Preserved Sheet Himari Amano

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Mildly Thotistic
Sep 17, 2016
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Hie'm'rie Ie'see'ie'ha'ing.
    • Simplified: Hi'mari Ie'sh'ing.
      • Personal Name: Himari Amano.
  • Age: Twenty-four.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Sihai | Common Dynasty.
  • Sexuality: Bisexual.
Skill Information

Proficiency Pool: 29 points.

  • Combat Proficiency:
    • +5 Fast Blade Combat Skill (+5 from points)
  • Criminal Proficiency:
    • +6 Dextrous Rogue Skills (+6 from points)
    • +4 Stealth Rogue Skills (+4 from points)
  • Arts Proficiency:
    • +5 Literary Arts (+5 from hobby points)
    • +4 Dancing Arts (+2 from hobby points, +2 from points)
    • +4 Culinary Arts (+3 from hobby points, +1 from points)
  • Body Proficiency
    • +6 Bodycare Training (+6 from points)
    • +5 Athletic Training (+5 from points)
  • Body Shape
    • Physical: 10
    • Shape: Toned.
    • Body Fat: Low.
  • Languages
    • Common (Fluent)
    • Wa'an (Native)
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Hazelnut brown.
  • Hair Color: Raven black.
  • Hair Style: Tied in an elaborate bun.
  • Skin Color: Light tan.
  • Clothing: Kimonos and robes from the Dexai isles.
  • Height: 5'5".
  • Body Build: Skinny.

Personality and Abilities

  • Character Alignment:
    • Chaotic Good.
  • Character Personality Type:
  • Character's Religion:
    • Dragon Worship (4/10) - White Loong Dragon.
  • Observer Perception: Himari is a caring being. She is generally seen as a friendly and courteous person, but demonstrates a severe flaw that she knowingly detests herself for. Himari is a coward. She avoids putting herself in direct danger for any other purpose or being apart of herself, and will sacrifice her morals and integrity for personal gain. Despite such gross selfishness, the lady is nonetheless an outgoing and friendly person, and will try to hold a conversation with almost everyone. Himari gives off the impression of being generous, kind, and understanding to those who reciprocate it.
  • Self Evaluation: Himari brims with confidence, a pretense for her cowardly nature. The lady can easily succumb to criticism, however, as she takes the opinions of others often too personally. Himari is acutely sensitive and easily impressionable by her family and loved ones. The Sihai echoes well with her cultural beliefs in beauty and harmony, and craves social interaction and attention, making her a 'high maintenance' lady. Himari can be skeptical to mood swings, often experiencing extremes of happiness or even anger.
  • Relationship Handling: Himari has always been a joyful child; she enjoyed every moment she was able to spend around her parents. Even nowadays, she fondly remembers them with nostalgia and loves to return to her time with her parents. Regarding friends, she enjoys and is grateful for every friend she makes, however close friends of hers tend to be subject to extreme personal tenderness. She tends to trust them with basically everything, hiding no secrets whatsoever.
  • Moral Allegiance: Himari is a peacemaker, seeking to mediate conflict as peaceful as possible. Because she intuitively feels that she knows what people want, she can be extremely diplomatic and tactful. Endeavouring to be patient and cooperative, Himari works well with groups and often finds a way of creating harmony among diverse opinions. If it went by her, she'd try to solve everything through the most peaceful and bloodless route.

