Archived Hidden Among The Crowd

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Jul 10, 2013
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The other day I was on YouTube and decided to look up some videos about MassiveCraft. One video that caught my attention was a vampire tutorial. This was posted a long time ago, but apparently vampires used to be able to glide/fly if you right clicked with a bone at the price of losing hunger very fast. That got me thinking about stereotypical vampire stuff. I think it would be cool if certain races could transform into different mobs (similar to the Disguisecraft plugin).

I'm thinking something along the lines of:


I couldn't decide if it would be overpowered to give all the transformations a certain power or different stats from what they already have but I could easily think of some if everyone likes the idea. I think this would add a new element to the Roleplaying scene and give way to some interesting stealth-type jobs.
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I like this but i think something like this was already suggested, i know the vampires into bats was suggested many times and shot down.
I'm not very sure, considering about half of those mobs are kill-on-sight by many players.
It seems like a magic plugin that allows animal transformation would be the best use of this, but I doubt that it will ever be implemented. However, I would like it, if humans and elves and others could do it too.

etc. However, I doubt it will be implemented, again. Besides, transformations such as this are against the lore.
I think the Orcs should be Pigmen. This makes more sense, then the Undead can actually be zombies. And the Naga, hmmm... I suppose the Naga could perhaps be a Silverfish, that is the closest thing to snakes as there is on the server.

The Pigman also sounds like an orc, too.
I like the plugin idea but doubt it will ever happen. They'd need to alter the server lore to do it and they won't do that unless it forces everyone to rewrite their characters hehe :)
But bats can fly? Or will they have a 3block height limit so they can only get to places vampires can get to?
Also, human = villager
But bats can fly? Or will they have a 3block height limit so they can only get to places vampires can get to?
Also, human = villager

Bats flying would be an additional perk so I think they should just keep it to the vampire jump limit. And I didn't really want to give humans anything since humans aren't all that special, but that's just my opinion. If it pleases everyone then sure, humans can turn into villagers.
I like the plugin idea but doubt it will ever happen. They'd need to alter the server lore to do it and they won't do that unless it forces everyone to rewrite their characters hehe :)

Yea, I doubt it will ever be a thing, but I just wanted to share the idea. Also, I don't think it would affect too many stories, would it?
Yea, I doubt it will ever be a thing, but I just wanted to share the idea. Also, I don't think it would affect too many stories, would it?

It wouldn't, I was joking that the only lore changes they make are ones that cause everyone's story to become out of date haha.
I really think the idea is cool really, but what disadvantage would it have?
Besides, in PVP someone could hide as a Bat and simply fly off. And having it like it causes mega hunger, all you need is a ton of food. Perhaps every minute takes away 2 hearts or something somewhat of the sort?

EDIT: This isn't my best idea, but you can feel free to suggest other stuff
Not hearts, that would get old really fast. Hunger seems rather good, but also many of these mobs have lesser health. One hit on a bat kills it, no matter how fast they are moving. Also, it was mentioned that they don't actually fly.
I think it would be best if bats did not fly at all, just stayed at eye level. And since agni are now rock lizards. them turning into Blazes dosnt really work. Not all vespids are spider type so that wouldnt really work.
Really the only ones I really agree with here are
-Vampires to bats.
-Tigran to ocelots
-Undead to zombies.
But bats can fly? Or will they have a 3block height limit so they can only get to places vampires can get to?
Also, human = villager

I feel like if they gave bats flying, they should take away the ability to attack in this form and have a lower defense so it takes away arguments of it being OP
I feel like if they gave bats flying, they should take away the ability to attack in this form and have a lower defense so it takes away arguments of it being OP

Or if they were to attack they'd have weakness III. That way anything under diamond sword would do no damage whatsoever.
I mentioned it in the original post, but I guess I wasn't clear enough. The transformations are only cosmetic. I think it would be unbalanced if the transformations gave any additional stats/perks. Also, I feel like you shouldn't be able to attack while in the new forms, so it can only be used for stealth purposes.
I mentioned it in the original post, but I guess I wasn't clear enough. The transformations are only cosmetic. I think it would be unbalanced if the transformations gave any additional stats/perks. Also, I feel like you shouldn't be able to attack while in the new forms, so it can only be used for stealth purposes.

