Preserved Sheet Hendrik Karstan.

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An Unfortunate Scotsman
May 22, 2014
Reaction score
St Andrews, Scotland.


Basic Information

  • Full Name: Hendrik Isaac Karstan.
    • Aliases: Hendy, Isaac.
  • Age: 30.
    • DOB: 16th of June, 276AC.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Ailor.
    • Ethnicity: Anglian.
  • Sexuality: Bisexual.
Skill Information
  • Proficiency Points: 30.
    • +20 Longswords. (+20 from Proficiency Points.)
    • +10 Quick Fingers. (+10 from Proficiency Points.)
    • +5 Anglian Longbow. (+5 from Anglian Culture.)
  • Culture Points: 30.
    • +10 Bodycare. (+10 from Culture Points.)
    • +10 Dancing. (+10 from Culture Points.)
    • +10 Carving. (+10 from Culture Points.)
  • Languages:
  • Anglian: His mother tongue, learned in his younger years from his Mother & Father. Most of his studies in the Anglian tongue were done through reading, as he was trained to show as much intellect as possible, given the task of memorizing the Anglian Dictionary.
  • Common: Another tongue taught to him as a child, due to his family having militaristic ties he was forced to learn this language incase he was ever to do military service. Hendrik's father was extremely strict when it came to teaching the Common Tongue as he thought it to be very important for anyone to learn.
  • Alt-Regalian: A language learned as he got older in order to fit in with the people of Regalia. Hendrik was seemingly taught this by another thief that he used to work with, seemingly so they could communicate easily without being caught by any Non-Regalian speaking citizens.
  • Ithanian: Any man with the intention to woo women would have to learn such a romantic language. Hendrik always had the intention to find his true love, he just felt he needed to find a suitable entrance to most of the bedrooms in Anglia first, as such, the Ithanian Tongue was an obvious choice in romantic languages.
  • Hendrik is a part-time dock labourer, spending most of his time there carrying crates and pickpocketing the odd traveler who asks for directions in order to make a quick bit of extra coin. Most of his free time, he spends wooing the countless women who he deems to be suitable for selection.
  • Born to Helen & Hans Karstan, Hendrik was brought up in Axford along with his younger brother, Kristoff. They grew up in a rather large house that sat in the center of an orchard, they were situated on the edge of the city, being a militaristic family his father had thought of this as strategic positioning.
  • Hendrik's main ambition in life is to become a renowned fighter just like his father once was, even though his father was a military figure in Anglia, Hendy believes he can accomplish this in ways other than coming into the public eye as what he calls a "Paper Pusher."

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Blue.
  • Hair Color: Black.
  • Hair Style: Short, back & sides.
  • Skin Color: Anglian White.
  • Clothing: Aristocratic, Imperial Fashion.
  • Height: 6'3.
  • Body Build: Ripped.
  • Weapon of Choice: Longsword.
  • Hendrik's face is extremely scarred, more so than most to the point where he has become rather insecure about it, even though his scars are fairly faded. His eyes are big, sparkling like deep blue gems in the sunlight. His lips are slightly thicker than that of your average man and are fairly scarred. His neck retains probably the worst of his scars, from when he was practicing pickpocketing in Axford, where he grew up. The city guards were extremely unkind to those who committed offenses much like Hendrik had and as such they are responsible for many of his scars. His hair is short back and sides with a fair amount on top for a more militaristic look, as his father had requested of him. His nose is slightly larger than the other members of his family, scarred like the rest of him, though across the bridge. His ears are relatively small, as well as his forehead and he retains no signs of aging a day past twenty five.
  • With a fair frame and decent height on him, Hendrik can be noted as an extremely healthy individual. He stands at six foot, three inches and hosts a rather ripped build with extremely prominent muscles. His skin is a fair white, slightly tanned from his life in Anglia before he fled to Regalia in his later years. He has a fair amount of hair on his chest, arms and legs that also hosts that Anglian Black colour of hair. He has rather thick bones as when he was being trained to fight, the man who taught him followed the Orcish belief that bones broken will only grow back stronger and as such he was beaten mercilessly. His back, chest and arms are scarred heavily by the remains of blade wounds from his past experiences with guards and also during his tough life of dueling those who would oppose him or question his honour. His legs on the other hand seem to only host a few blade scars and beyond that, scars from where he's fallen and scuffed his knees or cut himself trying to jump over something.
  • Hendrik wears only the finest Aristocratic wears, stolen from his residence when he abandoned his family for a life away from Anglia, to escape his past crimes. He wears Imperialized Fashion, coloured as the Kades would wear and always kept neat and tidy upon himself. He wears a fair few silver bracelets beneath his wears, each that he's stolen that contain sapphires as well as a sapphire necklace given to him on his sixteenth birthday. Along with all his fine accessories he carries his family's longsword, made from Blacksteel and with a hilt inlaid with a dragon bone finish; hanging from the end of the hilt, a tooth from the very same dragon that the hilt is inlaid with.
  • With a voice much alike the rest of those that come from Anglia, speaking the flat language without his own accent, not even a small spin on it. He does however take a stern tone when speaking, sounding less peasantly than the language dictates that he should. Throughout his life, Hendrik has aimed to be someone of importance, someone with goals, a career and a bright future. When speaking other languages however, he tends to adopt the accents of said languages, for instance, when he speaks Ithanian. Many people would pin him as an Ithanian male, simply because he observes the mannerisms, the accent even more so to make himself sound convincing. In terms of Alt-Regalian however, he struggles to put on the accent without sounding extremely racist to every other Regalian in existence, essentially mocking their language, accents and mannerisms as he goes along, just like comedians now-a-days would.

