Preserved Sheet Herbert Ahlbrecht

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No Rest For The Wicked
Apr 21, 2013
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"ᴛʜᴇ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ᴍᴀɴ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡʀᴏɴɢ ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴀʟʟ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪꜰꜰᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ."

| Basic Information |
  • Full Name:
    • Herbert Ahlbrecht, known also as Herbie, Doc, and Herb
  • Age:
    • 47 summers, his birthday being June 13th of 259 AC
  • Sex:
    • Male with masculine features
  • Race:
    • New-Regalian Ailor (Calemberg bloodline)
  • Sexuality:
    • Heterosexual
  • Main Ambition:
    • To live a life better than the one he once had
| Skill Information |
  • School:
    • School of Medicine
  • Proficiency: (47 points to spend)
    • +20 Medical Sciences (+20 Points)
    • +15 Alchemical Sciences (+15 Points)
    • +7 Food and Drink Sciences (+7 Points)
    • +5 Blunt Combat (+5 Bonus)
  • Languages: (2 learned)
    • Common (10/10)
    • Alt-Regalian (10/10)
| Visual Information |
  • Eye Color:
    • Hazel, being a clay brown and herbal green
  • Hair Color:
    • Black and sandy grey, a sign of aging
  • Hair Style:
    • Lengthy, though greased back by any accessible products to keep it out of the face
  • Skin Color:
    • Fair pink with red blotches due to usually overheating in his heavy attire
  • Clothing:
    • Waxed overcoat to ensure liquids flow off without staining, cotton undershirt, puffy grey wool trousers, high-topped boots to minimize exposure to the environment, tight leather gloves to reduce skin contact, and a leather beak filled with perfume and red lenses in order to reduce exposure to possible illness
  • Height:
    • 5'-10"
  • Body Build:
    • Toned, but this is his upper limit due to age
| Personality and Abilities |
  • First Paragraph:
    • Many see the strange character that is Herbert to be experienced, specifically due to how he moves himself and how long he can hold an eternal conversation about the stuff he loves, and to great detail. One of the other traits seen is that he is generally social, willing to stir up conversation with anyone, though he tends to be quite astute when it comes to his environment and how clean it is. For a such a medieval man, he is a bit of a neat freak who requires everything to be in order.
  • Second Paragraph:
    • Despondent, yet still distantly optimistic, Herbert dreams of the day he can clear his name and regain a group of intelligible friends. He tells himself that he has a strong will, and when it comes to the medical field, he indeed does. However, to make everything a little bit more difficult, he despises when he is out of order or gets dirty. In his mind, he prefers to know what's going to happen, when it's going to happen, and how it's going to happen. Organization, camaraderie, and best of all, a nice pint on a good day is enough to keep this simple man happy.
  • Third Paragraph:
    • As of this point, poor Herbert doesn't have family left to communicate to. He was ostracized by not only his community, but even most of his family due to them having been such an established and long line of professional surgeons. To those he can get close to, he enjoys trying to fascinate whatever friends he can get with only the weirdest things he does. He's used to being alone, but he never enjoys it, and always has to have some sort of companion to help ease the day away.
  • Fourth Paragraph:
    • 'Good' is a vague term that Herbert once used to describe himself. He likes to think he adheres to that description, but desperation has caused him to make exception after exception for the sake of survival. At this point, he does what he deems necessary, profitable, and every once in a while, exciting. To sum up an easy view on his ideals, he would be declared "True Neutral," being a man forced to act immoral for the sake of ensuring he has a bite to eat when he heads home at night. He isn't a very philosophical man either, so one can bet he will blindly defend his actions as best he can without truly understanding the conundrum of moral behind it.
