Preserved Sheet Helena Linde

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Jan 30, 2016
Reaction score

Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Helena Signesdottir av Lindeborg
    • Imperialized to Helena Signe Linde
  • Age: 19
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Bolven Ailor
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Longsword
Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 24 points from age.

  • +10 Sword combat
  • +8 Heavy ranged combat
  • +4 Writing arts
  • +2 Sculpting arts
  • +5 Frontline command (talent points)
  • +5 Perception training (talent points)
  • +10 Husbandry arts (hobby points)
Body Shape
  • 19 Physical stat
  • Athletic body shape
  • Low body fat
  • Nysprak (native language)
  • Common (learned in preteens, refined at the academy)
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Dark blue
  • Hair Color: Dark black
  • Hair Style: Tied back
  • Skin Color: Pale
  • Clothing: Military style clothing
  • Height: 5'11
Option Two: The Core List
  • Character Alignment
    • Lawful Good - Helena stays firmly within the bounds of the law with all of her actions whilst attempting to project masculine virtues of self-sufficiency and courage.
  • Character Personality Type
    • ISTJ, the Logician - The inexperienced commander is rather insecure, though she would never express it, often retreating inward to analyze situations whilst using as much information as possible in order to make the best decision, albeit often delayed.
  • Character's Religion
    • Sancellist Unionism (7/10) - Being raised in a Unionist household and turning to the Spirit in her times of strife at the academy, Helena would be a fairly zealous follower of the common Sancellist Church.
Life Story (Required)
Helena was born Helena Signesdottir av Lindeborg in 290 AC to Lukas and Signe Lindeborg, well off fur traders living in Rikeland, between Calemberg and Drixagh. Lacking material strife, Helena was educated in fine arts during her earliest years, namely those of proper diction and prose in Nysprak, along with the fundamentals of sculpting. She was also notably brought up in the Sancellist faith. As she aged, not needing constant supervision and care, she began to accompany her father on his business trips, primarily ventures taken by horse and carriage from Rikeland through Calemberg to the remainder of the Archipelago, selling furs in more lucrative markets. The young Lindeborg aided in the care of the horses, eventually learning to ride herself not through any natural aptitude but through painful persistence.
On the return of one of these business trips, a little less than a decade into Helena's life, a bloody incident involving a band of highwaymen saw the Lindeborg caravan return battered back to Rikeland. Helena retreated inward for a period of a month, processing the horrible feeling of vulnerability she felt as her family's wealth and men were stolen away, before returning to life projecting strength wherever possible. Her family aided her in this, hiring her a private tutor from the local area. This tutor primarily educated her in longsword and crossbow techniques for a period of three years until her thirteenth birthday, when she received an agreeable Spotted Ceardian horse named Lars. Helena focused her efforts on learning Common, in preparation for an education at the State Academy for Officers in Regalia.
At the State Academy, Helena was bullied by her peers, especially her New Regalian classmates, for being female and 'northern'. While there was nothing she could do about being a woman, she undertook great effort while at the academy to eradicate any trace of Höglander accents from her Common. This led to her almost sounding like a native Common speaker, outside of times of intense emotion. Furthermore, she adopted military fashion whilst imperializing her name to 'Helena Signe Linde'. Linde graduated the academy with average marks after a gruesome five years of rigorous effort, struggling in the overwhelmingly male dominated school, often turning to the Spirit in these difficult times, deepening her relationship with the Sancellist faith. She took a month's vacation back to Rikeland before returning to Regalia to seek out experience and employment in field command.

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