Pending Review Highlight Factions Forums Content

Discussion in 'Server' started by MokeDuck, Feb 5, 2019.

  1. MokeDuck

    MokeDuck Hail the duckfather!

    Sep 21, 2013
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    Its been brought up in the past: the forum "recent activity" section on the front page is populated by a lot of roleplay threads. Not to discredit these threads: I'm sure they're fun and all, but they get much more activity than factions content because of the very nature of them. There are also often sign-ups for these events, which means that advertising can very well be separate than the actual activity, which takes place on the forums. Also I know for a fact that factions players will most likely not look at your thread unless you advertise in discords and in-game.

    Anyways, can we please highlight more threads, like the feature and idea discussions, on the recent activity section on the front page, and mute specifically the forums roleplay. Specifically those sections with "closed light roleplay" or something, cause those are often the same initial people coming back to the same thread, not new people coming in. Its just very spammy.
  2. Winterless

    Winterless The MVP of Romance RP

    Jul 19, 2014
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    They probably get more attention because there's more of it

    I honestly hardly ever see Factions related content that's made by players on the Forums tbh

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