Preserved Sheet Heureux La Gaite

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Right Proper Bastard
Mar 26, 2014
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Heureux la Gaite
  • Age: 143 (Appears to be in early twenties)
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ithanian/Fineland Ailor
  • Sexuality: Homosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Magic
Core Concept: Heureux is a masterful alchemist and physician with pride in his craft, he is also a vampire with a tendency to stutter. He uses a mixture of alchemy, surgery and even magic toward his craft of healing depending on what is needed. He has a particularly dark mind that can border on deranged, though he suppresses this quite well. In his personal opinion he cares little for religion of any kind. Though despite these things, Heurux is a generally nice person and has no intent on causing harm.

A padded leather satchel of alchemicals, a small satchel of medical supplies, a small silver dagger, 100-200 Regals, a deck of personalized cards, a fancy wand made from willow wood and a hairbrush.

  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 0
  • Wisdom: 4 (Teslatech)
    • Medical Pack
    • Barricade Pack
    • Scrapper Pack
    • Tussling Pack
  • Dexterity: 2
    • Parkour Pack
    • Embargo Pack (Commutable Points)
    • Cortes Fame Pack (Commutable Points)
    • Pickpocket Skill Pack (Commutable Points)
    • Disguise Skill Pack (Commutable Points)
    • Sleight of Hand Pack
  • Magic: 8 (Void) [All Magic Uses Blood Aesthetic]
    • Casting
    • Displacing
    • Enchanting
    • Blessings
    • Breaking
    • Disruption
    • Illusionism
    • Mimicry
  • Charisma: 0
Blooded Vampire

Greater Mage:
  • Casting
  • Illusionism
  • Disruption
Spell Point Specials:
  1. Blood Element
  2. Flesh Element
  3. Decay Element
  4. Shadow Element
  5. Dark Element
  6. Blood Crafter
  7. Health Call
  8. Life Wall
  9. Dressage Cleanse
  10. Armor Cleanse
  11. Time Cleanse
  12. Arcane Mastery
  13. Dueling Brand
  14. Rune Smithing
  15. Emote Infuse
  16. Prison Break
  17. Chain Break
  18. Evil Tongues
  19. Cold Immune
  20. Heat Immune
  21. Lightning Immune
  22. Self Control
  23. Sparkwalking
  24. Fire Element
Artificer Point Specials:
  1. Medical Patent
  2. Common Patent
  3. Body-chem Patent
  4. Hair-chem Patent
  5. Foam-mix Patent
  6. Berserk Patent
  7. Appliance Patent
  8. Servo-golem Patent

  • Common (Free)
  • Ithanian (Native)
Appearance Information:
  • Heureux has no mutations to speak of.
  • Heureux is a rather small and pale individual with curly blonde hair and light green eyes. He also has somewhat pointed ears.
  • Vampiric Form:
    A seven-foot-tall wooden marionette doll of Ailor design. It has clearly visible wooden segments on all of its joints and appears to be painted pink for most of its body. It wears a jester's outfit with diamond patterns and bells on it, colored with red and blue. It has four arms, and its face is locked into one jovial expression, painted on. It has no mouth and when it speaks it seems to come from the air though it can still be clearly determined that they are the one speaking. The painted-on eyes are in a constant state of a jovial expression, surrounded in black and centered with a solid red circle, a single red tear is painted on beneath either eye. When feeding in this form, a split in the wooden face forms with splintered shards of wooden teeth. Though these cannot be used for anything other than what normal teeth and fangs can be used for and have no purpose for combat. Aside from looking different it's functions still remain the same as when they aren't in this form. Their size and extra limbs give no additional strength/advantages in combat.


Alignment: True Neutral
Personality Type: Nurturer
Religion: N/A

  • Music
  • Pastel Light Pink
  • Tea
  • Pastries
  • Prejudice
  • Arguing
  • Fighting
Life Story:
  • Heureux was born in Ithania from a one-night stand and raised by his mother, interestingly he has somewhat pointed ears though only slight as this is simply due to relatively recent ancestors of elven blood and he receives no further genetic alteration from this bloodline.
  • He spent his youth learning performing arts, theatrics and acrobatics feats from the circus he called his family.
  • Heureux became a vampire, fled from the circus and learned alchemy and mundane healing methods.
  • He has mastered his knowledge of alchemy and physical healing arts while also learning a variety of arcane techniques to aid in the healing process and took up work for House Valloaan.