*Zombie rushes into f home of another base*
*Zombie rushes into f home of another base*

I'm a little confused by what you mean. What's stopping someone from rushing into the f home of another base as it stands? Unless you think I meant that people cannot attack the transformed person. I meant that the person who is hidden as a bat/zombie/whatever couldn't attack.
Why do all the races have to transform? Why can't there just be one race that can transform for a short amount of time into every surface mob. Every race being able to transform well. It would be boring if everything could transform.

Also There would be major restrictions on the transformation thing like only once a minecraft month (8 minecraft days.) And only for 3 minutes at a time. There are no other bonuses and armor can not be worn while transformed attacking and water in any form makes the transformation disappear. (This is the only thing I can think of that would still make it cool but not everyone would want to be it and it would be tricky to use it in battle.

Exceptions to the armor rule are if you transform into a zombie or a skeleton but no iron or diamond armor.
I'm a little confused by what you mean. What's stopping someone from rushing into the f home of another base as it stands? Unless you think I meant that people cannot attack the transformed person. I meant that the person who is hidden as a bat/zombie/whatever couldn't attack.

The point is the disguise in some cases might not work,
*Villager rushes into enemy base and walks into their farm to tend to their sheep*
Bats would work wonderful however, and in some cases Pigman.
I really think the idea is cool really, but what disadvantage would it have?
Besides, in PVP someone could hide as a Bat and simply fly off. And having it like it causes mega hunger, all you need is a ton of food. Perhaps every minute takes away 2 hearts or something somewhat of the sort?

EDIT: This isn't my best idea, but you can feel free to suggest other stuff

Thing is vampires flying off is pretty typical retreating method for vampires "oh shit its getting bad!" -flies off- Using it as a retreat is actually a good but cowardly idea.
im liking undead-zombie because according to the lore they are kinda the same

also maiar-squid while under water maybe. Maybe other races cant tell them apart but other maiar can (because they can see better under water)
The point is the disguise in some cases might not work,
*Villager rushes into enemy base and walks into their farm to tend to their sheep*
Bats would work wonderful however, and in some cases Pigman.

Okay, in certain situations it wouldn't be useful at all, but I was thinking more along the lines of fighting somewhere that the mob spawns naturally. It would be a nice escape tactic to jump a wall and when your pursuer jumps the wall, all they see is a group of zombies. And this doesn't always have to be for stealth. It can be for Roleplaying as well. Let's pretend that there is a group of Undead who are trying to make another faction leave an area. The group could all transform into Zombies and walk at the base as a sign of war/attempt to scare them away.
Okay, in certain situations it wouldn't be useful at all, but I was thinking more along the lines of fighting somewhere that the mob spawns naturally. It would be a nice escape tactic to jump a wall and when your pursuer jumps the wall, all they see is a group of zombies. And this doesn't always have to be for stealth. It can be for Roleplaying as well. Let's pretend that there is a group of Undead who are trying to make another faction leave an area. The group could all transform into Zombies and walk at the base as a sign of war/attempt to scare them away.
This could cause a faction to leave or make them kill the zbies becuase zombies are no challenge what's so ever.
I think all the races - That's a bit far.
Since it wouldn't make sense for many of these races to transform, maybe the mc bonus ability for a 'few' of these races could be removed for the shape-shift ability.
For instance, Vampires to Bats, rather then Blood Lust (if that still works?) -
Orces, Elves, Dwarves, Agni - should stay how they are.
But Maiar, I would like to see be able to turn to some sort of fish, as they are water folk.
This could cause a faction to leave or make them kill the zbies becuase zombies are no challenge what's so ever.

Actually, Zombies are now considerably dangerous, for those that hang around their own base. Within the 1.5 update was laying a hidden feature {Though not unknown,} apparently the longer you are in an area, the more powerful the mobs become. Apparently making so Skeletons over-time develop AI almost similar to the Snow Golem, and the Snow Golem was supposedly the smartest mob in the game, although suicidal, they literally would navigate tunnels and in some cases activate redstone in order to reach what might harm their master. Eventually mobs would also begin spawning with more enchanted weapons, or in the Zombie's case, actual weapons. Almost to the state of Zombies running around with Sharp I, and also not to mention they once killed will spawn more due to lag/TPS status, the lower the health they have the more damage they do, up to a diamond sword if they are unarmed, and let's not forget that they can see you from just about the moment they spawn.

