Preserved Sheet Helena Kind

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Fiber Viber
Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Helena Kind

  • Age: 14

  • Gender: Female

  • Race: Ailor

  • Main Ambition: Security

  • Special Permission: Silven
Basic Information (Expansion)

  • Helena only recently arrived in the city, and is a simple young woman trying to find financial security, as well as some form of identity.
  • Despite being around people at the orphanage, she was ostracized for her eyes and therefor has trouble forming meaningful connections. If she does form connections, she becomes uncomfortable with the intimacy and will inadvertently sabotage her own relationships.
Proficiency Points
  • Proficiency Points: 14
  • Point Allocation:
    • +3 Sneaking (+3 Proficiency Points)
    • +4 Unionist Seminary (+4 Proficiency Points)
    • +3 Quick Fingers (+3 Proficiency points)
    • +2 Post-Cataclysm History (+2 Proficiency points)
    • +2 Pre-Cataclysm History (+2 Proficiency points)
Culture Points
  • Culture Points: 14
  • Point Allocation:
    • +5 Poetry (+5 Culture points)
    • +4 Pastry Cooking (+4 Culture Point)
    • +5 Cuisine Cooking (+5 Culture Point)
Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Gold

  • Hair Color: Black

  • Hair Style: Curly mop top

  • Skin Color: Pale

  • Clothing: Simple and casual, a linen tunic and pants

  • Height: 5'9"

  • Body Build: Tomboy

  • Weapon of Choice: Avoidance
Visual Information (Expansion)

  • Being a girl not fully physically developed, Helena can reasonably be mistaken for a boy. This is compounded by her heavy brows, which are typically furrowed, and full jaw.
  • She has proportions similar to a man's, though not muscular. Her shoulders are broad and her waist is narrow, and her thin limbs make the appearance of large hands and feet.
  • Helena has always owned few possessions, so she tends to cling to what she can. Though she'd never admit to the sentimentality, she has trouble even throwing out the rocks that get stuck in her shoe. Her pants are olive green and cutoff around the mid calf, and her boots are practical if not a bit worn. Her tunic is a reddish beige and tied with a hand-me-down leather belt, a few sizes too large. She wears a colored string around her neck of little significance.
  • She speaks few words, but tries to make those words count. Often she uses double meanings and insults which could be plausibly denied later. Sometimes she mutters accidentally, other times she speaks in an accusatory tone. Sometimes when uncomfortable she resorts to various tonal grunts.
Personality and Abilities (Required)

  • First Paragraph: She is perceived as a soft spoken and unassuming child, with respect for her betters. She seems to have few passions, and sticks to nothing for very long. She is not outright defiant, but her lack of enthusiasm and seeming inability to learn skills cause people to assume she's either learning impaired or just not worth teaching. She is not outwardly cruel, though it would be hard to tell if she feels much of anything. This is due to her preference for closing off and being agreeable rather than arguing. She does have quick wit, but it is often of the muttered or double-meaning variety.

  • Second Paragraph: Her feelings inside are nearly stark opposite of her outward reflection. She seethes through anger, and plummets through sadness. Her emotions are explosive and unpredictable, causing a tumultuous lack of contentedness. The times when she feels the most normal are when others are expressing what she feels inside. If your day is going poorly, hers will suddenly get better. Watching the suffering of others, or their confusion, anger, or even joy, makes her feel more at ease because she won't be expected to express those things herself. When others are expressive, she can hide herself behind their show. Her discomfort at self expression comes from a lack of self identity.

  • Third Paragraph: The most familiarity a person can hope to achieve would be a point at which she was comfortable in their silence. This would be the opposite of how she feels around strangers, whom she prefers to be in a state of chaos. She would possibly accept praise from a familiar person with a smile, though praise from a stranger would send her into deep discomfort as she was unsure of how to express herself. She has a tendency to sabotage her own relationships, even accidentally, as a defense mechanism.
  • Fourth Paragraph: She sees morality as a very fluid and flexible thing, if it exists at all. Things either benefit her, or they don't. This is not to mean that she can't understand the pain of others, but she will almost always refer it back to the previous question. Does this affect me? Secondly, she would wonder if she could make sense of it. If she can make sense of another person benefitting from something they've done, she can't necessarily be angry with them. She may seek vengeance if they affected her poorly, however. Power is something she is fascinated with, but hopelessly unsure of how to manage. Her natural inclination toward chaos prevents her from planning, plotting, or holding one position for long. The most empowered she feels is when she brushes these philosophies off and decides to just do things as they occur to her, rather than dwelling on them.
  • Fifth Paragraph (OPTIONAL): TBD

