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Played Character Hetsahu

This character is actively played.


pro-leaf-erating oddities
Staff member
Jun 15, 2014
Reaction score
There is no justice, not until every relic of Allorn pride is buried in ash and sand.
[The Weight of Dreams - Greta Van Fleet]

Character Information:
Name: Hetsahu
Heritage: Asha - Hedjet
Age: 29
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Core Concept:
Hetsahu is a Home Asha dedicated to the faith of the Faces of Baskarr and the Asha people while being staunchly opposed to anything and everything Occult. He has come to Regalia in an effort to maintain the piety in the Baskarr faith among the Asha that live there and help quell the rise of Occult acceptance.
Appearance Information:
Hetsahu is a muscular badger Asha who stands at an average height. His body fur is a medium to dark gray color that is lighter across his limbs while his face features a light gray colored fur punctuated by two long black stripes that run across his eyes to the back of his head. A third patch of black fur appears on the middle back of his head. Hetsahu dresses as nicely as he can afford and wears a considerable amount of gold jewelry by Regalian standards—including a golden ring in the upper front of both of his ears. Occasionally, he paints his fur with a golden-orange dye in intricate, geometric patterns.
Proficiency Information:
  • Strength: 7 [Attack]
    • Melee: Careful Fighter Pack [Careful Fighter] - Free
    • Melee: Technique Parry Pack [Technique Parry]
    • Melee: Concussive Blow Pack [Concussive Blow]
    • Melee: Diving Tackle Pack [Diving Tackle]
    • Melee: Shrug Off Pack [Shrug Off]
    • Melee: Knockback Sweep Pack [Knockback Sweep]
    • Melee: Cheap Shot Pack [Cheap Shot]
    • Melee: Bruising Strike Pack [Bruising Strike]
  • Constitution: 0
  • Intelligence: 0 (Technology Style: Living Metal)
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 7 [Defense]
    • Prayer: Faithwall Prayer [Faithwall Prayer]
    • Prayer: Desperate Prayer [Desperate Prayer]
    • Prayer: Kneeling Prayer [Kneeling Prayer]
    • Prayer: Guidance Prayer [Guidance Prayer]
    • Prayer: Disrupt Prayer [Disrupt Prayer]
    • Prayer: Harming Prayer [Harming Prayer]
    • Prayer: Unseen Prayer
  • Magic: 0
Asha Free Packs:
  • 1 Free Pack -> Melee: Pinning Throw Pack [Pinning Throw]
  • 1 Free Non-Ability Pack -> Adapt: Wardrobe Pack
  • Ibeth (Native)
  • Common (Free)
Life Story/Plot Hooks:
  • Hetsahu was born into the desert utopia of Akhiza in the Ashal Islands. Here he was raised to be both faithful to Baskarr and distrustful of Elves and magic.
  • Although surrounded by wealth and post-scarcity luxury, he grew progressively anxious about the growth of magic in the world from what rumors were carried across Akhiza from those traveling from Hesepah.
  • Near his 26th birthday, this sentiment came to a head, and he journeyed to Regalia as it was a relatively common trade route from Hesepah.
  • Arriving in the capital of the Regalian Empire was nothing short of a culture shock for the Asha and this proved to be a formidable challenge to overcome. After working a few odd jobs here and there and witnessing firsthand just how widespread magical acceptance was becoming, he set out on a mission to help cleanse the city of its rot and promote Baskarr among the Asha that made their home in Regalia.
  • After a providential meeting on a cold, late spring night, Hetsahu's views on Khannar and the Faces changed dramatically. Any semblance of compassion he might have felt died an ingloriously sorrowful death, and he redoubled his devotion to preventing the Elves from ever repeating past atrocities and defending the Asha at all costs and with extreme prejudice.

Was it once I thought that time would be kind,
or once I knew the stench of a grand sin?

It only matters that I saw in my dearest kin,
a heart that was open even as I tore it apart.

But to know one who paints emotion as art,
and who can hold empathy vaster than seas,

Makes me wonder as I fall to my knees,
what peace in this world is there to find.


Though some say it is in atonement,
and seek it out doggedly.

I know justice's blade is forever hungry,
as it descends on them just as fast.

Perhaps it is on a pyre before a world so vast,
with passion kindling in your soul,

Or in shambling and barely whole,
merely delaying your own disownment.


I thought I found it once, golden and great,
in the depths of gilded, lovely eyes.

I fooled myself with beautiful lies,
to avoid the discomfort creeping up within.

Answer me where might we begin,
dreaming of Empires reduced so lowly?

Is faith all we have to deny the unholy,
and endure trauma that will never abate?


. Annihilation.
Myriad nameless lifetimes
Lament our damnation.
Yet deliverance came forth,
And we beget more still.
Vengeance must reign,
Or bygone justice never will.
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