Holiday Scavenger Hunt


When virtue is preyed upon.
Jun 21, 2013
Reaction score
The Glitter Freeze
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds
The Hammers of Holmganga
In celebration of the holiday season, I will be hosting a brief scavenger hunt with regal and lore item rewards. There will be 30 items to find, varying from easy to difficult. Finding items earns you unique lore items and some extra pocket money.

But there's one catch: This isn't IG. This isn't IC. This isn't on the forums, the website, or the wiki. This is real life. So grab your cameras and start hunting!

December 31st at 11:59 PM (EST)

  • This is a real life scavenger hunt. This means you're not allowed to use images from your computers, books or magazines, labels or signs, billboards, etc. Note: This does not cancel out figurines, costumes, or replicas of the real thing.
  • Every picture you take must have a tag of some sort. A tag refers to a piece of paper with your username on it, in each picture. This ensures the legitimacy of the image. If your username is not in the image (cannot be photoshopped, must be irl), the image will be disqualified. Tag Example 1. Tag Example 2.
  • Please keep all images in one post. You can edit the post to add/remove images, but once the deadline is hit, you cannot touch it any more. Any posts with edits after December 31st will be disqualified.
  • Random prizes will go out for creativity and originality. These prizes will be unnamed for now, but will be awarded when I find truly spectacular work done to find or make the items.
Old Gods Dradel
A traditional wooden toy with names of the four Old Gods carved into each side.

Prayer Log
Write your wishes for the following year on this log, and set it alight!

Stuffed Bird
This bird seems menacingly… fresh. Did it just blink?

1st Prize - Find all 30 Items:
750r + Old Gods Dradel + Prayer Log + Stuffed Bird

2nd Prize - Find 25 Items:
500r + Prayer Log + Stuffed Bird

3rd Prize - Find 20 Items:
250r + Stuffed Bird

Hunting List:
  1. Ice
  2. Santa Claus
  3. Decorated Tree
  4. Chocolate
  5. Menorah
  6. Hot Cider
  7. Wrapped Presents
  8. Chimney
  9. Carolers
  10. Christmas Lights
  11. Krampus
  12. Wreath
  13. St. Lucia
  14. Turkey
  15. Cookies
  16. Origami Ornament
  17. Basil
  18. Stocking
  19. Reindeer
  20. Milk
  21. Nutcracker
  22. Bells
  23. Snow
  24. Potato Pancakes
  25. Dradel
  26. Cinnamon Sticks
  27. Fireworks
  28. Piñata
  29. Lit Red Candle
  30. Shoe Filled with Candy
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...-runs downstairs and out the door into the snow-

Currently Creating Images As We Speak.
I read the list, so many of those things don't exist in my town :(
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Christmas Lights, Krampus, Milk, Decorated Tree, Dradel, Nutcracker, Snow(Flake), Cinnamon Sticks, Potato Pancakes, Shoe filled with Candy, Santa, Carolers, and Hot Cider. Yes I know most of this is drawn. Don't have much of this stuff so I have to retreat to my sketchbook.


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I finished! I got 20 of them done, but the stocking one for some reason was a bit blurry, but if you don't believe it's mine you can tell by the notebook and well, try to see through the blurry writing. If anything I could repost that one if it won't work. So yeah. c: Also the white stuff in the little plate thingy is fake snow, since out here we get /no/ snow at all. But luckily I had a kit for fake snow! C:

Wait so all those items will get me the regals and lore items? But it's not like..a limited amount of prizes right? Or is it first come first serve?

"And Krampus is a Christmas devil right? So i would assume an object that resembles it? Not the actual devil..

St.Lucia? I googled it and it was a location..." @Ryciera ??? Help clarify a bit, thanks..
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Wait so all those items will get me the regals and lore items? But it's not like..a limited amount of prizes right? Or is it first come first serve?
Unlimited amount of items. So if 45 people got 20 items each, all of them get the bird.