Bam. All the details that can make the undead dangerous within a good paragraph. ^,^
I think all the races - That's a bit far.
Since it wouldn't make sense for many of these races to transform, maybe the mc bonus ability for a 'few' of these races could be removed for the shape-shift ability.
For instance, Vampires to Bats, rather then Blood Lust (if that still works?) -
Orces, Elves, Dwarves, Agni - should stay how they are.
But Maiar, I would like to see be able to turn to some sort of fish, as they are water folk.

And this is sorta what people mentioned above, a squid would be a neat idea, as an actual fish really wouldn't hide too well within the crowd.
"Hey Billy, what's that?" "Oh that's a squid. Don't mind it."
"Hey Billy, what's that?" "Oh, that's a fish." "Fish weren't added into the game yet?" *Draws bow*
Actually, Zombies are now considerably dangerous, for those that hang around their own base. Within the 1.5 update was laying a hidden feature {Though not unknown,} apparently the longer you are in an area, the more powerful the mobs become. Apparently making so Skeletons over-time develop AI almost similar to the Snow Golem, and the Snow Golem was supposedly the smartest mob in the game, although suicidal, they literally would navigate tunnels and in some cases activate redstone in order to reach what might harm their master. Eventually mobs would also begin spawning with more enchanted weapons, or in the Zombie's case, actual weapons. Almost to the state of Zombies running around with Sharp I, and also not to mention they once killed will spawn more due to lag/TPS status, the lower the health they have the more damage they do, up to a diamond sword if they are unarmed, and let's not forget that they can see you from just about the moment they spawn.

Bam. All the details that can make the undead dangerous within a good paragraph. ^,^

Well then I must a fool or very brave becuase i would take a zombie horde on.
I think a disguise would be great even if it wasn't exactly what you have suggested
Well then I must a fool or very brave becuase i would take a zombie horde on.

It's a game. You don't need courage to fight a horde.
And it really depends on armour and weapons.
Otherwise, yeah, courage is never needed for a game. Foolishness, on the other hand...
The thing about races such as tigran, undead ect. Is that they are already zombie for undead or ocelots/cat for tigranss so it would be illogical for them to be able to transfiqure into something they already are that and I believe magical transformation is against the lore, I like the idea of the vampire bats but not really any of the other ones, and I sadly doubt it would ever happen.
The vampire bat transformation would make sense, but other races transforming would not. I would rather a race spawn reinforcements, like spawning zombies to the aid of undead people, and maybe even blazes for agni. Calling reinforcements would make a lot more sense than transforming.
The vampire bat transformation would make sense, but other races transforming would not. I would rather a race spawn reinforcements, like spawning zombies to the aid of undead people, and maybe even blazes for agni. Calling reinforcements would make a lot more sense than transforming.

I can imagine undead calling already there zombies to their aid. But not spawning them that would be more illogical than turning into one. But The agni on the other hand Maybe they could spawn 1 blaze a day and only in Gana-ish near lava.
The vampire bat transformation would make sense, but other races transforming would not. I would rather a race spawn reinforcements, like spawning zombies to the aid of undead people, and maybe even blazes for agni. Calling reinforcements would make a lot more sense than transforming.

I don't know, spawning in a Blaze would be a bit over-powered in cases. Plus, think of the Maiar.
*Spawns a squid*
Orcs spawning in Pigmen would be too powerful, they do 7 hearts of damage without enchant weapon to someone without armour.
Let's not forget the Yanar, too.
*Spawns a tree*
And when the new races come out, what about those? I think simply changing form is good enough.
Again, agni no longer exist in the lore, so them spawning blazes would never happen for the race dosnt exist, Dakkar being a rock lizard, while having little connection to having fire abilities, would have no connect to a blaze and there for no reason to spawn it.
Again, agni no longer exist in the lore, so them spawning blazes would never happen for the race dosnt exist, Dakkar being a rock lizard, while having little connection to having fire abilities, would have no connect to a blaze and there for no reason to spawn it.
I am so sad, my character is fluffed up because of the lore change >.< No more firey Agni Eb... >T^T
The other day I was on YouTube and decided to look up some videos about MassiveCraft. One video that caught my attention was a vampire tutorial. This was posted a long time ago, but apparently vampires used to be able to glide/fly if you right clicked with a bone at the price of losing hunger very fast. That got me thinking about stereotypical vampire stuff. I think it would be cool if certain races could transform into different mobs (similar to the Disguisecraft plugin).
It would be over powered eg. in a raid someone comes in as a horse... they wouldn't know
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