This is a notice to people that know me that I will be going for a 30 day canoe trip in the Labrador region of Canada and will obviously not be on massive during this time.
@MagicalWetToast will be taking care of my account during my hiatus preventing my stuff from expiring.
Redirect all hate-mail/Fan-fiction/Top Banter to magicalwettoast while I am away. He will then send Charles "Son of Shaq" Montgomery [his faithful homing pigeon] to me weekly with all messages tied to it's leg.
See all of you glorious bastards in a month.
@MagicalWetToast will be taking care of my account during my hiatus preventing my stuff from expiring.
Redirect all hate-mail/Fan-fiction/Top Banter to magicalwettoast while I am away. He will then send Charles "Son of Shaq" Montgomery [his faithful homing pigeon] to me weekly with all messages tied to it's leg.
See all of you glorious bastards in a month.