Preserved Sheet Hippolytos Tzavaras

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Sep 21, 2016
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Basic Information

Full Name: Hippolytos Tzavaras​

Age: 26​

Gender: Male​

Race: Ailor - Etosian​

Main Ambition: To glorify his existence by completing tasks such as fighting in wars with a main goal of winning a Grand Tournament by the end of his life or at least one of the many brackets within.​


Skill Information

Viridian Order

Warrior - First Sergeant

Viridian Order​


Visual Information

Eye Color:
Hazel Brown​

Hair Color: Chestnut Orange​

Hair Style: Short and wavy

Skin Color: Light tan

Clothing: Despite being a knight Hippolytos will often be a seen in a variety of casual clothing, the seasons generally dictating the colour of his attire. As seasons change so do his preferences, the gloominess of winter making him prefer darker colours and the brightness of summer making the opposite true. Nevertheless he does have his own own full plate steel armour set draped in the colours of the Viridian Order, though it is very unlikely for him to be seen wearing it unless absolutely necessary. In day to day existences he will often outfit his usual garb with a chainmail chest covering, along with leather shoulder guards, gauntlets and grieves also under his clothing.​

Height: 6ft 0 inches​

Weight: 185lb​

Body Build: Currently most of his muscle is centred on both the triceps and biceps of his arms in order to maintain stability and to prevent overuse injuries when fighting. His back, knees and hips are also particularly muscled to enable endurance and he is always working to strengthen his core muscles. Though it would be right to say his muscles are toned and well built it would be otherwise to claim he could be observed as some sort of bodybuilder as he tends to weigh in on the lighter side of Viridian Knights due to deviating from the norm of pure brute strength among Viridian Knights as his use of a halberd requires more agile and precise movements in his arms when striking rather than just heavy slashing and stabbing.​

Weapons of Choice:
- Halberd: Haft 1.8m length, head of weapon consists of a main axe head with a hammer on the reverse. The axe head itself is smaller than most (resembling a poleaxe) enabling more kinetic energy when swung to break through the armour of opponents. Two rings down the haft in order to prevent slipping and a spike at either end of the haft (both the butt and the head).

- Longsword:
Overall length 1.25m including grip, pommel and handguard. Pommel is a lions head made of a mixture of steel infused with traces of silver under a slight belief that it may help to ward off unnatural beings.

- Rondel Dagger: Side arm. Doubles up as Misericorde. 45cm fully in length with circular guard.

- Longbow: Length of 1m with a draw weight of 138 pounds. Utilises arrows with broadhead points. Learnt outside of the Viridian Order as a hunting hobby.

- Lance: Specifically only on horseback.