  • Patience: She is able to bite her tongue withhold speaking despite her pride being damaged. She is more comfortable waiting for something to happen than forcing it to happen prematurely. She does not feel uncomfortable in the elapsing time between when something is expected, and when it actually happens, and is prone to entirely brushing the idea out of her mind in the interim.

  • Chaos: She likes to say or do as little as possible to receive the most effect. She can be put in a chaotic situation and still feel quite comfortable, if not entirely content. For her own plans being skewed, she will try to quickly change course rather than stubbornly insist on a failing plan.

  • Slippery: She takes pride in her ability to shrink away when things get tough. Rather than fight, she deflects attention, diffuses, or flees. She will also place blame shamelessly on anyone else to avoid getting herself into trouble with no remorse, and has a talent for twisting words.
Weaknesses (OPTIONAL)

  • Lack of Identity: She has trouble expressing herself because she doesn't know how she should react to things like a normal person. She doesn't feel comfortable doing the same thing for too long, because she begins to feel trapped. She can sometimes take abuse and not realize she's being abused.
Personality and Abilities (Expansion)

  • She has a bit of a hunch, and tends to look downward. This ranges between resting bitchface, and just being uncomfortable. Her shoulders often tense when she knows she's being watched. Her words become more distinctive and polite when she's addressing a person of authority.
  • She has a decent memory, and tends to memorize facts and poems rather than simply read them.

  • Art: She likes the escapism of art, preferable art that doesn't include depictions of people. She likes landscapes and animals.
  • Tea: She has the discerning palate of someone who can smell, taste, and identify dozens of subtle tasting notes. This talent has not translated to wine tasting, but does also tend to make her a picky eater.
  • Busy streets: The louder and more busy an area, the better she feels being there. Nothing is so painful to her as silence.

  • Conversing: As someone who is unsure of herself and doesn't want attention, the eye contact of others comes off more as a harsh criticism in her mind.
  • Compliments: Any time someone does something which should elicit an expected emotional response, she's going to become awkward. Positive attention was never something she got used to. Negative attention is much more reliable.
Relationships (Optional)


Life Story (Required)

Abandoned by her parents upon discovery of her gold eyes, Helena was raised in an orphanage. Her childhood was enriched by education, but her social development was hampered by her minimal contact with others. Her main interactions came from the staff. In the best scenario, she was regarded with pity as a lost soul. Often, given her condition, she was met with distrust. She was the first to be blamed when things went wrong, and it was always assumed that she had malicious intent, even for what were really honest mistakes.

Her social skills improved only somewhat over time, but she remained distant from other children. Shel lacked an individual feeling of identity, but was now well versed in saying very few words to get what she wanted. Manipulation was her method as far as getting attention, and her religious legal guardians only served to further estrange herself from her Silven traits. As a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy, the distrust she received led her to become a more deceptive person. She began to truly believe that she was a malicious soul, due to her Silven heritage. She both feared this side of herself, and used it as an excuse to give in to immoral tendencies. There was no use fighting her nature, right?

By her early teen years, she was capable of travelling alone to the city of Regalia. Raised by proper unionists, she is uncomfortable with being Silven. She has met some other Silven, and is torn between appreciating their guidance, and resenting their heretical existences. In the end, she continues to resent herself.
Last edited:
  • Can you move the fourth paragraph out of the spoiler please.
  • Add one more sentence to the third paragraph.

Make the above edits in a different colour and tag me afterwards!
  • You have quick fingers listed as 3 points but also as having 5 invested, please correct this.
  • I'd like for you to expand a little on the life story. Perhaps go into more detail on her interactions with others because of her nature as a silven?
Mark your edits in red and tag me when you have made the appropriate changes. @MrsCripple