| Life Story |
  • born at a very young age
  • super questionable teenage years like anyone else
  • becomes scholar in medicine
  • becomes surgeon, neat
  • brews beer because he loves it, cool
  • becomes on-site surgeon, going around regalia and talking to many people during surgeries, awesome
  • but then evil vampire camp appears in a group of elvish gypsy people in the country-side
  • tries to treat, but it fails, and almost whole camp becomes sick overnight because unknowingly a dead vampire fell into their communal well getting everyone fckn loaded
  • him and his doctor buddies run but he ends up resorting to violence to defend his cohorts
  • oof.jpg
  • loses status, has to sell home in the commons and functions as a cheap doctor in the slums people go to for operations they cant get legally or are unable to afford, or because their dogs are sick again
  • hi still brewing beer but he's great at it since he has more time on his hands, makes himself at least a little bit of cash this way
  • he embraces and sells stuff like medical super-cocaine because he needs money and wont suck someone off for it........... unlike elves
  • money might fix his problems, but hes old and down on his luck since his old buddies are still doctors and he technically aint, so he needs to fit in somehow
  • welcome to today
  • 0 - 9
    • Born in the middle of the bombastic Regalian Holy City, little Herbie contently wanders and plays in streets he shouldn't be like any other little child.
  • 10 - 16
    • Sickening fascinations, yet one that the parents expected, become apparent as he begins to inspect and play with any dead animal or any covered scab he can pick at. As his curiousity grows stronger, though somewhat pushed by the already successful medical scholars that were his parents, he is admitted to the Regalian Academy of Medicine.
  • 17 - 21
    • Like any other miserable teenager, Herbie gets into the mischievous years of his life by particularly enjoying and studying the wonders of alcohol via drunkenness. While he gets into a couple escapades that could land him in deep trouble, he keeps his cool (at least when authority is around) and ends up taking up drinking, and the production of his drinks, as a hobby for him and his pals.
  • 22 - 25
    • At long last, what seemingly took absolute ages, Herb swears his Oath of No Harm and receives his doctorate. He starts off as a medical assistant, primarily holding and cleaning tools that are to be used in difficult surgical procedures, though also doing check-ups on those who were rich enough to come in regularly.
  • 26 - 42
    • Once having dropped his fascination of alcohol, Herb gets right back into it, though primarily being interested in the process of producing those beverages. Now a mature adult, he ends up taking it as a bit of a 'professional hobby' when he is not busy doing surgical procedures.
    • Regalia calls Herb to aid as sickness spreads and bones are broken in fights, wars, and riots. Rather than stay at a single office, he hires a caravan with his swelling wealth to follow him around and treat people all around the Archipelago, country-side and city-side. This also gives him a bit of skill when it comes to selling his medicine (or beer) to the locals each time he drops by.
  • 43
    • Herb comes across a gypsy camp full of wandering Altalar and Half-Elves. Miffed by the absolute state of their hygiene, he gets right to work clearing the place out by disposing of waste and giving people tomato baths to free them from stench. While mucking about in one of the tents, a Sanguivorous Altalar bursts from their bedroll and attempts to drain him of blood. Thanks to his medical gear, their fangs fail to pierce his skin, and the caravan guards manage to make short work of the infected fiend. Herb deems the body too dangerous to burn, but too risky to bury, so the caravan guards decide to simply dump the corpse into a condemned well that had long-since been dry.
    • But it wasn't dry, and it wasn't condemned. While the caravan never noticed a thing since they had their own supply, the gypsy camp drank from the water while waiting to be cleared out. As the days go by, almost the full camp begins to starve themselves, wailing in their sleep about the death that's sure to come to them. This baffles the present doctors, who currently are unsure as to why they're rapidly dying of a pestilence that has yet to affect the caravan. Death would have been merciful, for they instead become Vampires. Outnumbered and in a panic, the caravan and the remaining civilians flee, but the caravan guards are all put to the sword as they risk their skins to save who they can. In a moment of heroism, Herb whips free a spear from one of the wounded and joins the guardians in protecting who they can. After a brief skirmish, they eventually manage to flee, many of them surviving the aftermath due to the high concentration of doctors v. patients.
    • Herbert saved lives, but he also ended them. As they return to the glorious Crown City, while he hoped no word would be said to spare his reputation, one of his co-workers snitch on him to the Vigilant Shield when they collect the statements of the survivors. In turn, he is reported, recorded, and re-evaluated, having his doctorate torn to pieces and sent into a pyre within the same minute his higher-ups caught wind of such a thing. Devastated, he returns to his family for comfort to only discover they felt the same way about him for losing such a highly-esteemed title "because [you] couldn't let a few coons risk their skins instead of [yours]."