Personality and Abilities


Personality Traits
  • Pampered - Enjoying the finer things in life, Hippolytos will always try his best to remain in comfort rather than put actual effort into anything outside of that he enjoys or deems worthwhile. Whilst he is an avid fighter being part of the Viridian Knights, outside of that due to his family's status he seeks mainly pleasure below duty. Of course while family comes first, when offered the choice of doing something beneficial to others over himself he is unlikely to comply unless someone takes the time to persuade him heavily. Being this way also draws on others opinion of him being rather insouciant even if the truth is rather different. If however his lifestyle is threatened, Hippolytos will always put himself in harms way to rectify this mistake.​
  • Self-Righteous - Hippolytos truly views himself as a pinnacle of humanity and honour. Despite being arguably a complete idiot at times, he will seldom concede being wrong and calling anything he does into question will often result in fierce backlash on his part. Seething remarks would likely soon follow and inbuilt into all of this is deep vanity more for his abilities than his looks. No, not in the usual sense of beauty but rather in the sense that he feels he knows better for he has been trained to follow the Code of Charlemois under the Viridian Knights. This code is the only righteous code that exists in the lands in his opinion even if he struggles to 'turn the other cheek' on occasion.​
  • Protective - While often guarding any brand new objects he has received with an odd brashness. His best example of protectiveness in a certain regard is that he possesses a deep sense of ownership towards those he considers in close need of guidance. This tends to fade off when regarding friendships and romances and is more aimed towards the younger generations in his extended family. Even while not under strict ownership or responsibility of said children or young adults it cannot be said he does not deeply care for them and is one of his redeeming factors above all else.​
  • Intolerant - Some people, even some races in this world simply do not deserve the time of day and he will make it very politely clear to them he feels this way. He'd much prefer that Regalia consist of some sort of human utopia and will only act kind hearted to other races that he deems aesthetically pleasing. A good example of this would be his compassion towards Yanar; being a big fan of the countryside he does not mind the increased amount of shrubbery walking the paths of Regalia, whereas all Tigran's probably belong in the sewers or in a stew.​
  • Courageous/Stupidity - Ingrained in every single Viridian Knight in the land is an example of courageousness or stupidity depending on how you view these sorts of actions. He has been trained for a long time to never turn your back on a foe and to know what it means to draw your blade. Even in overwhelming odds this man would stand his ground to prove to the world that he was not a coward and deserved his occupation earning him the judgement of 'stupid' in the eyes of some. Likewise he would never shy away from shows of aggression and threats from others, putting himself in harm's way for the life of others time and time again. This to him is what it means to be a Knight, the protection of those worthy and is the tenant in the Code of Charlemois that he embodies the most.​
  • Benevolent - Deep down in his mind he is well meaning and kind to most people with a clear exception for certain races. Though this seems to clash with a few of his other traits, it is important to know that while even undertaking actions that may seem negative to all around him, Hippolytos is only apathetic to an extent and not that mean hearted. He is neither completely emotionless, just may act this way in times of leisure and social activities rather than times of stress. In short; he cares (especially for his family) and had the best intentions. His actions may just not always seem to reflect this to others, only to himself.


  • Viridian Knight (Halberd Specialisation) - His training with the best of the best of the best has enabled him to reach an expertise of fighting that the vast majority of the people in the land never get to reach. Being a first sergeant he hopes that he now has the necessary all-rounded skills needed to push him upwards in the ranks of the Viridian Order, although he is still young and with time comes knowledge meaning he still has plenty to learn with his main aim of one day winning a Grand Tournament. Taking a shining to halberds from a young age, Hippolytos took great envy in learning to utilise what was essentially a combined spear and battleaxe. Greater reach, varied fighting styles, multi-use aspects of the weapon and less of an importance on overcoming your enemy with bouts of strength during other weapon classes all led to him deciding that a halberd was the way for him to go. He often assumes that a shield is a negligible item to possess when your armour is as sturdy as a Viridian's is.​
  • Reliable - People that have formed bonds with Hippolytos and rely on his help will seldom find him not performing at least the smallest of actions to help them out unless their interests directly conflict with his own. Whilst he is all for the pursuit of pleasure even he will get off his backside to go and ensure that people he know are in dire need of assistance at least get a helping shove in the right direction. For his family this can often be quite more hands on with him going above and beyond the call of duty.​
  • Defiant - Very different to not feeling any sort of fear, Hippolytos has instead been trained to suppress fear as best he can and use that he can't to turn into action. His mild apathetic nature only adds to this as he somewhat doesn't actually understand some feelings he has. Nevertheless it culminates in a pronounced boldness and defiance no matter the situation; whether it be courting a lovely female or fighting a seven foot orc.​
  • Agility - Throughout his training practicing fluid motions to overcome his shortcomings in strength compared to much stronger opponents that may come about by genetics alone was of great importance. He never wanted to come to the day when someone with much greater build than him, which among the Viridian Knights wasn't hard to come by, bested him because he'd failed to approach the situation with a varied style. Hippolytos is a very graceful fighter when he has to be, preferring to avoid grappling where best he can by treading lightly even when wearing armour to enable him to move quickly and not anchor himself to a particular point. This technique is reminiscent of non-aggressive fighting styles as he was always trained to be more of a defensive fighter than an offensive one. Crowds watching Hippolytos fight will notice that he does not take a direct route to the enemy and rather attempts to tire out the opponent if said opponent is much larger, through a combination of enlarged distance, moving parries and feints before striking at the opportune moment.​

