Preserved Sheet Hexarra ¬ The Reveler

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The Trilogy
Apr 22, 2013
Reaction score
[Damn Right] [Eclipse]

Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Hexarra Drulvaar
    • Nicknames: Hex
  • Age: 23
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Kathar (Shenath)
  • Sexuality: Everything.
  • Preferred Weapon: Dagger
Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: Hexarra has a 28 proficiency points to spend. She also has free 10 talent and 10 hobby points.

♦ 5 Dagger Combat (+5 proficiency points)
♦ 5 Throwing Combat (+5 proficiency points)

♦ 8 Burgling Rogue (+4 talent points, +4 proficiency points)
♦ 6 Bodycare Training (+6 talent points)
♦ 5 Conning Rogue (+5 proficiency points)
♦ 3 Dextrous Rogue (+3 proficiency points)

♦ 10 Dancing Art (+5 hobby points, +5 racial boost)
♦ 5 Winemaking Art (+5 hobby points)
♦ 4 Mixology Art (+4 proficiency points)
♦ 2 Cooking Art (+2 proficiency points)

Body Shape

  • Physical Stat: 15 (Shilôt Physical Stat Limit)
  • Body Shape: Toned
  • Body Fat: Average
  • Common (learned while traveling)
  • Kathar-Elven Dialect (native)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Kathar Sire: Want
    • Dread Ascendance
  • Mutations:
    • Pagan Horns
    • Void Beast
    • Void Claws
  • Spirit Sorcery: Kathar Mage-Blooded
    • Construct of Tranquility (Ability)
    • Self Control (Aesthetic)
  • Chaos Sorcery: Kathar Mage-Blooded
    • Tongues (Ability)
    • Rearrange (Aesthetic)
  • Shilôt Bloodline:
    • Vinteaar Partying
    • Vinteaar Stasis
    • Vinteaar Elegance
    • Vinteaar Thickening
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Style: Loose, slightly curled and long
  • Skin Color: Light Grey
  • Clothing: Open white shirt, blue sashes draped around shoulders and tied around sides. Golden jewelry adorns the tips of her horns.
  • Height: 5'10"
Personality (Required)

The Question List

  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • When experiencing joy, Hexarra often likes to share the same feeling. She'll go great lengths to ensure everyone is having a good timing through terrible vices.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Not as brave as her brothers, Hexarra normally attempts to make smooth exits out of uncomfortable situations to save herself the embarrassment.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • Hexarra finds escape and copes through utter indulgence, pleasures, and vices. She'll accompany herself and companions with bottles of booze, plethora of drugs that she can get her hands on, or simply share a few nights with companions to unleash her woes.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • She has little to no respect to law and authorities, but won't blatantly disrespect them to their faces for the sake of her own wellbeing.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • Hexarra shares a few curiosities about certain races, but finds most of them just fine. However, anything that isn't a Sanguine is viewed more as blood cattle, or individuals who're there for the sake of her pleasure.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • Most religions don't connect to the Shilôt, other than the Void. But even then, Hexarra personally finds more gratification worshipping herself and the idea of a Vampiric god.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • Hexarra holds a strong affinity and connection for the Arcane. She wields her mage-blooded status as a Kathar with great pride, and intends to use it to the best of her abilities.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • What love she has for her family has transformed into possessiveness - insidious and quiet. A part of her desires to inflict the vampiric blessings upon them.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • The Shilôt takes great pride in her looks, acts, and tendencies to escape from trouble. She is more than happy to socialize with others, and feels a sick sense of accomplishment out of peer pressuring others into indulging.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • To Hexarra, wealth, material, and ecstasy is everything. Each new day holds plenty of opportunities for her, and she refuses to pass them up. She borderline fuels out of pure mania, and lust - but most of all, an addiction for blood.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Despite being a social butterfly, Hexarra finds herself unable to hold any meaningful relationship or connection. To this day she is unable to pin-point why; The Shilot cannot discern whether it's her inability to be authentic towards the face of people, or fear of commitment.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Absolute boredom. The notion of having to wake up everyday, repeat the same routine, and live the same schedule is dreadful. Devoid of joy nor any fun. Hexarra tends to spice up her days with spontaneous, abrupt acts just to keep it away at bay.
Life Story (Required)
♦ Hexarra was born as a Shenath Kathar to Kaahl Drulvaar. Being the youngest sibling, she was intensely coddled by her mother and had little expectations put down upon by her militaristic father. Hex grew up essentially care-free, not putting much thought into the consequences of her actions as she was left to her own devices.
♦ Her older siblings, particularly her brothers, were held up to military standards by their father. However, Hexarra didn't need to undergo the same strifes and bloody throes they went through. Instead she was allowed to wander around the city under guidance, and partially spent her free time watching the brutal trainings.
♦ She developed a fondness for ritualisms and festivals.

♦ As Hexarra grew, so did her kleptomania. The first time she stole was at a shop. The second time was out of the pockets of a Kathar during a crowded festival. She couldn't remember her third as there were endless times she'd steal. Hex didn't need it out of necessity, but grew attached to the thrill, completely addicted to the adrenaline and success.
♦ Eventually her habits poured over into family-life, where her siblings' belongings went missing. The stashes were soon revealed to be in her room. Hexarra suffered punishment and discipline, but it wasn't enough to shake it out from her. Instead, she just believed she needed to hide it better.
♦ A complete thief, partygoer, and indulger by heart, Hexarra wasn't as sadistic compared to her other siblings. She would constantly weasel her way out of duels, fights, and challenges just to save herself the embarrassment. In her mind; Why fight when you could all get high?

♦ Dotting around the city, Hexarra attended a party one particular night with her friends. Unbeknownst to everyone, a Sanguine had slipped right in. He imparted the curse upon the drunken Shenath. She fell ill within the span of three days and stayed at the place of her partner at the time. After the third day had passed, Hex arose; Instinct raging and the lust for blood taking complete control. Her partner fell prey to her draining, which then killed him as she bled him dry.
♦ Having no loyalties to her family, Hexarra went completely AWOL. She dotted around the Dread Isles, hopping from one party to the next, luring and feeding off partygoers - doing what she wanted whenever she wanted. The cycle would repeat for a few years until it became a dull schedule.
♦ One by one, her siblings departed out from the city and moved over to Regalia. For the sake of being spontaneous and a wild card, Hexarra disguised herself as a statue within a box, with a delivery letter forged for her eldest sister Valarosta.
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im so sorry this'll be the last character i swear