Preserved Sheet Hjørdis Faust

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Dec 28, 2013
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the cursed village of DARGAVS
Qadir Sultanate
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Hjørdis and Aikaterine by @Gabriel



Basic Information
  • Full Name: Hjørdis Klary Faust.
    • also known as:
      • Rudy Meisner.
      • Hedwig Kjellfrid.
  • Age: Twenty four.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Ailor of New Regalian descent, afflicted with the Umredd bloodline.
  • Main Ambition: INFAMY through illegal pirate activities.
  • Religion: Way of Tides.
  • Hjørdis currently resides in a cozy apartment located on top of a local pub. The space is shared with Wesley Dahl, a childhood pal and probably her best friend.
  • Born to Philip and Helena Black (nee Faust) in El Puerto Azul, Hjørdis's noble upbringing provided her with the opportunity to take up training as a privateer in addition to attending military school to be a tactician.
  • Some other familial relations include, but are not limited to:
    • Glambis Faust of Rector Island.
    • Duchess consort Elenoir Martinez (nee Faust).
    • The Martinez family (distantly, and not by blood).
    • Christopher Black.
    • Elizabeth Black.
  • As for her other goals, right now Hjørdis has some things in her sights:
    • Proving herself to be a capable privateer.
    • Traveling to the mysterious lands of the south.
    • Getting into bed with all the attractive individuals of Regalia.


Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Rusty red, originally hazel.
  • Hair Color: Dark brown, occasionally wears a strawberry blonde wig.
  • Hair Style: A very messy quiff.
  • Skin Color: Suspiciously pale.
  • Clothing: Dark colored trousers and a simple, light blouse. Some boots are likely to accompany the outfit.
  • Height: 5'9.
  • Weight: 144 lbs.
  • Body Build: Toned and ruler shaped.
  • Weapon of Choice: Cutlass.
  • Hjørdis is five feet and nine inches tall and weighs about 144 pounds. Like many of her family members who are also sailors and privateers, the woman is rather toned. In terms of body type, Hjørdis maintains a rectangular figure, what little amount of shape she has concealed by her generally loose fitting attire. Overall, her body weight consists of mostly muscle, but more of it is in her lower body rather than her torso and up. Hjørdis's legs are particularly strong and she has quite a bit of stamina when it comes to traveling long distances or moving around quickly. A rather uncommon trait among those of House Black, Hjørdis has an unusually pale complexion. Though she tends to be outside more often, it's still rather difficult for her to get a tan. If she is in the sun for an extended period of time, the woman will get a nasty sunburn. Hjørdis has an average amount of light colored body hair, more so on her legs then her arms. She usually doesn't shave very frequently, seeing as she keeps most of her skin covered when out and about and at home. The woman merely doesn't see the need for pampering herself incredibly often, as she doesn't intend to impress anyone.
  • Hjørdis's face is of an oval shape accompanied by high cheekbones, with a slightly up-turned nose. Her eyes are rather large, but she has a tendency to squint when not wearing her glasses. The woman's greenish-brown eyes are not something commonly seen of a person in House Black. Her thinly plucked eyebrows form a neat and nearly symmetrical arch. Regularly darkening them to perhaps seem more masculine, she sees it as much more of a priority than doing so with her eyelashes. Hjørdis is most often seen with a neutral expression or a sardonic smile. As of right now, Hjørdis's hair is actually a dirty blonde shade, worn in a messy quiff. This is what she wears as Rudy . However, she has a number of neatly kept wigs in her possession. When portraying Hjørdis, her style isn't that much different even with a wig. Though it can be assumed that the quiff is messier.
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  • On most occasions, Hjørdis will wear a loose white blouse under a beige cashmere sweater, a fancy brown belt thrown in to separate dark purple trousers and dark grey boots. Even in the summertime, Hjørdis finds herself with the dark blue trench coat, something that ties the whole getup together.
  • Rudy generally wears the kinds of things Hjørdis has on outside of Regalia, except much simpler than the outfit of a noble as to not arouse suspicion. He tends to enjoy the comforts of harem pants, a style popular in Etosil and introduced to him by none other than his beloved Aikaterine. Etosil has some great fashions adored by both Hjørdis and Rudolph. It is an absolute necessity that her movement should not be restricted in any outfit Hjørdis wears, so corseted gowns are out of the question.
  • Hjørdis speaks with a slight Regalisch accent, though it is predominantly Ceardian. She speaks several languages thanks to noble tutelage and time as a pirate:
    • Alt-Regalisch (native language, 10/10)
    • Common tongue (native language, 10/10)
    • Faraddi (conversational and trade purposes, 5/10)


Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits

  • Negative trait 1 - Apathetic: Hjørdis is the kind of person who isn't easily upset, so it irritates her when people whine about petty things. This is simply because she doesn't believe they have the right to complain over their botched haircut; it's even offensive as there are folks dying all over the place. Aloria has so many problems that affect practically everyone; none of them give a rat's butt about some random lad losing his makeup kit and causing a fuss.
  • Neutral trait 1 - Facetious: Making fun of people is something Hjørdis really enjoys, even if it is kept to herself around ninety percent of the time. It's a very bad habit of hers and has got the woman into a handful of horrible situations in the past. Though she's definitely gained some more self control, it's still fun to (very, very privately) laugh at Ulric Typhonus's mustache. Important events are hard to take seriously, but somehow Hjørdis manages to fake it until she makes it. At least until she's home. Her sense of humor is very deadpan, jokes often made with a blank face.
  • Neutral trait 2 - Deceptive: At a glance, Hjørdis may appear to be the stereotypically reserved and restrained ex-noblewoman, her phrases meaningless and memorized. This is of course intentional as maintaining a formal exterior is very important, especially when making first impressions. However, should one manage to befriend the woman, she will break out of her shell sooner or later and become a person who barely resembles her previous self. Hjørdis is, in actuality, a fun loving woman who frequently indulges in deep conversations, an amateur chef, and an avid reader, just to name a few things. It all depends on the time and the place.
  • Positive trait 1 - Gallant: When the day ends, Hjørdis wants to be viewed as a hero. Whether she happens to be defending Rerik or Chris from an attack, or achieving something noteworthy, the woman wants to be praised. Certain aspects of her bravery are admirable, such as the willingness to enter danger for the greater good. On the flip side, this can lead to Hjørdis forgetting where the boundaries between heroic and plain stupid lie.
  • Neutral trait 3 - Pensive: Hjørdis is the kind of person who likes to sit back and relax after brewing herself some peppermint tea and reflect for some time. A common topic for her to think about is what she aspires to be. It generally stays the same, but every now and then a new idea may pop up. She's nearly always contemplating something, whether it's why she thinks that nobleman has such awful hair, or what she may want to get a friend of hers for their birthday. This leads to her being quite absentminded at times, frequently dozing off when she should in fact be listening intently.
  • Negative trait 2 - Artificial: Sarcasm is rampant in Hjørdis's home. Of course, the woman has gotten used to the concept of being fake, even finding it amusing to a certain extent. Her rudeness to certain individuals isn't always genuine and something to be taken seriously, though that does not make it any less hurtful. In spite of that, Hjørdis often puts on a quiet, unassuming mask when around most other members of nobility, quite often feigning smiles and compliments. This personality she'll wear is nearly the opposite of her true side: an outgoing, cocky and perhaps even flippant woman who loves to have fun. But it's definitely not easy to tell if Hjørdis is genuine or not, especially as she has no qualms about lying to a person's face.
  • Positive trait 2 - Approachable: Even if she has not met someone before, Hjørdis is rather easy to talk to. While maintaining a proper sense of social etiquette, the woman manages to keep a fairly laid back demeanor. There is rarely a time when she is not willing to chat and joke around, and this likely stems from her upbringing, as well as the people she surrounds herself with. Sailors are generally merry folk, the crew of the Lutreolina being no exception. Hjørdis's casual attitude has garnered mixed opinions throughout her whole life. Some enjoy the woman's company, while others find it unladylike. Of course, this all vanishes as soon as Hjordis is agitated, in which she will not hesitate to lash out physically.
  • Negative trait 3 - Judgmental: Hjørdis is very quick to judge people, and first impressions last a very long time. Though she tends to not have a strong racial bias (to any race excluding Maiar), if someone -- regardless of their age, intelligence or species -- is wearing something Hjørdis would not approve of, she would automatically try to avoid them. Being rather opinionated at times, it is an immense challenge to try and change her beliefs, as she is persistent. This is obviously a burden to some people.
