Preserved Sheet Hiroaki Himura

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Lottie the Lotus
Jun 15, 2016
Reaction score
Basic Information

-Name: Hiroaki Himura (Utahime or Songbird to his sister.)

-Age: 19

-Gender: Male

-Race: Chi'en-ji

-Main Ambition: To help expand the families wealth and power, as well as to help grow all of the families trades and businesses.

-Special Permission: N/A

Visual Information

-Eye Color: Gold

-Hair Color: Black

-Hair Style: His hair is long and pulled into a ponytail.

-Skin Color: Yellowish-Bronze

-Clothing: He wears a green jacket with a black belt and black trousers.

-Height: 5'6

-Weight: 125

-Body Build: Slim but not malnourished

-Weapon Of Choice: He is a very non-combative person, though if he is in need of fighting he will use his Deafening Lyre Magic.

Ryoko Himura @Angelus_Sai : His older sister, and one of his closest friends. Hiro looks up to her and credits her for his many different skills he's learned such as how to play the piano. She is also one of his closest friends and he considers her dear to him.
Aika Himura @CthulhuPulu : His mother, normally Hiro would see her as a safe, trusting person who he adores. Though after recent events, they have a rocky relationship.
Fray Vantilian @SasuNaru2016 : His ex lover.
Seraphina Eroth @WalnutNinja : Hiro's all but adoptive, mother, though she is much older than him, he still considers her a close friend and even family.

Personality And Abilities

Personality Traits

: Hiroaki is very dependent so when he gets in situations of talking to new people alone, he can get shy or awkward and attempt to look around for someone familiar to help him out. Not to say that when he is needed he won't step up, but in most situations, he tends to leave the first encounter talking to someone else. This trait probably comes from never needing to talk with others except for those closer to his age. This trait is very prominent in large events where he can often be found sticking close to someone he knows, or in first encounters with others where his speech isn't very bold.

: Hiroaki is very meticulous in his life and thinks that everything has its place. This is very obviously shown in his day to day life as he is constantly seen cleaning things and organizing. This trait probably comes from him growing up in an immaculate household. This trait affects his conversations as he can very easily get distracted by dirty or out of place objects.

: Hiroaki is as most teens are, impatient. This is very obvious in his day to day life as he is constantly getting distracted by unclean things and tends to get impatient in unpleasant conversations. This trait can sometimes cause him to miss the point of a conversation as he is too busy waiting to get out of it to pay attention. This trait probably comes from his ever curious mind that distracts him all too easily.

: Hiroaki is very oblivious to the world around him when he is interested or enjoying something, say a cup of tea, or a drawing. This makes him quite easy to fool as he doesn't notice what is going on around him once he is latched to something. This trait affects his ability to catch on to things as he doesn't always catch the main point of things. This sometimes makes him frustrated when trying to solve problems or puzzles.

: Hiroaki loves to explore and run around. He is most often found playing in the park or running around town pretending to be an animal in the spirit of adventure. Likes to find hidden crevices around town and explore different buildings. This trait gives him a beautiful imagination and provides for some tall tale stories every once in a while. This tends to make him have very eventful days leaving him tired and wanting sleep as they come to an end.

-Kind Hearted
: Hiroaki has a beautiful soul and a kind heart. He hates to see people doing wrong and tries to make people happy with his music. This trait probably comes from the innocence that has grown on him from his sister shielding him from sad, or evil events. He has a large faith in the good in the world and tries to make people smile and help them as much as he can.

: Hiroaki is very optimistic and doesn't like to see the bad side of things, and if he does he ignores it. This is very prominent in his everyday life as he is often seen trying to find the good in a bad situation. This trait affects conversation as he tends to be very light spirited in harsh topics and finds there is always a bright side to everything. His optimism makes him very open to new ideas and new things.

-Persuasive: Hiroaki has a gift for affecting people's moods, especially with his beautiful singing voice. Tries to get his way in conversations by using his optimism to find upsides to his side of an argument or to get his way. This strength is prominent when he is in conversation about getting something he wants or doing something he wants to do.

-Agile: Hiroaki is a short slim kid and it has left him rather agile. He has a decent sized stamina bank and is quite good at dodging around people and can run decently fast. This strength probably comes from his constant love to run around and explore places leaving him in decent shape.

-Discrete: Hiroaki is a very light person and walks very quietly. As he is small and light on his feet combined with being agile he is very good at finding places to hide and getting around unnoticed. This strength comes from a combination of his traits and other strengths and is one that is quite handy when he is in trouble as he doesn't like fighting.

-Indecisive: This weakness comes from his dependence on others, causing him to rather someone else make the decision for him, except for a few cases. This weakness causes him to be very terrible at making quick decisions. This weakness is evident when he is in conversation and has to make a choice.

-Naive: Hiroaki is emotionally vulnerable in a sense that, yes he is anti-social but when he does get close with someone, he is often too trusting. Leaving him vulnerable to emotional hurt. This trait causes problems for him when it comes to friends, as he is often too trusting to those he shouldn't be.

-Physically Weak: Hiroaki is for lack of a better term, physically weak. He prefers to sing, read, write, draw, practice his magic, or play the piano when he isn't hanging out with friends. All of these actions take up his time leaving no room for working on his physical strength, not that he would want to anyways. He doesn't find a need for physical violence. This trait is very prominent in physical confrontations where he prefers to try and stun them with Deafening Lyre Magic and then run away.

Life Story

Early Childhood
Hiroaki was born on August 20th, 285AC, to Aika and Takahiro Himura. Since he could walk and talk, he has always been found around Ryoko his older sister, or his mother. Ryoko would always sing to the young boy which gave him a love for music since day one, and his mother Aika was always cleaning or tending to the wounded in the clinics they owned. As such he has basic understandings of how to treat wounds and has also grown meticulous over the years, cleaning and singing whenever he grew bored or nervous.

Hiroaki at around the age of ten still stuck around the two previously mentioned family members, his singing skills had grown considerably. This point in life was also a major turning point for him as he was told that his mother, him, his sister, and a few other relatives were moving to Regalia in pursuit of a new business venture. However arrival there brought a few strange things. for one they were called names by few, apparently, gold eyes were not always the most welcomed sight. Along with finding an injured noble, who they rushed over to help, their timing and aid ending up being a major help. To show gratitude the noble granted the family a barony. Though Hiroaki was not sure what this meant at the time, he was more interested in exploring the large city then dealing with its politics. At around the age of 14, he began learning, preservation and deafening lyre magic. Though he currently is not collared.

Teen Years

Hiroaki soon after his arrival had made a friend named Fray. This girl grew to become his best friend as they both were often found together at the park, running about. The more time he spent with her, the more the boy realized he was in love with her. This eventually leads to the two starting a relationship at around the age of 16. Upon reaching the age of maturity, or 16 he was given the mark all family members get at adult age. A tattoo of the great loong dragon. The dragon's claws wrapping around where his heart is, the dragon's head biting down on his shoulder, as its tail begins on his right side near his waist and the dragon wraps around his chest up to the opposite side of his collar bone. Currently, he spends time working at the tea shop, practicing his talents, or running about the park.
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The one issue I see is that your character has a tie, which is an incompliant article or lore clothing, please edit this.

Also, a smaller point, the name "Vulnerable" should perhaps become "Naive" based on the points it makes.

Tag me after the edits are made @ShKnRu