"hello Does Anybody Still Play Non-kathar" Mini-update


Staff member
Jun 29, 2012
Reaction score

Obviously Kathar are popular, but things are starting to tilt a bit too much in one direction. So, here we go with a couple of implementations in an attempt to crutch the opposing side who is suffering from constant lethargy at the lack of effective tools to combat Kathar ritualism and magic prevalence.

Pages Affected:
  • Changed wording on the Possession page to reflect the change in naming of the Cielothar cleansing ritual.
  • Added a new Cielothar Ritualism Proficiency which is like the polar opposite of Kathar Ritualism.
  • Added mechanics for Cielothar Ritualism to be converted from Kathar Ritualism and bounce Kathar loyalty back and forth as well as cleansing corrupted Nelfin of other breeds.
  • Changed Cielothar Proficiencies:
    • From +20 Nature care to +10 Nature Care and +12 Cielothar Ritualism
  • Changed Dragonblood back again to turn back some of the dumbing down nerfs (hurr durr)
  • Changed Dragonblood to Staff Only (I know, controversial, but it was basically up there anyway)
  • Created a Category of Soul Sharding for other forms of Soul context like Dragonblood.
  • Added a new Soul Sharding mechanic being Aleia. (angels yo)
  • Added the necessary support for Soul Sharding Permission applications.
  • Added Varran Nobility equivalent to Cro-Allar with their own Corsair fleet mechanic to work in Nobility on a Baronial level. This means that Varran are now on par with the Allar in terms of Regalian integration, and that Varran can be nobility. Dwarves don't need this regulation nor do Altalar, because they are just application based on the Baronial application thread.
    • Other races will likely not become part of this arrangement, since they aren't part of the in-lore crown alliance, but we do have the structure in place in case we decide to implement something like it in the future.
Please keep in mind Aleia have an extremely limited quantity available, and we suspect 2/5 are already going to be given out to staff members with a narrative pitch that was accepted. So don't get too worked up over it.
I am very psyched to see what a Varran Corsair Lord might bring. I've always been waiting on more depth/maneuverability for Regalia's navy, specifically player driven, and all we've had for a while is Christopher Black.
STOP IT RIGHT NOW! Oh my word I have yet to even read the new lore, but thank you thank you thank you for the Cielothar Ritualism! ❤️❤️