Personality and Abilities
  • Unkind Cries and Watchful Eyes: An individual that blends into the environment around him, many people aren't so quick to notice he's even there. When people realize that they're in the company of Hendrik they automatically assume, due to his clothing that he is a fairly rich man. Of course, assumptions can be damaging in many ways. Hendrik is a man often seen as charming, delightful in many cases due to the fact that he tends to try and blend in, pretending to be someone he's not. Those that see beyond his act in the beginning would view him as lowly scum trying to make a quick bit of coin off of the people around him.
  • Thoughts left to Linger: Hendrick is a conflicted individual, having numerous doubts and confidences that both damage and compliment one another in numerous ways. For instance, Hendrik is wary of his appearance, as he is badly scarred and feels that it affects the way that people think of him. On the other hand, he is confident of his dress sense which makes him believe he is counteracting the before statement. These conflicts play on his mind for hours on end, thoughts on his strength and how his bodybuilding routine and body size may assist him with his strength, though he fears always that he will not be strong enough due to previous failures in battle and in various other scenarios. This would be the simplest way to put his confliction due to a thorough explanation. He is particularly wary around friends.
  • Respect, Both Ways: Keeping his friends close and sharing most of his secrets with them, he is never wary around those he trusts. He spends most of his time with friends, given that he's not out flirting with the next pretty woman he sees coming his way. In terms of family however, Hendrik hasn't spoken to his parents or his brother in many a year due to his trying to relieve them of his faults and failures that made the family look bad. He loves his parents very dearly, though couldn't bare to see them hurt any more by his actions and as such he remains distant. His friends however get the full Hendrik experience, his banterful, loving and extremely energetic personality all play a big role in how he interacts with friends, always looking for new and exciting things to do together whilst also having a decent joke with them and dishing out numerous hugs to show how much he respects and cares about them.
  • The Morality of Man: Evil is such a strong word, Hendrik feels he is neutral. He cares little for the people he steals from, but he doesn't count it as a crime because it's saving his life. In the way that he sees it, it's simply survival of the fittest; or in this case, survival of the quickest as he swipes purses, wallets and spare coin from almost every well-off person he sees. He wouldn't quite steal from a poor person because he'd see that as being truly evil, leaving someone that is almost penniless with nothing, letting them starve and eventually die. In terms of corruption however, Hendrik views other evil deeds with disgust, he feels that his theft is nothing in terms of what everyone else does to one another, from stabbings to murder. Rape, kidnapping, home robbery, arson. All these crimes, in his head are against what he stands for. The small pouches of coin he steals are naught compared to the damage these crimes cause, truly.
  • Hans Karstan: An Ex-Soldier in the Regalian Westmark. Father to Hendrik and Kristoff, he was always a stern man, doing everything by the books. People couldn't simply do things their own way either, as whilst you were in his house you were to follow his rules to a T.