  • Vigor: Life is a wonderful thing that Hjørdis approaches with enthusiasm and zest. She knows that not everything will turn out perfectly, but she is generally excited for what opportunities the world has to offer for her. Although life may seem bleak and grey at times, the woman tries her best to be an optimist and to find light in the blackness of the night. Often seen grinning or smirking, Hjørdis approaches life with a certain nonchalance that has a tendency to win the favor of friends and even enemies.
  • Agility: Being light on her feet comes in handy whenever Hjørdis goes out to sea. The woman's lithe form enables her to climb, run and swim fairly quickly. Additionally, this gives her an advantage when evading attacks from enemy forces.
  • Resourceful: Years spent in the great outdoors have surely paid off, as the woman knows a decent amount about basic survival skills and even more when it comes to sailing. Scrounging the surrounding area for food and water are one of her specialities, because Hjørdis is surprisingly quite the chef. Most plants can be identified as either poisonous or harmless due to her wanting to research herbalism in case of emergency.
  • Avaricious: Whenever she travels, Hjørdis has an immense desire for material gain -- most notably treasure and the like. It becomes her priority, rather than the safety of herself and allies. Hjørdis is notorious among her crew members and fellow privateers for being extremely greedy, as this selfish craving can blind her from what really matters. Though this has never occurred before, the woman is prepared to betray those closest to her for the sake of getting that one piece of treasure she wants.
  • Superstitious: It's kind of expected of a privateer to believe in things they don't necessarily understand. Hjørdis is not a Unionist, but a devout follower of the Way of Tides. Like most of her colleagues, Hjørdis is cautious of going about some activities such as whistling, believing that it will bring a storm. The red sky at night saying is followed like law. From an outside perspective, these superstitions are inconvenient as they do not permit simple everyday activities such as eating a banana, just to name one. Hjørdis will refuse to start the day without tossing a pinch of salt over her shoulder. This has the potential to annoy her peers profusely, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
  • Left handed: Most objects and gadgets are tailored for those whose dominant hand is their right. Lefties have seemingly been forgotten by society, and that irritates Hjørdis. When she dines, she can accidentally knock glasses over. And the infamous handshake. Naturally, the woman will use her left hand, but has to force herself to shake with her right hand for the sake of submitting to society's tradition. Bad impressions are often made.
  • Arrogant: Though Hjordis was always prone to thinking herself braver and stronger than most, the vampiric affliction has exacerbated her delusions. Now she firmly believes she is invincible and unstoppable, requiring little to no help whatsoever from just about anyone. Hjordis is independent to a fault; not only does she not need anyone, but needing anyone at all is a sign of weakness. Family used to matter to her, but that sentiment has all but faded away except from the deepest part of her psyche.
  • Poor Aim: Two different factors can make Hjørdis's aim fairly inaccurate. This greatly increases the risk of injury as well as some other major consequences.
    1. Nearsightedness: Though she can make out the basic outline of shapes, subtle details can go unnoticed. The smaller the target, the more likely Hjørdis will miss it. While she owns a pair of glasses, they're not usually worn due to being considered too nerdy for the woman's liking.
    2. Lack of Arm Strength: Although she's not necessarily weak, anything as heavy as a sword can get difficult to carry. Swinging it around is even worse, since it'll inevitably weigh her down.
Describe your character's skills; abilities they've developed, but not necessarily put at the forefront of their lives. For example, if your character is a good cook, but not a chef, or if they are a good horse rider but not necessarily a competition racer, you would mention them here. Feel free to mention multiple skills but try to keep your character from becoming over skilled.