  • Loneliness - He suffers from a great feeling of not belonging. The eccentricity of his family does not help this as he is seldom anything like they are making him question occasionally if there is something wrong with himself. Preferring life to move along at a more slow and methodical rate he waits patiently for the day to be able to prove himself though he is a man filled with great sadness and longing. In day to day existences when surrounded socially this can lead to him becoming far too distant or uncaring in conversations even to his closest relatives.​
  • Night Blindness - Due to an unfortunate birth defect, Hippolytos struggles to see far distances during night time. This can obviously be quite problematic as he essentially becomes a nearsighted person whenever the sun drops below the horizon. This is especially evident in dark places where torchlight is infrequent. Often during night time walks he will take someone with him just to ensure that he doesn't get lost and can't find his way home.​
  • Hypochondriac - Germs! Germs! The bane of the existence of man! A knight belongs above the dirt on horseback not wading through it! It is his strict belief that even on the battlefield a knights armour and weaponry must remain clean, polished and free of dirt when a break in the fighting comes. In his home life this leads to him severely berating anyone who leaves anything dirty out and unwashed especially in his quarters. Often when talking to any race he regards as 'dirty' he will be seen with a clean handkerchief thrust against his mouth to block the spread of disease.​
  • Past Damaging Injury (Affects Sprint Speed) - During early training at the Viridian Castle, one of the blunted training swords was swapped suspiciously with a much sharper and refined blade. As a new trainee he found himself on the receiving end of a rather nasty stab to his lower left leg that punctuated the muscle but thankfully missed vital tendons and ligaments. The wound was treated immediately in the castle's clinic and because he was young all aesthetic damage has since been long healed unlike very few other minor scars that occasionally dot his body. For Hippolytos that might have been the end of this series of events if not for a few years later when he received a deep bruise near the same spot from a hammer injury that aggravated the old muscle damage. After weeks of pain that eventually subsided it was revealed that his sprinting speed had been severely affected. Although he was still able to move just as quickly as he always had during fights by prioritising movement on his right leg, he was now unable to reach speeds of more than a jog. While no actual pain was caused from this injury these days, his leg would simply painlessly seize up if he ever tried to sprint making it much more difficult for him to run faster than the average human. Fleeing from combat is now rarely an option as simply put most men and women would be able to catch him unless they too could only move at the speed he is able to jog or decide not to pursue him.


Life Story

Born as the youngest son of Chrysanthos Tzavaras and Xanthippe Tzavaras nee Estomneona, Hippolytos was pushed from a young age to engage in what his parents considered to be masculine activities that would later feed into his training as a Viridian Knight and would prepare him for what was to come. They often took the time to try to segregate him from the female group in the family that were his age in order to not impression him with a lifestyle that might not later fall in line with what he would have to put up with for six years of his life. Receiving various tutelage from writing teachers and historians, Hippolytos was soon literate and dreaming of glory and respect from all nations around the world, intending to ensure the family name made its mark on the history books.

Teenage years
In his earliest years it was discovered that he had an unfortunate case of night blindness that was only learnt of when out on a night time walk with his mother when he fell from a pathway into a dirty lake due to a lack of adequate torch lighting. This in turn led to a very severe case of illness he received from the lake that impressioned on him for the rest of his life, leaving him bedridden for a good few months as doctors and physicians worked tirelessly in order to ensure the young boy would survive the year. Since that day he always fears returning to his helpless bedridden state and takes every precaution to avoid illness he can, making quite large lifestyle changes to do so.

