Preserved Sheet Hilda Patcher

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hater of men
Jan 30, 2019
Reaction score
the village

The Batty Vampire


  • Full Name: Hilda Olga Patcher

  • Age: 40 | March 2nd, 267

  • Gender: Female

  • Race: Anglian Ailor

  • Sexuality: Heterosexual

  • Preferred Weapon: Dagger

  • 40 points to spend from age (-10 from Vampirism)

  • +10 Heavy Bow Combat Skill | From Culture

  • +10 Fast Blades Combat | Invested

  • +6 Nature care Sciences | Invested

  • +6 Food and Drink sciences | Invested

  • + 8 Unarmed Combat | Invested

  • Anterrin Bloodline

  • Holy flight

  • Auld Grip

  • Chainless flight

  • Emptiness Mark

  • Stonework Sapping

  • Physical stat of 18 (from Fast Blades Combat [10] and Unarmed Combat [8])

  • Athletic Body Shape

  • Average Body Fat

  • Common | 8/10, Illiterate

  • Anglian | 10/10, Illiterate
  • Eye Color: Dark Blue

  • Hair Color: Blonde

  • Hair Style: Swept to the sides of her head, leaving room for her eyes.

  • Skin Color: Fair, Pale

  • Clothing: Modest, Basic, very farm-esque/peasant-esque.

  • Height: 5'2
  1. Hilda has a round face, her face usually has natural blush on it, and wears no lip coloring or makeup on her face. Her eyes are oval-shaped, with a dark blue for her eye color, while her eyebrows are dark black colour. She has a bit of freckles scattered on her face, and a beauty mark above her lip. Her hair colour is blonde, and swept to the side, so her eyes are shown.

  2. In addition, Hilda's body is relatively normal. It isn't obese, but athletic. She's rather small at 5'2, having to look up (literally) to most people she meets. She has a bit of body hair on her legs and in her armpits, though she usually covers up these areas anyways.

  3. Hilda never wears anything too over the top, she might wear earrings and a necklace here and there, but nothing too thrilling. Her outfits are very modest. Covering up collar bones and most of her arms and legs. Her dress stops at about ankle length so she can walk. She prefers muted and dark colors, usually wearing white, blue, black, and brown.

  4. Her voice is in the middle of low and high. It's not too high, but not too low. She speaks at a medium pace, but when riled up she speaks at a quicker tone of speed. She has an Anglian accent, and no tendency to stutter. Her first language is Anglian, although she is Illiterate in it, due to growing up in a poor family.



  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Hilda would attack. Using arms, legs, hands, teeth, or daggers, if cornered. If not cornered she would throw insults, until it becomes violent.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • She doesn't handle stress well, refusing to do anything that might give her stress. She tends to avoid things that give her a lot of stress.
  • How would your character express feeling Happy?
    • To show that she is happy, she smiles her pretty white teeth, her cheeks will blush, and she seems generally calm.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • Being a Vampire, she has no interest or respect for the law and authorities or even the Current Ruling Family. She only has respect for the members inside of the coven, she sees them as sane, and as her own.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • She isn't immediately racist to other races, she respects them. Before she used to believe in Ailor Supremacy.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves and other faiths?
    • She never had any care for religion, even before she was turned. Hilda now believes in Vampire Supremacy, instead of Ailor Supremacy. She refuses to acknowledge the Unionist faith, seeing it as stupid and unnecessary.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • Hilda accepts them, although sees no use for them. In addition, she sees no need for her to practice it.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • She loves her family, although it caused her great sadness to leave her family in fear of hurting them. She believes that everyone should have a family, or a chance to start one.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Hilda feels the need to prove herself, as her brothers thought of her unworthy and stupid. She always has a fear of being unworthy, this supporting her reason to prove herself.
  • What is your character the proudest of about themselves?
    • Hilda is most proud of her looks, she flaunts them. She believes that she is the most attractive person in all of Aloria, and refuses to acknowledge she might be ugly. She is also proud of her mutations/vampiric abilities. She sees them as awards or trophies to show off to other people.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • Freedom, since she was turned Hilda felt freer and believes that everyone should become a vampire. She loves her freedom and refuses to give that up, fighting tooth and claw to keep it that way.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Hilda's biggest fear is being cured of her Vampirism, or being locked up in a cell. She would rather be executed than cured of Vampirism and will fight forever to remain a Vampire.




Hilda was born into a farmer family in an Anglian Village, her family was poor, and due to this, she never learned to read, never went to school, and just worked until sundown. Her brothers continuously tormented her, calling her stupid, unworthy, even sometimes the occasional whore. This made her insecure and attempted to torment them back, although it always ended in failure.

Her teenage years were nothing to talk about, she started to rebel, and didn't really help with the farm. She met up with friends, one night in the woods outside of her village. She and her friend only had a few minutes of peace and talking before the vampire showed up. Her friend suddenly ran from the vampire! Confused, Hilda turned around, and before she knew it, she was bitten.

Helpless and scared, she wandered the woods, feeling sick and dizzy. She craved blood, human blood. She didn't want to go back to her home in fear of hurting them. Eventually, the Vampire found her, taking her back to their hideout, they nursed Hilda into Vampirism, and kept her well fed with villagers from the surrounding area.

Through the years, Hilda became stronger, faster and more athletic. She was skinny and malnourished when she was a child, she never met anyone of significance in the first coven she was in, this led her to decide to move to the Holy City, in search of a new coven.
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Hey! Here's my review:
  • Basic information:
    • Points in unarmed are doubled in body-stat, meaning meaning Hilda has 16 points to invest.
  • Personality:
    • Fear: I'd like you to change this as I believe it to be a bit of a cop out. I understand the fight or flight instincts your character has, but the part about throwing insults I find to be unrealistic; if you're thrown into a position of fear you won't be throwing insults in attempts to escalate the situation.
    • Happiness: Please expand on this section a touch, one more sentence of, let's say, how they express feeling happy around friends should do it. It's up to you.
    • Family: Please read the mental characteristics of vampires here. Vampires don't tend to love family and instead take up a sense of ownership of them. On top of this they won't fear hurting them, in fact insisting on it so that they may join them with their 'gifts'.
Please make all these changes in RED and tag me when done! For now the review is PENDING.