Describe your character's talents, their inherent abilities that truly set them apart from the common population of Aloria. These talents are the kind of abilities other people would want to go to your character for to teach them. These are things they haven't specifically developed, but have a natural affinity for.

Describe any number of Character Quirks your character has, strange behavior that they exhibit in certain situations. For example, a character rubbing a beard when nervous is a quirk, or a character biting their lips when doing math is a quirk, or a character shuffling their feet when talking to someone is a quirk. Quirks are not mandatory and may be left out if the writer doesn't want to include them or can't think of any.

  • Being Tough: Hjørdis is the kind of person who wants to gallantly defend women and children from harm and gain a lot of praise out of it. It's an almost fatherly instinct of hers to protect those who cannot defend themselves. Perhaps it is also partially because she wants to prove herself to the world that she is not just a wimp and a defenseless young woman. Or she just wants to act as macho as she can.
  • Romance: This is actually a bit of a tough one to describe. While Hjørdis deep down wishes to find love and settle down with someone she adores, the woman tries to keep herself away from it to prevent future heartbreak. But that warm fuzzy feeling one gets when they fall for someone is indeed something she misses. More than anything, Hjørdis wishes to follow her heart but is afraid of letting someone else have it, lest they decide to give it away.
  • Music: Being a privateer, it is not surprising that Hjørdis has had her fair share of sea shanties and other exotic tunes. She's traveled far and wide, and the music of each place she goes to is her favorite part of each voyage.
    • At age twelve, Hjørdis received a guitar from her cousin Chris when he had returned from Lusits. Both of them struggled to find a proper teacher until Ciriaco Delgado, a crew mate of Chris's, casually mentioned at one point that guitar was one of his favorite pastimes. He had reluctantly agreed to teach the young, giddy girl all he knew about the instrument, and was pleasantly surprised by how naturally music seemed to come to Hjørdis. She kept on playing the guitar long after Ciriaco admitted he had taught the girl everything he could, and practices nightly to this day.
    • Another one of Hjørdis's hobbies is singing shanties with her crew mates while helping out on the ship. It serves as a helpful tool to increase the speed of working as well as distracting a person from their boredom.
  • Mint: The fondness Hjørdis has for the scent and taste of mint has existed for a very long time. Making weekly trips to herb shops to purchase some, she tends to nibble on the raw mint leaves while working. Its refreshing taste helps Hjørdis think more clearly, and empty her mind of any unrelated thoughts that could potentially distract her. The flavor usually remains in her mouth for a few hours or so if she does not eat or drink anything else.
  • Women: Hjørdis is a relatively open homosexual, something that she's only recently gained the confidence to show. In the past, her fear of ruining House Black kept poor Hjørdis ashamed and trapped in the closet. While it's not like she'll actually ever explicitly admit her sexuality to someone, it really isn't that difficult to make an assumption. But assumptions aren't definite, so the woman feels as though she has the upper hand in such scenarios.
  • Shade: Hjørdis has always disliked throwing shade for a number of reasons.
    1. First and foremost, it's because she's horrid at it. She's normally very blunt and being overly subtle with her insults just seems degrading. The closest thing to shading that Hjørdis will do is make witty commentary and remarks about the mishaps of others, but even then, it's not going to seem like she is being nice. If Hjørdis dislikes a person and wants them to know how she feels about them, she'll be more direct about it.
    2. It's also just petty in her opinion. Pushing down other people for the sake of rising up? Not even just emotionally, but gaining more prestige from it. That whole system Regalian nobility seems to follow is completely backwards. There is nothing wrong with being kind to people. One should be loved, not feared by their own peers.
  • Being weak: Don't ever mistake Hjørdis for a helpless damsel in distress. She does not need or want rescuing from a dragon. Even setting aside the whole damsel idea, she thinks that even the slightest hint of her emotional vulnerability will be detrimental to her reputation. If this were the present day, she would be a sucker for romantic comedies behind closed doors, while pretending to only be interested in programs like Game of Thrones. This whole tough facade that the woman puts up is only true to an extent. Her love life is the Achilles's heel, and one blow can make her crumble.
  • The Doldrums: Hjørdis dislikes two similar versions of the word.
    1. The version related to sailing/being at sea: A privateer's worst nightmare is to be stuck out at sea when there is no water current nor wind to produce any motion, especially if they are completely surrounded by the ocean blue. These periods of stagnation can last days or even weeks, and while they may seem like a simple hindrance, being in the doldrums poses a legitimate threat. Firstly, the longer a crew is out at sea, the more food they will consume. And what if the supplies they need run out? Cannibalism or starvation, a decision Hjørdis has luckily never faced. But it does make her a bit nervous whenever she goes on a voyage.
    2. The version related to emotions: Inactivity is something Hjørdis can hardly tolerate. Nothing can stay the same for too long, or the woman will grow bored and perhaps even despondent. Her life thus far has been fairly eventful, and that is precisely what Hjørdis is accustomed to. If that lifestyle were to change from being dynamic to idle, adapting to it would probably be done in vain.
  • The Patriarchy: There is nothing she despises more than the patriarchy, and nothing else has been as big of an obstacle in her life. It's prevented Hjørdis from attending naval academy, owning multiple ships, as well as a handful of other things. But most of all, she is tormented by the fact that she'll likely never be permitted to be happily in love due to her homosexuality.
  • Idle Conversation: Few things bore Hjørdis, but idle conversation is resented by her. Topics like the weather or someone's outfit simply do not matter. They have no point nor use. In spite of her generally placid exterior, a frown is bound to appear should she be involved in pointlessly chatting for more than five minutes. She'd much rather play a game of cards without a word being uttered than only discussing stupid topics.
  • Maiar:

  1. Hjørdis Klarisse Black is born to Philip and Helena Black in Saiqat, the second youngest of several siblings.
  2. Reuben and Hjørdis are practically inseparable throughout their childhood, especially when the two of them befriend a lad named Wesley Dahl.
  3. Philip Black gifts eleven year old Hjørdis a ship on her birthday, which she names the Lutreolina. Not long after, she changes her name to Klary -- something more gender ambiguous.
  4. For a few years prior to attending military academy, Klary tags along on the adventures of the high seas, even learning how to become an excellent privateer.
  5. Between the ages of sixteen to twenty one, Klary attends college to become a tactician.
  6. For a year after getting out of college, Klary spends more time at sea and participates in raids and even espionage.
  7. At twenty four, she finally chooses to head on over to Regalia (much to the shock of practically all the members of House Black living there).
  8. As a result of consistently struggling with severe depression, Klary runs away to the Emirate of Saruhanna with Wesley, engaging in some less than legal pirating.
  9. Upon returning home, Klary leaves House Black and takes on the surname Faust. At this point in her life, she aspires to become the most feared and unforgettable pirate in Aloria's history. This rather violent desire is exacerbated by her recent vampiric affliction of the Umredd type, however Klary still retains some semblance of empathy and normalcy in terms of behavior. This occurred approximately two months ago. As a result, she tries to protect both sides of her family by hardly (if ever) referring to herself by the name she's best known by, and thus introduces herself as Hjørdis for the most part.
On the twentieth of September, Liesel Klarisse Black was born to Helena and Phillip Black in Saiqat, Saruhanna while they were on a vacation. Complications were absent in the birth, though it caught the couple by surprise. They remained there for several months while Helena recovered, before heading back to Narlas to reunite with the rest of the family.

A Wee Mischievous Beastie (ages 4-10):
Liesel's childhood was a fun one, to say the least. She and her brother Reuben were prone to mischief and took pride in their pranks (often taught by the sailors who worked for their father). At precisely five and three quarters of age, Liesel met Wesley Bradford Flanagan, who would come to be one of her best friends. He was six and Reuben eight, and the three were the unofficial terrors of the town.

The Greatest Birthday Gift:
When Liesel turned eleven, she received a brand new ship from her father, and even got the privilege to name it. Being such a cheeky young girl, it was no surprise that she decided to name the vessel the Lutreolina. Her minimal knowledge of sailing and boats compelled Phillip and Helena to hire the crew members on their own, some of them being other members of House Black. It was also around this time that Liesel dropped her current name, opting for a shortened, gender-ambiguous version of Klarisse: Klary. It took some time for the whole family to adjust to such a profound change, even though she was officially Klarisse Liesel Black.

Ages 11-15:
While Klary was never officially a privateer, she usually tagged along on the voyages as a "guest," for the sake of seeming like a proper lady. However, as time went on and the more she got to knew her fellow pirates, the girl was eventually viewed as a crew member and gained similar training as many of them -- from sailing to swinging a cutlass.

During this time, Klarisse progressed to middle education and was taught the basic affairs of the military. Of course, she wanted to attend the Regalian Academy of the Captaincy, and was infuriated by their rules keeping women out. Though a covert believer in the Way of Tides, the young woman disagreed with their superstitions regarding females.

At age fourteen, the entrance exam into the schools was administered; the result got Klarisse rated as "Strategos." For an additional two years spent primarily at sea, the young, perhaps angsty woman decided to attend L'école de l'esprit féminin Supérieur, believing the comprehensive strategic and tactical education provided to be the next best thing. Furthermore, Klary, as a clandestine homosexual, was eager to spend most of her learning time with other girls. Besides, there probably wouldn't be that many sexist males that could possibly bother her, so it was all right.

L'école de l'esprit féminin Supérieur (ages 16-21):
Klarisse bid farewell to the high seas, her crew mates and her family prior to her departure to Vixhall. She was saddened to a degree; the ocean was her home, but the experience of school was priceless.

The young woman was a bit of a troublemaker, having been away from such a disciplined setting for an extended period of time. She subtly flirted with her peers (though they all interpreted it was her just being nice), and got back into pulling pranks on the people she did not enjoy the presences of.