Hippolytos only ever had one heavy crush, a young Chien-Ji girl he met that sold flowers from a stall when he was on the cusp of his fourteenth birthday. Toying with the idea of asking her out he would eventually do so and the two spent many days in the park together as their only allowed meeting point much to his father's annoyance. Unfortunately for them both he was soon shipped out to the main castle of the Viridian Order to undergo his rigorous training as a knight after receiving the rating of 'Heere' in his middle education exam. Before departing his parents informed him that the training was incredibly costly and they would expect him to fulfill it without dropping out lest he face severe consequences. Of course without outside access it was impossible to pursue this relationship and marks the first and only girlfriend he has ever managed to have, pursuing his dream of becoming a respectable knight over the comfort of a woman.

After his twentieth birthday and his release from the grand castle of the Viridian Order, Hippolytos actually shunned returning to his family immediately and set out to explore the safer areas of Aloria in order to experience what the world had to offer and immerse himself in varying cultures. On his travels he tested himself as an accomplished duelist mainly winning but also losing the occasional bout. This culminated in him coming away with a decent amount of regals from winnings overall which he then used to repay debts to friendly faces that had helped him along his travels. Obviously due to this he was seldom training with the greatest that Regalia had to offer and so quickly returned after half a year in order to be able to train with the best and brightest after noticing his waning talents. It was then that he was able to finally reconvene with family members that he had not seen for upwards of eight years but found himself quite at odds with a great many of them as he had essentially been cut off from the outside world for so long. Eventually he would manage to settle in and from then on began partaking in Grand Tournaments to try to work his way up in the Knight ranks with a dream of one day winning a Grand Tournament and taking part in all the wars the Emperor bids the Viridian Order necessary to enter.

Present Day
Soon realising that he found it difficult to undertake his duty while living with his main family, he bought a house elsewhere to be less of a nuisance as he liked to make a lot of noise deep into the late hours when training, keeping a lot of the household awake and bringing quite a bit of negativity his way. Suffering from increased loneliness after a few years of isolation, he now seeks re-entry into the main Tzavaras household in order to once more catch up with his sisters, brothers and the many children that have sprung up over the years.​
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Woohoo, another Tzavaras.
specifically the one to replace my tzavaras lol
Peer review time??
  • My man Hippo could benefit as a character from having a good, strong physical weakness that inhibits him occasionally during combat. Can't be one hundred percent Greek badass. I wouldn't replace any weaknesses- just add this one on.
  • For his personality trait 'Courageous/Stupid', perhaps go into a bit more depth on how this trait negatively affects him if you are going to add 'stupid' to the title, haha.
  • That art is CUTE.
Woohoo, another Tzavaras.
specifically the one to replace my tzavaras lol
Peer review time??
  • My man Hippo could benefit as a character from having a good, strong physical weakness that inhibits him occasionally during combat. Can't be one hundred percent Greek badass. I wouldn't replace any weaknesses- just add this one on.
  • For his personality trait 'Courageous/Stupid', perhaps go into a bit more depth on how this trait negatively affects him if you are going to add 'stupid' to the title, haha.
  • That art is CUTE.
Thanks for taking the time to peer review!
Love the character art! Is that a commission? Anyway, I'll get into your review.
  • I'm going to ask you to bump Hippolytos down to a 2nd Sergeant in the Viridian Order due to his youth. Becoming a 1st Sergeant takes years of experience that a 26 year old man simply doesn't have the time for (Especially since, if the life story is to believed, Hippolytos only really started training with other Viridians at age 22). I don't think we have any Lore staff approved 1st class Sergeants below the age of 30.
  • Just a note, because it's totally alright to mention Halberds as a weapon of choice in your app. Keep in mind that they're 100% illegal in Regalia. Even for Viridian Knights (Unless allowed within a tournament or something similar.)
  • Hippolytos' Past Damaging Injury weakness is far too situational. It only applies if it's cold and if he forgets to wrap the wound. This effectively makes the weakness only have a chance of occurring during about 1/4th of the year. I'm going to ask you to either replace this weakness, or add another that's less situational.
Otherwise, you've got a fairly solid app on your hands! Tag me when you've made your edits! Until then...