Life Story

Birth & Childhood [ 0 ― 12 ]
  • Himari was born in 284 AC, on the western part of the sun-kissed Dexai coastal Isles, home to much of the beautiful scenery which the region is famed for.
  • As any other child, she lived with her parents, attending public school and helping her elders out at the farm for the majority of her life. She grew up in a moderately wealthy family, which her parents had worked hard for and provided for her every want.
  • Himari was always a playful, cheerful child. She had no problems with making friends or holding conversations that sometimes even lasted for hours at a time, necessitating tea to be shared with her conversational partners. It's along this point in time when the child crossed paths with another Sihai her age, and they became fast friends. Her new friend was charming in a strange way, but Himari didn't pay too much mind to this.
  • While her family always took a peaceful approach to conflicts, others didn't seem to care. One of those people happened to be her new friend. She wasn't the person she made out to be. In a night like any other, this "friend" showed her true form. She took the opportunity of such event, to feed upon Himari's mother - finally revealing her ex-friend as who she really was; a sanguine. What this creature however neglect, was that the bite was a dangerous one and Himari's mother eventually died from complications arising from it.
  • This rather unfortunate event changed the young Sihai's life, it left her confused, worried and in a permanent shock. She didn't know how to react to such an event, and this showed in her fear for the creatures of the night.
  • While she was mourning over her mother's death, her family business reached a new low, the customers simply wouldn't visit anymore; without her mother, who happened to be the only tailor, as well as talk of Vampiric affiliation, the establishment was essentially ruined. Her family still had enough coin to sustain for a year or two, however they didn't plan on continuing what seemed to be lost already. Eventually, they had to move on.
  • Himari's father made many desperate tries to revive the business they had build up for such a long time, with little chances however. He knew that he wasn't able to take care of the little child all alone, and eventually sent her to the School of Undercroft with enough supplies. This happened at the age of ten.
Adolescence [ 13 ― 19 ]
  • Himari, while still not being over what has happened to her mother, spent the next ten years at the School of Undercroft in the inland of the Dexai Isles, in where she eventually got to meet people of all kinds. This is also where her education of the common tongue began, getting a first grasp onto the language. While originally she was only supposed to stay for six years, Himari's mentor added another four years on top of that, for she was too young to learn as fast as the other students.
  • Himari seethed for vengeance, even if she knew that revenge wouldn't bring her mother back or even make the situation any better. She became wrought with confusion as her harrowing experiences stuck with her. She's always been a friendly person that tried to choose a different path, a peaceful one. Suddenly switching that up for something that happened, despite how atrocious, did not seat well with her.
  • Her education at the school was nearly done, and at this point she started to cope. When approached on the topic, she was able to talk about it freely again as if this were a story a mother would tell her child. Himari started to forgive.
Adulthood [ 20 ― Present ]
  • Concluding her education, Himari left the School with a smile as it brought her many new friends and the like; all in all, a time she wouldn't forget.
  • She returned to her home on the eastern side of the Isles, something she had planned to do for a long while.
  • Himari's father, as expected, did not manage to revive the establishment. While her house remained the same, her father didn't. It was an incredibly difficult task, and he didn't manage to bounce back from what has happened ten years ago. The coin went short, and so did his willpower.
  • Her father made a proposition to her, this being the idea of her travelling to Regalia and starting a new life there with what coin they had left. Himari wanted her father to tag along, he however refused as he kept trying to revive the family business. She didn't like the idea of that, but she had to move on - she didn't wish to live in a place that had such bad memories to it that she decided it was for the best.
  • Eventually, with the age of twenty she would sail off to a hopefully better place. She spent the next couple weeks on the sea with limited supplies, with nobody that she knew - the only people that shared the boat were strangers, unknown to her.
  • Time on the ship passed by quickly, and the Sihai would eventually arrive in the Crown Isle. Her means were basically non-existent at that point, and she quickly had to find herself an occupation of which she could live off. This was the start of her career as an entertainer.
  • She spent the next two years performing in various inns and taverns as an entertainer, taking up any jobs she was offered. It wouldn't take her long to get used to the life of an entertainer, while it was easy work, it also meant easy coin.
  • She ultimately ended up in Regalia's inner city side, coming across the Hidden Dragon where she took up a position as an entertainer. It was a much more reliable and safe position as the places she previously worked for, finally giving her the assurance she so long waited for.
  • She found her place, the people and the city appeared to be pleasant. Himari was finally able to start up a new life.
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Tatsugo has been changed with Wa'an. Fix that and tag me once done!
I just realized I forgot to put this down but, I'd like it if you put down a name based on the proper Sihai naming as well but that's more of a minor edit.