By the time Klary reached the end of the five year course, she was extremely proficient as a tactician, but was dismayed by the law preventing her from joining the army. Yet another great opportunity gone by.

Ages 22-23:
After her return to the Lutreolina, Klary applied the tactics taught in school to her work as a privateer, even overseeing the expeditions and raids. She was fairly nomadic for those two years, but that was not something Klarisse viewed negatively. It was mostly laid back and fun; she never quite adapted to the strict militaristic lifestyle that was ubiquitous at L'école de l'esprit féminin Supérieur. Sure, being a tactician was great, but Klarisse always knew she was meant to be a privateer.

Coming to Regalia (age 24):
Klarisse planned to make Regalia her (semi-permanent) home. She packed up her few belongings and waited until the Lutreolina stopped in Regalia to depart. However, Klary wasn't the only one leaving. Rerik Ulster, a kindly Orc she'd known for so long, as well as some others arrived in the Holy City with her. In retrospect, they all left at a horrible time; the Qadir were just about to occupy Regalia.

Roughly two peaceful days were spent in the city before Klary and the crew were scrambling to find a proper disguise. She was somewhat pleased at the predicament, having always wanted to experience what it was like being a boy. As a result, Rudy Meisner materialized; the alter ego was conceived over a decade ago but never portrayed. It was fun to have a separate identity, with few repercussions for openly flirting with women. Rudy met plenty of friends in this time and even fell in love with a woman he found out was homosexual (much to Klary's relief).

As soon as the occupation drew to a close, Klary returned to her noblewoman self, carefully putting Rudy Meisner away for future use. With almost everything back to normal, she had to find Christopher, the new patriarch. Oh, was he in for a huge surprise.

When Andrieu Anahera had seized control of the Regalian government for a month or so, Klary (and the rest of her family) was forced into hiding for the second time in the same year. Rudy, on the other hand, emerged from the shadows to agitate the vast majority of people he interacted with. Some fun times, for sure. On a number of occasions he almost picked up several women, but realized it couldn't actually happen seeing as... Well. He was actually a she. Oh well.

Wesley Dahl, Klary's longtime childhood friend, moved to Regalia around this time and moved in with her. Those two were the utmost SLOBS, but they absolutely loved that lifestyle of uninhibited drugs and sex, even throwing frequent parties and completely forgetting about them the next day.

To keep up with such a lavish lifestyle, Klary (but as Rudy) and Wesley set out to find jobs. After days of lazy searching, they encountered a short, mustached Dressolini man by the name of Giuseppe Rizzo, who owned a sandwich shop in Regalia. He offered them jobs as delivery boys, something that the two eagerly took (and enjoyed thoroughly).

Running Away:
At one point after almost being sent to treatment for alcoholism and addiction to drugs, Klary made an escape and ended up running away to the Yang-Tzu Isles with Wesley. She'd had this mindset for quite some time but hadn't been given the opportunity to actually do so.


Klary Black and Wesley Dahl

After a long time of chilling out and partying in Saruhanna, they all returned to Regalia. Klary, upon speaking to Christopher, was promptly disowned for not caring about the family enough. She was oddly relieved by this decision as Klary had doubts that she'd be able to come to it herself.

The new surname Faust was chosen, and that ended up being her identity. What a relief, to finally not have to carry such a heavy weight of a surname on her shoulders!

Present Day:
Though she technically lives in Regalia, Klary makes frequent trips with her fellow crew members to faraway lands and exotic places. This is somewhat of an escape from the cutthroat nature of nobility, but abandoning the friends she's made in Regalia is out of the question. To this day, Klary Faust divides her time between staying where her heart is -- at sea -- and residing in the city. Recently, due to some rather unfortunate encounters with the petty criminals of the under city, Klary contracted vampirism of the Umredd sort. Not wanting to risk her birth family any reputation damage, she secretly retained it and sticks to the use of aliases whenever possible.

Rudy and Wesley continue to work as sandwich delivery boys (albeit very lazy sandwich delivery boys), though their jobs are currently on thin ice due to some embezzling issues. Of course, Rudy only works at night and wears dark shades all the time.