Merry Christmas!
(Explaining these to my mother was... difficult).
Ice: I was really bummed at first since I'm lacking in any snow/ice
here in Italy, and then a thought occured to me. Forged Ice. Then an
even better idea came to me... c: The 1980s were fun, yo.
Santa Claus: The search for Santa began at around 2:15 pm, and promptly
ended at 3:00 when I saw this in the kitchen. It's best not to disturb Santa when
he's high on his cookies.
Decorated Tree: I tried my best to clear the area of Italians for y'all,
also attempted at making any lights not rave. They were so
excited to get their picture taken they couldn't help but dance.
Chocolate: Living in the land of pizza means italian chocolateall day, ereday on Christmas.
I received these two thing here, which were eaten moments later by my step brother
instead. It should be noted that living in an Italian household means every man
for himself on Christmas Day.
Wrapped Presents: Now... this may look like a shabby way to wrap presents, but it's
most definitely a really efficient manner of doing it! I promise, or your erm. Money back.
Yep! The present itself? Oh, no, not a book at all! But instead, this! Isn't that a damn
shocker? The stocking also paid a visit at this time.
Chimney: I assure you, just above this picture is indeed a chimney. I couldn't
quite capture it without being flooded with dust and soot. So, hey ho, chimney o'.
Carollers: I personally dislike Carollers, but I couldn't resist this one, especially
since it's Christmas! It'd be bad spirit of me to turn them away. He had a
bit of a suspicious Bible, and... well, everything, but he sang beautifully!
Christmas Lights: I overheard the lights scream "Look at me, take a picture
of me!" As I sauntered over toward the tree. Though, this particular one
took the prize, as it simply looked at me with it's cute little sparkles... The
moment I took the photograph though, I was met with RAVE RAVE RAVE.
I was mistaken. Never trust any light, ever.
St. Lucia: Thankfully for us, our little tortoise, who is currently asleep, has the
name Lucia. Why? Why not! Thank goodness for coincidental names for
animals. If anyone claims she isn't a saint, she saved a dying kitten
from a group of vultures while she was travelling in Mexico. Ain't she just
a saint of all the tortoises there ever was? Truly an inspiration.
Turkey: Since turkies aren't really sold around these parts of Italy,
or... well, Italy in general, I decided to turn to my last resort. Praise the
Lord for my quick thinking. I was almost giving up!
Stockings: Ah, yes, the ugly Christmas Stockings have come out to
drape across my desk. They stay there, waiting, empty for some time
until Christmas morning, when my mother stuffs them with all
the chocolate she can manage. Which usually ends up with the
stockings falling upon my keyboard and chocolate flying everywhere.
Reindeer: Ah, yes, finally a peaceful animal we can pursue! Now... where is
Rudo-- Gah! This is why we musn't leave the Reindeer unattended! Run, quickly
children, before we all burn (trying to explain this one to my mother was
particularly difficult. She just shook her head and left me to my business)!
Milk: Why a shot glass, you ask (that rhymed!)? Well, my mother didn't
want me wasting milk, and Santa has been getting a bit chubby recently.
Nutcracker [1] [2] [3] [4]: Here we discover, that I am indeed, a nutcracker (PUNS)!
Snow: See, originally I was hoping to post a picture of Jon Snow and myself
drooling over his brilliance, however when I found this wasn't possible, flour
was the next best option in this country of utter sun and heaaaat. Santa was
Potato Pancakes: Allow me to introduce my friend, Harold. Harold dosesn't
speak much, however from time to time he mumbles about how sitting upon
this very odd pancake would displease his spuds, whoever they may be. I
suspect they're his children. We can never be sure. He also complains about
not really being potato pancakes, but we ignore that... shhh.
Cinnamon Sticks: When I went out to buy some of these delicious things, I
was met with a woman claiming these to be such. They were not tasty. My
family agreed. Italians do not know how to Christmas! D8
Piñata [1] [2] [3]: My brother piñata very kindly allowed me to
murder him for his exquisite candy wafer treats. Don't threat!
We used to power of Christmas to revive him shortly after. c:
Shoe filled with Candy: Ah, yes. This was most definitely the least
reluctant one I wished to partake in. Easiest, though! ;D

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Bonus points for creativity. ;D

Also, anyone with a freezer has ice or snow fyi. :P
Can't be creative at 11 pm ._.

Also our freezer is slightly broken and takes like a really long time to make ice.
Also the heat will melt it instantly.. ._. Ily bae australia <3
-scrambles around trying to upload everything- Eeee I got some!
Since there is absolutely no snow where I am for the holidays, I used snowflake ornaments…and the confetti gun and the poppers are the closet thing I could find to fireworks, and they make smoke and stuff like fireworks, so hopefully that counts.
Actually have quite a few of those items on the list now that I've noticed.