Preserved Sheet Hie'jja De Catlanio

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texan (derogatory)
Jul 27, 2016
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Name: Hie'jja de Allus'nosá'nnoll'essa, or Helen for those who can't speak like a flowing river. (He-Ay-Huh)
  • Age: 23.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Avanthar.
  • Main Ambition: To strike a deal for freedom from slavery for the rest of her close friends and tribe members.
    • Secondary Ambition: To find her father.
Skill Information
  • Proficiency Points: 23. (43 in total from Avanthar Racial Bonus.)
    • +10 Axes. (+10 Avanthar Boost)
    • +10 Cavalry Combat. (+10 Avanthar Boost)
    • +1 Body Care. (+1 Proficiency Points)
    • +5 Unarmed Fighting. (+5 Proficiency Points)
    • +15 Rogue Training. (+15 Proficiency Points)
    • +2 Athletic Training. (+2 Proficiency Points)
  • Body Shape:
    • 5 Combat Points + 4 Athletic Points = 9 Body Points.
    • Toned, Low Body Fat.
  • Languages: 2.
    • Modern Altalar. (Illiterate.)
    • Common. (Literate.)
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Green and glowing with a slight ebb to it.
  • Hair Color: Black.
  • Hair Style: Short, simple, and raggedy.
  • Skin Color: Tanned.
  • Clothing: Typical Cielothar wear.
  • Height: 6'2 or 188 centimeters.
Personality and Abilities
  • External View.
  • While mostly seen as a ditzy character, Hie is anything but. She has a quick wit, even if most new concepts befuddle her. Hie is eager to please people, and is easily happy with the little things people can offer her. While many may find her to be childish, she is anything but. Keeping tune with this, Hie is kind to strangers. She will do most anything for them, and has a hard time saying no. With this recent curse added to her blood, meeting aberrants and new folk only seem to make Hie feel hated, and she feels just as bad.
  • Internal View.
  • While many insecurities can plague Hie, her optimism may always shine though to strangers and the like. In depth, Hie doesn't care much for her looks and is always trying to blend in with the typical fashion, despite the urges from her brother to not conform to the standards of modern society. While she may be using a disguise as an excuse to blend in and escape possible slavers, Hie wants to blend in with a deep and internal urge. Moreso, Hie is pretty sure of herself. While not obtrusively and annoyingly so, Hie can instill some faith in herself when the time calls for a leader. Since becoming victim to this curse, Hie has lost her confidence. She is commonly seen sulking beneath her hooded wrap and avoiding contact with her close ones.
  • Friends and Family.
  • Hie no longer can trust those around her- They speak of people like her that are devils, completely evil. While in reality, they completely understand Hie's condition and are up to comfort her, Hie simply chalks it up to miscommunication and/or possible later backstabbing in her sleep. There isn't anyone she can trust, not since she tried to choke out her only family member. She treats her close ones like strangers, for their own 'protection'.
  • Morality.
  • Hie's morals are pure and kind, as she follows the Path of Estel just like the Cielothar and Yanar from her tribe whom she was close to. She may not be too on the lawful side of things, though her current situation doesn't allow for it. Hie is not shocked at misdeeds anymore, but will always try to do good herself, even if it doesn't quite end up that way. Hie isn't malicious, though some people may find her dark humor suspicious. With being shunned (much of it being herself making it up), Hie has found a distinct distaste for the world, cruel as it is.
Life Story

Birth & Childhood:

  • Hie'jja de Allus'nosá'nnoll'essa is born to an Unknown Father and Nae'sra de Lopez, on April 2nd, 283AC.
  • Hie'jja is born on a merchant caravan in Daen, one being guarded by the mercenary company of her parents. Hie'jja is also raised with a very fond half-brother, though to her he's her brother fully in heart and blood. Her mother resolves to give up her work as a mercenary to take care of her daughter, though her father decides to carry on with being a sellsword.
  • Hie'jja's mother settles down in Lusits, taking in a Cielothar who Hie'jja would go on to believe to be her real father. Her upbringing is funded by very minor guard work from her mother, and from her father's massage parlour.
  • Hie'jja is named 'Helen' whilst in the company of Ailor, so as to fit in with Ailor society better.
  • Fearing that Hie'jja would go on to the same path as her, her mother sets her to work with her father, where she begins to learn her father's craft.
Teenage Years:
  • Age 11, Hie'jja's mother dies in a freak accident, and the family's source of income plummets. Afraid that he may be unable to look after his adoptive daughter and son, her father brings the pair back to his native tribe in Daen. They continue their practice there.
  • Hie'jja notes that she is physically much bigger than the Cielothar, though decides not to question this. Instead, she continues to live as one of them, taking on their pacifism and nature-loving ways.
  • Her brother takes up being an Avanthar, but yet again Hie'jja doesn't question this.
Adulthood & Present Day:
  • Hie'jja's life is largely care-free, up until the fall of Avanthar leadership by Regalian hands.
  • After this, with the Avanthar in disarray, Hie'jja's tribe, including herself, is enslaved by Regalian slavers, and she is taken for sale in the Holy City, unknowing of where she may end up next.
  • With the help of her brother, who escaped captivity, and his many friends, Hie was bought by the Dead Men. While she may be paying off the debt to them, she genuinely finds happiness in the mundane jobs she does and the interesting people she meets. Her ultimate happiness lies with being with her brother once more, though their father's whereabouts are still unknown.
  • At her own venture into the city, Hie'jja was struck down violently by a former Imperial Guard. With her close proximity to a dragon, her nearly fatal injuries set something loose that could leave her with a curse for the rest of her life.
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Relationships + Art? No, wait, my orders never get completed. Dangit. I will forever use doll makers.
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I legit don't understand why that image is broken, and it won't let me remove it. Please don't comment about it.
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Race: Avanthar, though she seems to be a bit more than that. Overall, mostly, she is an Avanthar.
For the sake of proficiency, I would need to know if she is a full-blooded Avanthar or half of something else. Fix this.

While mostly seen as a ditzy character, Hie is anything but. She has a quick wit, even if most new concepts befuddle her. Hie is eager to please people, and is easily happy with the little things people can offer her. While many may find her to be childish, she is anything but.
This needs at least 2-3 more sentences since the first 3 were essentially just rehashes of the same statement. She's childish and smart. I need more than that.

While many insecurities can plague Hie, her optimism may always shine though to strangers and the like. In depth, Hie doesn't care much for her looks and is always trying to blend in with the typical fashion, despite the urges from her brother to not conform to the standards of modern society. While she may be using a disguise as an excuse to blend in and escape possible slavers, Hie wants to blend in with a deep and internal urge. Moreso, Hie is pretty sure of herself. While not obtrusively and annoyingly so, Hie can instill some faith in herself when the time calls for a leader.
Detail her confidences please.

Make changes in purple and tag me when done. @Goldifish
@Mooffins meddled with proficiency points, fixed languages. hie got a bit better with axes since she's been training.
You don't gain body build stats from racial boosts.
Athletic body build requires 15 physical proficiency.