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> Samuel Quentin - accomplice nerd, @ContestedSnow

During their two years spent in college together, Klary was a notorious but well liked wild child. Samuel, on the other hand, was studious and never once got threatened with expulsion by the headmaster. And in spite of their differences, the two became friends right away. Samuel was bullied incessantly by his peers for his gender and ranking on the social hierarchy, but found solace in Klary's companionship. With her overly lax temperament and behavior that overtly marked her as a stoner, Klary often acted as the mediator. She was good at diffusing conflicts, often by offering everyone drugs or moonshine.
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I am reviewing this character!
  • So relevance in nobility, but what else? Does she not have goals for her loved ones? Is there not someone she fancies? Does she intend to learn to play the Lyre? Come up with other things you can work on in-game, each and every time you log in.
  • I need more in "approachable". How did she gain this trait, how do others perceive her for it?
  • I'd like one combat related weakness to be added, to balance both her political and piratey skills.
  • Do some relationships, even if they're among the family.
  • Tag me when you're done @Mother_Manatee
Your Progress: Under Review!
"It is sickening to know that some people are capable of committing such atrocious acts, is it not? When I initially heard of the unspeakable crime against our holy emperor, I will admit I was indeed frightened! But we must not let ourselves be overcome with fear! If we do, we are allowing whoever did this the satisfaction of knowing they'd succeeded in causing an uproar. We must not let ourselves be overcome with hatred, for that is precisely the nature of the perpetrator. Regalia has endured dark times, but the sun always rises after night. We, as loyal citizens, must stand united to further demonstrate that we indeed are stronger than whoever dared harm the emperor. For they will be found, and justice will be delivered. It is easy to turn your backs on those closest to you in the wake of such a tragedy, but do bear in mind that while great evil may lie in some, never lose sight of the fact that there is far more good to be found in the world. And good always prevails over malevolence."

- Klarisse Black, at the mass held for the Emperor after he got poisoned and shit

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Note: This is what happened the day after Andrieu took over, js.

Klary had always wondered what it'd be like to be a boy, so she was oddly enthusiastic despite the current situation in Regalia. The note Chris had left her was menacing, yes, but also liberating.

Hide yourself. Wear disguises, and trust no one. NO ONE. Burn this letter and leave. They'll search the house.

Since she wasn't yet on the lam, Klary -- undisguised but still lowkey -- started heading to her boat in the Ithanian district. That certainly wouldn't be on the search list for members of House Black, if there even was one. She could find some supplies there, as well as a good part of her wardrobe (for more outdoorsy attire). But who would give Klary a makeover? Aikaterine? No, she was an amateur, and probably wouldn't want to help the woman after getting her heart broken by her. It was far too risky to tell anyone at the time, so she'd just do it herself and play the haircutting thing by ear. Or eye. At least she had the materials, so how difficult could it be?

It took several hours longer than it should have for everything to look just right. Klary Black was nowhere to be found -- a young Regalian lad named Rudy Meisner had taken her place, with short, dirty blonde hair that was styled to be fairly tall on the top. He had sideburns, but they were unfortunately still pretty short. Rudy's attire was simple, made up of a loose fitting linen shirt and some trousers. An aqua colored scarf was thrown in as an accessory, a huge contrast to the brown hues of everything else. Overall, Rudy felt he was a pretty convincing boy. At the least, one could find his gender to be ambiguous, which was fine enough.

Klary Black had been gifted with a naturally deep voice within the female range, so speaking as Rudy Meisner wasn't such a hard thing to do. Remembering to stick with it was a whole other story. Oh gods. What if the character was broken? (I DID NOT BREAK THE FOURTH WALL.)

Re-entering the grounds of the winter festival felt like stepping into another world. Though it wasn't the environment that had changed. It was Klary, an entirely different person.

Cute girls, prepare to be kissed under the mistletoe. Your husbands better watch out . ;) There were already people on her hit list.

Like Ania Santorski.

@MantaRey @Film_Noir @kizzlez
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*mild roars of rage can be heard from the distance*
honestly best char app bc of superstition. honestly.
The Journal of Klary Black: Entry One

Lief dagboek,
Tot nu toe weigerde ik om een dagboek bij te houden, aangezien me meerdere keren verteld geworden is dat het te meisjesachtig was. Meisjesachtig is het laatste wat ik wil worden, daar vrouwelijkheid een zwakte is. Misschien is het daarom waarom ik zo een hekel aan Dianne Coen heb. Als je meisjesachtig bent, dan ben je van nature een watje, en niets is ergerlijker.
Ik ben ongelooflijk depressief. Wie had gedacht dat Regalia, een stad vol met mogelijkheden, mijn gevoel van eigenwaarde en mijn gevoel van vrijheid zo zou verlammen?

