Preserved Sheet Hedwig Oliver

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Magical Batel
Sep 6, 2016
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A Cave located in the EST timezone



Basic Information
Full Name: Hedwig Oliver.
Age: 19.
Gender: Female.
Race: Anglian/Imperial Ailor.
Main Ambition: To have a comfortable living situation, maintain work, and own her own food stall.
Special Permission: Mage.
Hedwig migrated to the Crown City to gain more independence for herself and find work. (TBD) What is their occupation and living situation?
The young Ailor was born in Anglia with two older sisters, one older brother, and later a younger brother. Her upbringing was conservative and older fashioned, their family owning a farm, though their mother was not native Anglian-born. Hedwig's mother, Abbie, was born in Regalia and moved to Anglia after marrying her father.
Secondary ambitions: Learn more about her Elsar Ring and the magic related to it, and marry.

Skill Information
School: Folelsa Magic.
Level: Student; knowing the spells Sense of Clarity, Channeling of Rage, and Emotion Duplication.
Source: Her Elsar Ring, traded for from an unknowing traveling man.

Visual Information
Eye Color: Pecan brown.
Hair Color: Charcoal black.
Hair Style: Chin length and straight.
Skin Color: A light tan.
Clothing: Conservative commoner dresses often worn with a cap or hat.
Height: 5'8
Body Build: Petite.
Weapon of Choice: Folelsa magic to calm or manipulate.
The Anglian's face is void of any scars or marks, but along random spots on her body she sports small and rare freckles. Hedwig cuts her hair herself nowadays, keeping it short as preference in looks and practicality.
Her height is somewhat on the shorter side for an Anglia, due to her mother's Imperial Ailor mixed genes. Her skin is lightly naturally tanned and her eyes a deep brown. Her amount of body fat is minimal and her shape is thin and near tomboy, but not quite. She is healthy young woman otherwise with no disabilities.
Her appearance is most usually of that of a commoner, either in peasant-like dresses or working clothing, often paired with a plain head accessory of some kind. She wears only a single piece of jewelry that almost sticks out, which is her Elsar Ring that is silver with a aquamarine gemstone, worn on her left middle finger and backwards to hide the gemstone.
Hedwig speaks both Alt-Anglian and Common fluently.

Personality and Abilities
By others point of view, Hedwig is a polite figure that knows her place, getting what work she needs to be done, done. For the things she cannot make easier by using her magic, she puts in hard work, being raised to do so originally by her parents and family. Otherwise she is not afraid to let out small harmless white lies to get her way or make something easier or simpler, and using her magic in addition to manipulate. She is aware of others emotions and chooses to take the time to imagine herself in other's shoes, a key trait of an empath, and leaving Hedwig taking up time in her head just thinking things out. And occasionally with the girl bringing all of her thoughts to her head to reflect, it can lead her having trouble making decisions, leading her to go to others to ask for guidance.
On the outside she appears mostly normal and fine and remains as such with her routine work, but occasionally feels down just naturally being more sensitive. Wondering if she is doing enough and quality of it, and if she chose the right path in life, leaving her family behind in Anglia. It is her self-esteem changing throughout the days, dependent on if she had made her own recent goals set for herself, or for an example being negatively affected by letting someone down she said she would help or by not getting something done.
Towards close friends and a potential lover Hedwig is more open, honest, and genuine with the other, trusting her heart to them. Whether they be ups or downs, this person made it to where she can
trust them enough to open up deeply, and she wants to share. Towards friends and family she is more likely to just joke around or show off her joy.
Hedwig's morality is that of a
neutral good alignment. Given with her magical ability she knows she holds a responsibility of that power and the power to alter other people's emotions. Only if it would not effect in the longrun negatively or hurt the person would she use a spell, unless she thought it did good by her own moral standards or it was deserved. She is not pure goodness though has kind intent, willing to use her abilities to manipulate in getting a favorable outcome or convenience, depending on what.

Folelsa Magic. First having any sign from her Elsar Ring at a young age was an interesting experience, the first of which being Sense of Clarity for her. At the young age it came in quite useful with upset siblings or parents, no matter if sparse. By the time the second and third spell caught on, Hedwig understood the ring. Today she is unafraid to use any of the spells aquired to her benefit, though not completely selfishly and unreasonably so.
Homemaking. Spending the most of her childhood and later on teens in Anglia, Hedwig learned from her mother and the other woman of the house various skills. From learning to bake and cook to cleaning and organizing, whenever she ends up living remains tidy and homey. Her specialities and favorites are making jams, and baking bread and fruit pies.