Love the character art! Is that a commission? Anyway, I'll get into your review.
  • I'm going to ask you to bump Hippolytos down to a 2nd Sergeant in the Viridian Order due to his youth. Becoming a 1st Sergeant takes years of experience that a 26 year old man simply doesn't have the time for (Especially since, if the life story is to believed, Hippolytos only really started training with other Viridians at age 22). I don't think we have any Lore staff approved 1st class Sergeants below the age of 30.
  • Just a note, because it's totally alright to mention Halberds as a weapon of choice in your app. Keep in mind that they're 100% illegal in Regalia. Even for Viridian Knights (Unless allowed within a tournament or something similar.)
  • Hippolytos' Past Damaging Injury weakness is far too situational. It only applies if it's cold and if he forgets to wrap the wound. This effectively makes the weakness only have a chance of occurring during about 1/4th of the year. I'm going to ask you to either replace this weakness, or add another that's less situational.
Otherwise, you've got a fairly solid app on your hands! Tag me when you've made your edits! Until then...

It seems Roze already answered your query about the art ^^
  • I based Hippolytos's rank by studying off of similar aged characters that I found in previously accepted character sheets. Two good examples are Eldrich Reinhard Drache who is currently a first sergeant but is 24 years old and also Reinhardt Alshultz who backstoried attaining first sergeant at 25 years old. Obviously if this is still an issue I will bump him down to second sergeant though I just wanted to make you aware of the other accepted apps.
  • I was sort of expecting this, I know that weapon permits are a thing. I was curious to know where on the forum one would apply for a weapon permit and the list of weapons that they would consider to accept or if it is purely an in game activity.
  • I've edited Hippolytos's injury and highlighted the changes in blue!
It seems Roze already answered your query about the art ^^
  • I based Hippolytos's rank by studying off of similar aged characters that I found in previously accepted character sheets. Two good examples are Eldrich Reinhard Drache who is currently a first sergeant but is 24 years old and also Reinhardt Alshultz who backstoried attaining first sergeant at 25 years old. Obviously if this is still an issue I will bump him down to second sergeant though I just wanted to make you aware of the other accepted apps.
  • I was sort of expecting this, I know that weapon permits are a thing. I was curious to know where on the forum one would apply for a weapon permit and the list of weapons that they would consider to accept or if it is purely an in game activity.
  • I've edited Hippolytos's injury and highlighted the changes in blue!
  • While I think those apps might not quite fit to how the Viridian Order is written and it might be an oversight, I won't punish you for following them as examples. 1st Sergeant it is.
  • Weapon permits are done purely IG and can only be attained for non-military grade weapons.
  • I still find this weakness unsatisfying. The ability to not jump or fall 4 MC blocks (4 meters or 13 feet) is pretty... Universal, I'd say. Most people will be injured in some way from falling 13 feet, and leaping that distance is incredibly difficult. Try again, keep it less situational and really try to write it as a weakness, not just something Hippolytos can't do.
  • While I think those apps might not quite fit to how the Viridian Order is written and it might be an oversight, I won't punish you for following them as examples. 1st Sergeant it is.
  • Weapon permits are done purely IG and can only be attained for non-military grade weapons.
  • I still find this weakness unsatisfying. The ability to not jump or fall 4 MC blocks (4 meters or 13 feet) is pretty... Universal, I'd say. Most people will be injured in some way from falling 13 feet, and leaping that distance is incredibly difficult. Try again, keep it less situational and really try to write it as a weakness, not just something Hippolytos can't do.
  • Understood
  • Understood
  • Third time's the charm? Edit is again done in blue!