Childhood: Heureux was born into a mixed family of entertainers and performers who ran their own traveling circus. The child of a one-night stand between a visitor and a carnival worker. He grew up within a delightful family that enjoyed their craft. Though they were not all actually related by blood they treated each other as one giant family. It is where he learned a lot of his skills. Ever since his early youth he has had a love of small and cute things. Though finds it a tad annoying that he himself is treated as one such thing due to his quite small stature.

Teenage: Heureux was taught over time the more intricate and advanced arts of the circus. Acrobatics, knife throwing, sleight of hand and general performance. He travelled with them across many places, seeing many sights. For the most part though they stayed in Ithanian lands. Heureux was treated like the little brother of all in their band of mirth. Beloved and cherished. They spoiled him often with nice clothes and a pretty tent to stay in. He was never without a smile amongst his expansive family of performers.

Young Adulthood: Heureux was seen to be quite talented at the arts of the circus. A skilled performer and a natural entertainer. This was recognized and everyone wanted to encourage his natural ability and help him reach new heights. So, they set aside funds from their travelling circus to pay for the young Ithanian to attend Madame Bette's Performing Arts Institute where he could perfect more of his craft in other ways, dancing, theatre and a gentler touch. Heureux took a lot of his time often to exercise and his life of constant physical activity meant that he was already always in good shape. Through his time in the institute, he indeed did hone his skills greatly and when he moved on he became well renowned within the circus. An acrobatic who held a mysterious character about them, their movements gentle and graceful. And not to mention that he was a rather well looking young man. Though tragedy would strike the circus and upon one night they would find that Heureux was attacked by a crazed individual, they struck, scratched and even bit the poor young man. Of course the circus spared no expense in getting his injuries treated and soon enough he would be well again as if nothing happened, at least to their knowledge.

Adulthood: As years continued to pass Heureux remained youthful and energetic. But he never seemed to recover mentally from the attack, his personality was... Different somehow. It saddened his family to see this, but they still loved and supported him despite it all. Heureux seemed to lose much of his physical strength after that day and he took up new hobbies. He seemed intrigued in alchemy and had a new sense for personal hygiene and self care. He seemed less joyful at times when he was alone, almost like he no longer actually cared for any of their antics and was simply playing along. Eventually one day he simply left without warning, not a word to anyone as he slipped away in the night. Heureux was interested in new places, new cities and new people. New music, new dances... And new meals. And so he left and went to Regalia.
Last edited:
I will be reviewing your application.
  • Proficiencies
    • List the purchased packs in the Afflicted Point Buy category under your magic proficiency.
  • Appearance Information
    • Move your vampiric form here instead of having it as a separate header.
This is all. Once you have made these edits in a different text color, tag me in a reply.
Wouldn't hurt to add a sentence about any religion, or the lack thereof.
Wisdom: 0
  • Medical Pack (Commutable Points)
  • Barricade Pack (Commutable Points)
  • Scrapper Pack (Commutable Points)
  • Tussling Pack (Commutable Points)
Just be sure to mention the Artificer Branch used here. I'm suspecting Dark Metal.

Besides that, things are looking good. Mark any changes in blue and @tag me when all set.
@ezalB Made changes in blue and clarified 'alchemy' rather than actual engineering.
@ezalB Made changes in blue and clarified 'alchemy' rather than actual engineering.
I'm not sure how this slipped through the cracks. Sorry about that wait! Do feel free to double-tag me if I don't get back to you in a few days, and no one else picks up the app.

You do have to select a branch, even if you don't plan on using it given all your abilities can be flavored completely alchemically. Honestly, I would just choose Teslatech or Servotech given how 'mundane' it appears.