Archived Hefty Mutes For People Spoiling New Movies/tv Shows

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Leader of SunKiss
Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
The Holy SunKiss Empire
Honestly, it's pretty self-explanatory. It's generally just a rather rude and inconsiderate move to the people who actually want to watch the movie/show, not have it ruined by some trolling jerk. Sure, you can ignore the person, but by that point the damage is already done, and people shouldn't really have to leave general chat to avoid having a show spoiled for them...

and no, I did not have star wars ruined for me, saw it before anyone in general chat started giving spoilers. So no, I'm not salty, just think it's extremely rude to spoil shows for someone like that.
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Yoda is Kylo Ren. But no on a more serious note, I watched the movie last night, and right before, I had a huge plot point spoiled for me by some troll. Agree to this.
@Thortuna Seems easy enough for me to toss this under the trolling and common sense rules.
Gamestaff are informed of the spoiler behaviour we have seen of late. If this does occur and we fail to see it we encourage you to inform us of the matter so we can deal with it appropriately. I fully agree that having an anticipated movie spoiled in this way is not ok and we will deal with it when we see it. However we are not in general chat 100% of the time so please do help out by reporting it.
While it is a bit rude for a movie to be spoiled. And I agree that it is rude. But it's just a movie. :l

I was talking about all movies in general. But yes, Star Wars in a movie. As well as a collection of many books/comics. As well as games and many other things.
While it is a bit rude for a movie to be spoiled. And I agree that it is rude. But it's just a movie. :l
Still, how would you feel if you were very excited about watching a movie, then just before you go to see it some jerk goes and tells you the biggest twist in it. It ruins the surprise, no big shock. Makes it less special, less like it's the first time watching it, and more like you have already seen it a hundred times, only worse. Even though it's just a movie, people are still passionate about it and don't want it spoiled. They want to watch on their own and not have somebody tell them what happens before they can.
Nobody likes things to be spoiled, and just because you might not mind it, other people do.