. That doesn't mean everyone uses it. Over-reliance on it for things like this would mean people have to use the official one rather than their own unique texture pack.
I don't think it's fair to exclude some people from an entire aspect of MassiveCraft like that just because they find other sets of graphics pleasing to the eye.
Recommends, yes. That doesn't mean everyone uses it. Over-reliance on it for things like this would mean people have to use the official one rather than their own unique texture pack.
I don't think it's fair to exclude some people from an entire aspect of MassiveCraft like that just because they find other sets of graphics pleasing to the eye.
The whole thing behind retexturing blocks is that you define a "back up" block, to a sense of the word, so if they don't have the texture pack then that's what they see. Something like a dropper would be a good "back up" block for hives. I would say enderdragon egg as @5devildragon suggested but they are unfortunately treated as entities and as such, can't be retextured for what is suggested
You can retexture stuff server-side?
You learn something every day…
You can retexture stuff server-side?
You learn something every day…
To an extent, I think I may have explained it further up but essentially you create a new block with a new ID number, then give it the default texture (perhaps a dropper or something) then in the Resource Pack you want it used on, go to the place that counts for that item ID in the picture file (kinda hard to explain as I'm not that good with that sort of stuff) and put in the custom texture.
Mech, I think I already know the answer, but does this stem from Mitsubushi, Okyno?

*Sorry I still cant get the ruddy spelling of that town down xD
Aaaahhh… that makes sense. Sorry, that wasn't brilliantly clear in your first post. Thanks!
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