Preserved Sheet Henri Kristoff Riviere

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Das Wump
Dec 14, 2015
Reaction score

Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name | Henri Kristoff Riviere
His High Holiness Henri I
Archbishop of the Archdiocese of the Stalwart Defender​
  • Age | 43
  • Gender | Male
  • Race | Genevaud Ailor
  • Sexuality | Celibate practicing
  • Preferred Weapon | Prayer
Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 43 +5 = 48
  • +15 Linguistic Knowledge
  • +10 Conning Rogue Skill
  • +8 Society Knowledge | Unionist Culture | Ailor Culture
  • +3 Historical Knowledge | Ailor History
  • +5 Diplomatic Case Skill
  • +3 Judicial Case Skill
  • +2 Financial Case Skill
  • +5 Theatre Arts (Hobby)
  • +5 Architecture Arts (Hobby)
  • +2 Puretek Combat Skill

Body Shape
  • 2
  • Toned Body Shape
  • Low Body Fat
  • Common
  • Genevaud Dialect
  • Alt Regalian
  • D'Ithanie
  • Dressalo
  • Human Pack
    • Old Ceardian Dialect
    • Proto-Regalian
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • None

Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color | Brown, grayed out
  • Hair Color | Black
  • Hair Style | Cropped short, balding
  • Skin Color | Regalian pink
  • Clothing | Clerical robes with modest embellishments
  • Height | 6'1
Personality and Abilities (Required with Choice)

Option Two: The Core List
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Neutral Good
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • INFJ-A | Advocate
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Unionism 8/10

Life Story (Required)

Henri was born in the Genevaud Cantons forty-three years ago near the South of the Lordship. He lived a simple life inside of his isolated home. The community was rich with life. As he was the son of a merchant deeply involved with the livestock trade, dinner was always filled with a variety of flavorful dishes and spread of cheese. It was a modest and simple life as much of young Henri's childhood was filled with rudimentary business education based around math as well as some linguistic studies.

As he came of age Henri was sent to the Dom Cathedral in Calemberg to begin his studies in the Sancella to become a man of the cloth. Henri would spend his time learning the liturgy of the Unionist church and further expanding his linguistic expertise. Upon completion of his lessons, the now ordained Henri would travel back south to Montania to serve as a curate in one of the existing monasteries.

Inside of the Dressolini culture, Henri would become knowledgeable in the political gambits of the population, even going so far as to learn a few tricks of the trade as a religious adviser to many a politician coming to ask if their deeds were good in the eyes of the Spirit or to repent of their sins of evil deeds passed.

His service in Montania would eventually earn him his title of reverend as his growth within the local community garnered him much respect with more higher class patrons. Now being tasked to leave the humble monasteries, Henri would travel back to Genevaud to reconnect with his roots, falling between various Cantons before settling in the North at the border of the Drachenburg Margave.

From here Henri would oversee his communion, being thoroughly enriched by those around him and finding fulfillment in his day to day life.

As the modern era crept up, Henri would descend from his mountainous home into the heartland of the Regalian Empire, taking up a brief stay in lands belonging to the Calderliga Federation before making the final trip to the Crown Isle to join the Regalian Synod during the tenure of High Reverend Thybalt du Pont.

Henri and Thybalt made quick companionship with each other as the High Reverend aided Henri in maneuvering the political landscape that was the Regalian Empire. As he stepped down from power, Henri offered to become the next High Reverend, which was largely questioned due to his lack of experience outside of niche lands, but his optimism was high so he was elected in as what would later become the last High Reverend of the Synod.

During his tenure Henri set to work reclaiming lands that felt the Synod had become too secular and turned its back on those congregations who no longer trusted the central church body. Largely viewed as a continuation of the old Henri only really managed one great feat, being the establishment of a cathedral in the county of Ragulia, a hopeful beginning of religious control over the wild South Dukelands.

Eventually though, progress found its way as the revelation of the tenth creed was brought forth, being carried safely to the Crown Isle where it was eventually verified by Henri, who at the time was the highest seat of religious authority following the tragic death of the Supreme Reverend.

Taking some time to address this change, Henri would look into past religious documents and the words and deeds of past Emperors for some indication of what the Spirit deemed necessary for the Ailor faith to progress. Ultimately he established the Imperial Orthodox Church, believing in the preservation and continuation of conservative Ailor thought, later expanded by influences of purism by the House von Drachenburg, a large patron of the church.

In the modern day, Henri has further taken his church, shifting its name towards the Archdiocese of the Stalwart Defender in hopes of appeasing the conservative Leutz-Vixe population to join. He now sits in the Crown Isle, returned at the climax of a great many catastrophes facing the capital city, seeing a greater necessity to push forward the message of his churches doctrine.
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Hello there! I'll be picking this up for staff review, expect a reply shortly!
@Katiesc I moved points around in line with the religion update. Not enough for a review, but as a heads up
Added onto the life story for the new church and edited his titles to reflect this.

Long live his Holy Eminence Basil I, Archbishop of the Imperial Orthodox Church, Archbishop of Ragulia. The last High Reverend of the Synod.
Moved around some unused points, totally 8 so I'm still Gucci, this is just a little notation of making an edit.
@Katiesc I've taken five points from Conning Rogue Skill and put them into Alchemy Sciences to hopefully find another facet of roleplay for the character. Considering the amount of edits I would need a reapproval for the proficiency spread I have.
Everything here looks good still!
@Katiesc did a full rewrite of the character to coincide with the age up and subsequent shift in culture to have a more focused ideology and background rather than being split up of a bunch of different crossroads in a such a short period of time.