Life Story

Born in a large village of Anglia on a farm owned by her extended family. Hedwig's father was only the second oldest born son, forcing his family later when he settled down to move live on the land he grew up, now solely owned by his brother, living with his family as the only two sons. Her mother, Abbie, came from Regalia and met her father, Vulric, the pair soon marrying and returning to the family land.

Her childhood was spending free time playing with her siblings and cousins, while managed time by those older than her lead to her helping around the house through either cooking or cleaning. She often did not complain and switched right to the work after being told to, eventually gaining a simple allowance which she held onto spare the occasional candy from the market.

Hedwig's teen years grew to be more interesting, having interests in boys but not allowed to pursue. She also became interested in fashion and jewelry, wanting to dress up with pretty clothing but being unable to afford most. One day however, a traveling merchant stopped through their village as Hedwig happened to travel into town looking to sell a few jars of her jam. Having a conversation with the man, the girl thirteen at the time, he opted to trade for several jars of jam and what coins she had on her. The coming years the Anglian girl would realize the rings power and abilities, using them for her own benefit and mostly holding the secret, but rarely if ever of ill intent.

Entering adulthood she knew soon she would have to marry, but held her own ambitions, and held her ring she saw as a gift close, knowing having it must give her some potential. With some convincing and an Emotion Duplication compassion cup of tea, Hedwig's father allowed her to leave to her mother's home of the Crown City. Hedwig packed a single bag and set off on the next ship to Regalia, intent for a simple servants job to save up and make her living until one day hopefully owning her own food stall.
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  • By others point of view, Hedwig is a hardworking and dedicated Anglian-born woman. Friendly enough but knows her place, she gets done what needs to be done for her work, the Anglian having a warm heart with her simple but pleasant existence. She is aware of others emotions and chooses to take the time to imagine herself in other's shoes, a key trait of an empath, and leaving Hedwig taking up time in her head just thinking things out.
  • On the outside she appears mostly confident and fine and remains as such with her routine work, but occasionally feels down just naturally being more sensitive and wondering if she is doing enough. Her self-esteem changes throughout the days, though usually remains steady and healthy enough.
  • Towards close friends and a potential lover Hedwig is more open, honest, and genuine with the other, trusting her heart to them. Whether they be ups or downs, this person made it to where she can trust them enough to open up deeply, and she wants to share. Towards friends and family she is more likely to just joke around or show off her joy.
  • Hedwig's morality is that of a neutral good. Given with her magical ability she knows she holds a responsibility of that power of other people's emotions. Only if it would not effect the longrun or hurt the person would she use a spell, unless she thought it did good. She is not pure goodness, willing to use her abilities to manipulate in getting what she wants, depending on what.

  • While I see no conflictions in your personality, it is also all very one-sided. Hedwig has a lot of positive things about her, but the only negative thing about her is she is sometimes sad, which it isn't really explained why that is. Your writing is very good, but I'd ask you revisit the first paragraph and try to make Hedwig more well-rounded, find some possible negative things that people see about her.
  • For the second paragraph, I'd ask you go into more detail about why she can be sad and down on herself. You say because she sometimes doesn't feel good enough, but why? She seems to be doing pretty well, and is hardworking, so why is she upset sometimes?
This is the only edit. See to this, mark changes in purple, and tag me when done! @Betel_
  • While I see no conflictions in your personality, it is also all very one-sided. Hedwig has a lot of positive things about her, but the only negative thing about her is she is sometimes sad, which it isn't really explained why that is. Your writing is very good, but I'd ask you revisit the first paragraph and try to make Hedwig more well-rounded, find some possible negative things that people see about her.
  • For the second paragraph, I'd ask you go into more detail about why she can be sad and down on herself. You say because she sometimes doesn't feel good enough, but why? She seems to be doing pretty well, and is hardworking, so why is she upset sometimes?
This is the only edit. See to this, mark changes in purple, and tag me when done! @Betel_
Edits made in purple.