  • Kristoff Karstan: The bastard of the Karstans, a mistake in Hendrik's eyes. He wishes for nothing to do with Kristoff, having ridiculed his half-brother his whole life and even pretending that he didn't exist for many years until he left for Regalia.
  • Helen Karstan: Mother to Hendrik, a fair woman with decent knowledge on languages and geography. Hendrik was rather close to his mother before he left Axford to try and protect his parents from the harm he was bringing unto their family. She passed away soon after his disappearance.

Life Story
Born in the midst of June in 276AC in a small apothecary on the edge of Axford, Hendrik was the first child to be born to Helen & Hans. He was a child born of marriage, secure in his parent's arms and safe from harm due to their protection and love for him.

For most of his early years his time was spent with his mother, his father being sent off with the Westmark to deal with the squabbles of Regalia and to fight wars, raging throughout the Archipelago. He didn't mind this, in honesty; though he's not entirely sure he can remember it. Up until the age of four, it was his mother and himself alone in the Anglian Capitol. When he turned four, his studies started, numerous hours spent with his head in a book. His father was always at his back, watching over him as he learned both the Anglian and Common tongues in unison.

One couldn't really say that time flew by, never being one for reading and writing. Hendrik was a wild spirit, one who wished to spend his time outside, basking in the sun and picking apples in the orchards. He wanted to see dragons, not that there were any. His life was filled with wonder and amazement. He wanted to know why the sun was so yellow and craved the knowledge of why the sky cried when black clouds appeared. He wanted adventure in the world and yet was never given that opportunity until he was old enough to wield a blade.

Upon his tenth birthday, Hendrik was given a training sword. It was a blunted ferr-iron blade, just as soldiers would have practiced with and he was set about using it instantly. He spent hours in the courtyard to their home with his father, learning not only to fight with the sword but to keep his mind set on tactical plays. His father was a distinguished soldier, honoured for his duty to the Empire. Hendrik was very proud of his father's achievements, but as time grew on he learned to hate the man.

Shortly after Hendrik's eleventh birthday, his father arrived home from another skirmish somewhere abroad in the Archipelago. He'd been gone for a year now, Hendrik could understand his reasons for leaving and appreciated the fact that he was doing his service for the Empire and for House Kade. What he couldn't understand was why his father happened to be carrying a bundle of blankets in his arms when he arrived home. Hans had been more than just hands on in his recent battles, he had brought home another son, a son born out of wedlock. He bore blonde hair and brown eyes, clear traits of his mother. Hans and Helen had decided not to hide him, giving him the name Kristoff and keeping him protected as they had done with Hendrik once before.

Years spent with this new arrival, a boy that Hendrik looked down on because he caused their family so much hardship, caused his parents so much pain. He refused to let this get in the way of his chores and training, refusing to even acknowledge the boy most of the time. The family, although well-off had to devote more time to the children now that there were two of them, bills were not as easy to pay and so Hendrik started the practice of thievery, stealing pouches, pendants, rings, necklaces and bracelets all from people unaware of his trade. He put his understanding of languages to good use in order to attract attention from his targets and then used what charm he could muster to distract them from his wandering hands.

I would, unfortunately be lying if I said that Hendrik never got caught. The guards in Axford are extremely unkind towards criminals, as they should be. This started the years of grievous bodily harm for repeat offenses by Hendrik that would leave his face, neck, arms, legs, chest & back; you name it, it was scarred. They started with whips, tearing the flesh ever so lightly with the tough leather. It slowly developed into more metallic objects that were used to damage him.

Needless to say, Hendrik realized the toll this took on his family. He decided to leave home, taking with him the family sword and fleeing Axford for Regalia in order to find a new calling. He started upon the docks, as a labourer, carrying crates and cargo destined for lands unknown to him. The fresh start was all too needed, it seemed to cheer him up somewhat. Overall, Hendrik found that he fit in more within Regalia. The people wouldn't notice him as much, nor his misdeeds and so he thrived in their city for many years and still does to this day.
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