
Ayda pulled the horse to a halt as she came upon a familiar sight. It had taken her, well, a while to get here. First there had been the week on the boat that actually had not been that bad. Then there was the farmer she had to deal with to get the horse she was currently riding. The jerk had pawned off what probably was his worst horse on her, but hey. At least it has done its job. Just slowly. Very, very slowly. Then there was all the searching and question asking that she had to get here. At least those other tribes and villages had been helpful in her journey. A journey, that was about to come to its end. For a while, anyways. Ayda disembarked her horse, taking up the reins as she observed her tribe from a distance. Estel, did it get smaller? It seemed quieter than she remembered. Well, only one way to find out. "Come on." She mumbled to the horse, then started her trek over. It did not take for long for her to be noticed, and an even shorter amount of time for her to find herself wrapped up in a giant hug from her father. She sniffled softly as she was squished, going to wrap her arms around him and hug him back. She was home, she was safe, and, quite frankly, she really did not have a care in the world besides that right now.

OOC Stuff:
I am going to be temporarily shelving Ayda for a bit. I'm doing this because haven't liked how I have been playing her these past few weeks, so I'm taking some time to think about how I'm going to progress her as a character and hopefully go back to playing her in a way that I like. I also want to focous on Theo some more and develop her character. This will probably last around a week OOC, but IC she would be gone for a few months.
Tags of people who probably care about this:
@Owiver_ @Tracenator1 @JennaLikesCoffee @BeashSlap @TheMoistestMan @anyoneelsewhoIrpwithasAyda
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Ayda pulled the horse to a halt as she came upon a familiar sight. It had taken her, well, a while to get here. First there had been the week on the boat that actually had not been that bad. Then there was the farmer she had to deal with to get the horse she was currently riding. The jerk had pawned off what probably was his worst horse on her, but hey. At least it has done its job. Just slowly. Very, very slowly. Then there was all the searching and question asking that she had to get here. At least those other tribes and villages had been helpful in her journey. A journey, that was about to come to its end. For a while, anyways. Ayda disembarked her horse, taking up the reins as she observed her tribe from a distance. Estel, did it get smaller? It seemed quieter than she remembered. Well, only one way to find out. "Come on." She mumbled to the horse, then started her trek over. It did not take for long for her to be noticed, and an even shorter amount of time for her to find herself wrapped up in a giant hug from her father. She sniffled softly as she was squished, going to wrap her arms around him and hug him back. She was home, she was safe, and, quite frankly, she really did not have a care in the world besides that right now.

OOC Stuff:
I am going to be temporarily shelving Ayda for a bit. I'm doing this because haven't liked how I have been playing her these past few weeks, so I'm taking some time to think about how I'm going to progress her as a character and hopefully go back to playing her in a way that I like. I also want to focous on Theo some more and develop her character. This will probably last around a week OOC, but IC she would be gone for a few months.
Tags of people who probably care about this:
@Owiver_ @Tracenator1 @JennaLikesCoffee @BeashSlap @TheMoistestMan @anyoneelsewhoIrpwithasAyda
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