Hide And Seek

Hide and Seek

"It's the memories that count, rright?.."



"Mouse?" Inquired a young, meek looking Stout Furling. Nearby her was a proud, rough looking Sihai who would simply stare down towards her with the faintest of smiles. Though no words were given, he'd quirk his brow in curiosity at what she had to say. "Can we play hide and seek in the park?"

"Aye, kitten, yeah." A blunt, short answer. That was how most things were said, other than the stories the Sihai told the Stout Furling. Without hesitation from either parties, they took each other, hand in hand, and made ways for the park.

As always, who was "it" for the game was settled the same way each time. "Shears, parchment, scissors." They'd both call out at the same time. As the Sihai had won, the Furling would emit a dramatic sigh.

"Not it." Said the Sihai, a coy grin coming upon his face as the little Stout Furling would stare with some faux hatred in her eyes.

"<Zc> You bastard rat." She had grumbled in response. Nonetheless, she had set her hands upon her eyes and begun to count.

It had seemed the day was perfect for the two, as they had played together in that same park with the same old fountain till the sound of cicadas began to play their evening tune. By the end of it, the Furling would only be able to grin from ear to ear, while the Sihai did the same. As the night began to cool, the Furling would chirp with some disdain that she had to go home, and that the Sihai should too. Yasuke was homeless.

Without catching her mistake, the Furling would take the Sihai into a hug with nothing but platonic love. They both departed from the park, and the day was called to an end. As they left like it would be the last time they saw each other, they would always see each other every day. Whether a brief interaction or them going fishing. They were always with each other. There was never Yasuke without Synne, or Synne without Yasuke.

Time continued on, as there was no stop to it, and the seasons began to change. From summer, fall, winter, then to spring it seemed like the conditions were again perfect for a day of hide and seek between the two best friends.

"Mouse?" Inquired now a slightly older Furling who was now fourteen. In response to her, there was a tall, beaten up Sihai that stood next to her. Lacking now an eye, and covered with scars he would look down to her. Like before, the faintest of smiles present.

"Want to play hide and seek together?" The Sihai would blink, scratching at his jaw as he considered her words for a moment. In the end he would shrug, and mumble "Mrm.. Sure." It seemed the Stout Furling failed to pick up on the hesitation of the boy who was practically a man now.

Hand in hand, they had gone to the place that was deemed sacred for the two. Rather than the park, they went to the fields which both had agreed were to be referred to as the 'friend fields'. Where only they were allowed to go together. In the fresh crops that were just sprouting, they would run about. Hiding in the surroundings that contained the fields.

The day soon drifted away, though it was now just the evening and the sun was just starting to set, Yasuke had told the Furling that it was now time for him to go and he had to go to his wife. The Furling frowned, slightly jealous that she was no longer receiving all of his attention.

".. Alright, Mouse. Be safe, si?" He nodded, setting a kiss to the Furling's forehead before he left. Time moved slowly, as the Furling would now stand alone in the fields without her best friend.

From chilly spring weather, the sun would now beam down upon Regalia. Nearby the grand cathedral stood the two, the Furling still fourteen would look to the even more destroyed looking Sihai. "Mouse?" The response was less this time, as he had just looked down. With a light, warm smile she'd inquire. "..Want to play hide and seek in the fields?"

The Sihai stared, for a moment before looking back forwards. "Ah.. Think we're a bit old for that now, yeah?..." His voice was more mature now, no longer holding the youthful innocence that had once been within when they were just kids together. The little Furling frowned, with her brows furrowing as she looked down to the ground dragging her foot about.

"Right.." In mimic to him, she had kept her answer short as well. All before just simply turning on her heel and making off like she always had whenever upset with the Sihai.

He would sigh, watching his small friend make her ways through the bustling streets. Following after her as always. In the end, they did not play hide and seek that day. In fact, the Stout Furling had ignored him for the entirety of it.

From summer to fall, the Sihai stood in front of the little Stout Furling who was upset again for whatever reason. "Synne- Wait." The strawberry blonde Furling stopped in her tracks, pivoting around with some aggression for her intended actions she had planned if he came closer. "Wanna play hide'n'seek?" For once, it was not her asking.

Her heart seemed to light up, though her eyes remained dull and lifeless. "I'm too grown up for that now, Yasuke. You should be too."​

"I miss when we were just young.."
"So do I, Kitten."

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