  • 44 - 46
    • With no money or power to speak of, many of his friends drift away as they become more successful and devoted to their line of work rather than to a disgraced doctor. Herbert is forced to sell his house, many of his belongings, and even his services as he becomes an illegal practitioner for slum-scum who have rabid pets to save, ears to pierce, and limbs to salvage after a bad run-in with some belligerent drunk with a blade.
    • As money becomes scarce and the word 'necessity' becomes loose in its definition, Herbert starts drug trafficking and producing the most gut-wrenching beer he can to satisfy his wallet. As his hair turns grey and age begins to catch up to him, Herbert decides to drown his sorrows one morose night in the Hidden Dragon as the noose comes to mind.
  • 47
    • That is, until that fateful day... the day he met Samuel Ryder by literally bumping into him at the Hidden Dragon. Introduced to both Sam and his crew of misfits, he's "hired" to join them in the search for work and adventure!
  • June 16th
    • Herbie is hired by Duke Ryker Lampero to be a brewmaster on his vessel to explore to the world, along with crewmates Samuel, Fawza, and Leon. While unsure of how to handle such a mysterious adventure that is soon to come, a 1000r salary from the Nouveaux-riche Half-Orc wanting to satisfy an childhood wish is enough to man-up the old man to take the trek.
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My Review:
  • Please add one point of content to the Fourth Personality Paragraph.
  • Life Story:
    • Technically there are many "middles" of the Regalian Archipelago as geographically, it is the Dragenthal region of Norwick but politically it is the Holy City of Regalia so please clarify as to where he was born.
That is, until that fateful day... the day he met @ .
  • He met an "at" symbol? Could you please explain what this means?
Please tag me once the edits have been done in green
My Review:
  • Please add one point of content to the Fourth Personality Paragraph.
  • Life Story:
    • Technically there are many "middles" of the Regalian Archipelago as geographically, it is the Dragenthal region of Norwick but politically it is the Holy City of Regalia so please clarify as to where he was born.

  • He met an "at" symbol? Could you please explain what this means?
Please tag me once the edits have been done in green
Here we go!
Born in the middle of the bombastic Regalian Holy City,
Fourth Paragraph:
  • 'Good' is a vague term that Herbert once used to describe himself. He likes to think he adheres to that description, but desperation has caused him to make exception after exception for the sake of survival. At this point, he does what he deems necessary, profitable, and every once in a while, exciting. To sum up an easy view on his ideals, he would be declared "True Neutral," being a man forced to act immoral for the sake of ensuring he has a bite to eat when he heads home at night. He isn't a very philosophical man either, so one can bet he will blindly defend his actions as best he can without truly understanding the conundrum of moral behind it.
That is, until that fateful day... the day he met Samuel Ryder by literally bumping
I ended up using the very last tavern visit Herbert planned to have as an IC reason to make friends. I was supposed to name the first character he made close friends with, but I forgot to fill that in after their brief mini-quest was all said and done!
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@HydraLana With alchemy much easier to understand, I decided to shift around my points so that I can incorporate those into my future RP! How's this look?
| Skill Information |
  • School:
    • School of Medicine
  • Proficiency: (37 points to spend)
    • +24 Surgery (+10 Medicine, +14 Points)
    • +10 Medicine (+20 Medicine, -10 Oathbreaker)
    • +10 Alchemy (+10 Points)
    • +5 Syndicate Contacts (+5 Points)
    • +5 General Command (+5 New Regalian)
    • +3 Commerce (+3 points)
    • +3 Quick Fingers (+3 Points)
    • +2 Improvised Weaponry (+2 Points)
  • Culture: (47 points to spend)
    • +30 Brewing (+30 Points)
    • +10 Horticulture (+10 Medicine)
    • +10 Bodycare (+10 Points)
    • +7 Husbandry (+7 Points)
  • Languages: (3 learned)
    • Common (10/10)
    • Alt-Regalian (10/10)
    • Modern Elvish (6/10)
Tag me once all the little edits are done @Magivore