Voor elke stap die ik zet word ik bekritiseerd; er zijn mensen die zorgvuldig kijken naar zelfs de kleinste fouten die ik zou kunnen maken om tegen mij te kunnen benutten. Hoe kan iemand zo leven?
Mensen hebben mij verteld dat ik er mee om moet gaan, maar met elke dag die voorbij gaat voel ik mezelf zwakker en zwakker worden. Het is me aan het verstikken. Een paar keer heb ik zelfs het beëindigen van mijn agonie als optie gezien, maar dat is een veel te permanente oplossing.

Soms vervloek ik mezelf om geboren te zijn geworden in de adel. De mensen zijn onwetend als ze denken dat de rijken het beter hebben -- ik zou iedere dag de keuze kunnen maken om een gewone burger te worden als het kon. Het leven zonder een zorg in de wereld, en niet te worden beperkt door al deze regels. Dat is een echt paradijs. Ik ben van plan om te vertrekken en om vergeten te worden, en misschien om terug te keren als een nieuwe persoon. Misschien niet als een Black, maar ik zal wel zien hoe het zal aflopen. Ik moet leren dat het leven nog altijd mooi is, en dat kan alleen bereikt worden door het wat tijd te geven.

Klary Black

Dear Diary,
Up until now, I have refused to keep a journal, having been informed on a number of occasions that it was too girly. Girly is the last thing I want to become as femininity is a weakness. Maybe that's why I loathe Dianne Coen so thoroughly. If you're feminine, you are by nature a pushover, and nothing is quite as aggravating.

I'm incredibly depressed. Who would have expected Regalia, a city so full of opportunity, to cripple my self esteem and my sense of freedom? Every move I make, I am judged for; there are people who carefully watch for even the tiniest error to hold against me. How can anyone live like that? People have told me to just deal with it, but with every passing day I find myself weaker and weaker. It is suffocating me. Once or twice, I have perhaps considered ending my suffering entirely, but entirely is far too permanent of a solution.

Sometimes I curse myself for having been born into nobility. People are ignorant if they think the rich have it better -- I would become a commoner any day if I could. To live without a care in the world, to not be restricted by all these rules. That is a paradise, truly. I plan to leave and be forgotten, and perhaps return as someone new. Perhaps not as a Black, but I'll see how things turn out. I need to learn that life is still beautiful, and that can only be accomplished by leaving for some time.

Yours truly,
Klary Black

Thank you @Mozzarelli for the translation<3
Character Development Study Over Time: March 28th

Subject: Klary Faust-Terlinde

Health: Food, shelter, employment

  • Although she's now a commoner, Klary has access to everything she needs to survive. Privateering pays well, in addition to her other jobs.
Affection: friendships, family, love
  • Klary has friends, but hardly anyone she feels is incredibly close to her besides Wesley. She tends to keep people at a safe distance, not wanting to face another heartbreak.
  • As a result of leaving House Black, Klary is incredibly estranged from her relatives. She was this way before, however, but thinks didn't seem too glum. Nowadays it's like she has no one. Family is an obligatory friend who will go to your side to aid you whenever, but what other Fausts are there? Klary feels increasingly isolated and alone as her new reality begins to sink in.
  • It is safe to say that Klary does not feel loved by anyone, even if her friends like Wesley do.
Understanding: education, information, teaching
  • Klary acquires new information all the time. Most of it's stuff she doesn't exactly want to know about.
  • Sure, it's taken a while but Klary is well aware of the fact that freedom comes at a hefty price. Sacrifices must be made to achieve things.
Participation: duties, understanding from others
  • Klary does not feel needed in this world, but she strives to make a name for herself as a Faust.
  • To a degree, Klary feels understood. She's not particularly vocal nor discreet about her sexuality, but no one seems to treat her any differently -- a huge relief.
Leisure: recreational activities, parties
  • Games are fun for Klary, depending on what kind of games they are.
  • Klary is a party animal. She refuses to attend noble galas but adores the ones where she can get totally wasted and forget where she left her horse.
  • Vacation is fun, but she sails about on the Seafaring Moose to wherever Klary is going.
Creation: abilities, skills, lasting creations
  • The green thumb still applies.
  • Not yet, but she'll dismantle the PATRIARCHY at some point (or so she hopes).
Freedom: rights, autonomy, freedom of movement
  1. The best part about being a commoner is not having to give a shit about reputation. Klary finally feels free to be herself, something she's yearned for her whole life. But is freedom worth severing ties with your biological family? Is it worth being all alone?
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