Archived Holy Water In Regalia

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look at my BLOUSE
Aug 12, 2013
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Since we are all well aware of the sheer abundance of flaming red-eyed vampires in our wonderful city, I believe that citizens of Regalia should be able to throw holy water at them and have its effects not be nullified. I want to prevent a vampire invasion just as much as the next person, so adding this would be beneficial to the roleplay idea that vampires are to be outcasted and persecuted.

The idea I'm putting forward is that Holy Water would cause their temperature to go up, even if it's night and they're in a protected area. The temperature should not go up as high so that they catch on fire, but only perhaps to the point where they go blind, maximum, as to keep the affects of the potion to a non-fatal point.
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Since we are all well aware of the sheer abundance of flaming red-eyed vampires in our wonderful city, I believe that citizens of Regalia should be able to throw holy water at them and have its effects not be nullified. I want to prevent a vampire invasion just as much as the next person, so adding this would be beneficial to the roleplay idea that vampires are to be outcasted and persecuted.

The idea I'm putting forward is that Holy Water would cause their temperature to go up, even if it's night and they're in a protected area. The temperature should not go up as high so that they catch on fire, but only perhaps to the point where they go blind, maximum, as to keep the affects of the potion to a non-fatal point.
Great.... I have pale skin and red eyes now im going to get soaked everytime I go to the tavern ;-; im a fucking elf dang it D:
This would be abused. Very abused. People would run around lobbing holy water at everyone around the tavern. Anyone who was a vampire would constantly be harassed nonstop. While I generally 'dislike' the usual vampire rabble, there are a couple people that I'd rather not seen be harassed by five or more randoms, most likely non-premiums, that sit there and lob holy water at them while screaming "VAMPIRE! VAMPIRE!" and then getting us Guards involved to come and execute them.
Then instead of having everyone be able to use holy water, maybe only guards/crimsons and possibly nobles?
Since we are all well aware of the sheer abundance of flaming red-eyed vampires in our wonderful city, I believe that citizens of Regalia should be able to throw holy water at them and have its effects not be nullified. I want to prevent a vampire invasion just as much as the next person, so adding this would be beneficial to the roleplay idea that vampires are to be outcasted and persecuted.

The idea I'm putting forward is that Holy Water would cause their temperature to go up, even if it's night and they're in a protected area. The temperature should not go up as high so that they catch on fire, but only perhaps to the point where they go blind, maximum, as to keep the affects of the potion to a non-fatal point.

It can also cure partial turned humans
Then instead of having everyone be able to use holy water, maybe only guards/crimsons and possibly nobles?

Allowing the use of holy water in the jail has been loosely discussed but it's doubtful anything will come of it. You've got to remember, not even the Guards are above abusing their power.

It's best to just ignore the majority of the bad role-players that run around as vampires. It's annoying but has proved the most successful.
This would be abused. Very abused. People would run around lobbing holy water at everyone around the tavern. Anyone who was a vampire would constantly be harassed nonstop. While I generally 'dislike' the usual vampire rabble, there are a couple people that I'd rather not seen be harassed by five or more randoms, most likely non-premiums, that sit there and lob holy water at them while screaming "VAMPIRE! VAMPIRE!" and then getting us Guards involved to come and execute them.

Why is this a bad thing it would solve the damn vampire infestation I disagree that potion could be abused, this was there purpose why limit its potential, it would encourage people to hide more! And not to mention it would make a vampires life as dangerous as it should be!
Why is this a bad thing it would solve the damn vampire infestation I disagree that potion could be abused, this was there purpose why limit its potential, it would encourage people to hide more! And not to mention it would make a vampires life as dangerous as it should be!

Because all of the bad role-players would go and get themselves cured, then run around holy watering the few GOOD vampire role-players we have on the server.

I would rather ignore the bad ones to help preserve the good role-players, than give the bad role-players tools to harass the good ones off the server. Would you like to have five or so people sitting around you, tossing holy water on you, causing your screen to go crazy and black out while you're trying to have a conversation in character with someone else, all the while having to read through the spam of people screaming "VAMPIRE!"?
When people are at Regalia they might not want to RP, someone could wait at the spawn and throw holy water at suspicious people, who don't want to RP and it could have negative reactions, maybe, somehow it could be so that it doesn't set them on fire but it makes them poof or something simular. Everyone has the right to say: "I don't want to RP"
There still should be some sort of requirements for vampires. I cant stand having new players running up to me asking for blood or making that god awful screech for fun.
agree agree agree i hate bad roleplayers just being vampires because its "cool" and not for roleplay purposes
Because all of the bad role-players would go and get themselves cured, then run around holy watering the few GOOD vampire role-players we have on the server.

I would rather ignore the bad ones to help preserve the good role-players, than give the bad role-players tools to harass the good ones off the server. Would you like to have five or so people sitting around you, tossing holy water on you, causing your screen to go crazy and black out while you're trying to have a conversation in character with someone else, all the while having to read through the spam of people screaming "VAMPIRE!"?
I would much prefer this, than all these horrendously bad vampire roleplayerz running around shouting to roof tops that they will drain your blood, at least this way round the bad roll payers will be hunting them like noobs and making the atmosphere more realistic, however you look at this there are negatives, but from my point of view the sever has a shortage of humans, humans are a rare breed on massive! Almost everyone is a vampire or another race, which is odd cause the lore implies humans have the greatest population? And if they allowed a method to purify the vampires then the server in my OPINION would be more realistic, you would just have noob vampire hunters and not noob vampires, an easy solution to the problem of spamming the potions, is to have a cool down of sorts on there throwing
I would much prefer this, than all these horrendously bad vampire roleplayerz running around shouting to roof tops that they will drain your blood, at least this way round the bad roll payers will be hunting them like noobs and making the atmosphere more realistic, however you look at this there are negatives, but from my point of view the sever has a shortage of humans, humans are a rare breed on massive! Almost everyone is a vampire or another race, which is odd cause the lore implies humans have the greatest population? And if they allowed a method to purify the vampires then the server in my OPINION would be more realistic, you would just have noob vampire hunters and not noob vampires, an easy solution to the problem of spamming the potions, is to have a cool down of sorts on there throwing

Actually, there are a lot of humans. Take into account ALL of the nobles, most guards and the crimsons.
I honestly feel it should just bring their temp high enough to make them weak. It won't be as terrible when used, but it still had an obvious effect.
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