Preserved Sheet Hector Chappelle

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Marko Polo
Mar 25, 2018
Reaction score

Hector Chappelle
Basic Information

  • Full Name: Hector "Mathis" Chappelle
  • Age: 30
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor (Ithanian)
  • Sexuality: Straight
Skill Information
  • Total proficiency: 30
    • Combat Proficiencies:
      • + 20 Blunt Combat (+20 Points)
      • + 10 Shielding Combat (+10 Points)
    • Body Proficiencies:
      • +10 Bodycare Training (+10 Ithanian Boost)
  • Body Build: Muscular, Low body fat
    • 30 + (0 x 2) = 30
  • Languages
    • Common 10/10
      • Learnt from his mother
    • D'Ithanie 10/10
      • Mother tongue
    • Leutz-Vixe 10/10
      • Learnt from his various jobs as a knight
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Light Blue
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Hair Style: combed backward with shaved sides
  • Skin Color: Tanned
  • Clothing: Plate armour, Or a simple Gambeson
  • Height: 6'1
Personality and Abilities
  • Outward: Hector is a big guy, He would probably be a bit intimidating at first, It's shown by his unusual amount of frowns towards strangers and how he can give killer looks to people he doesn't know. But once you look past his hard shell he is actually a very friendly and caring person. Hector has a hard time hiding what he really thinks about people and will show his cruelty to those people. The side that strangers would get a taste of more is the cruel and intimidating side. Only the ones Hector enjoy speaking to may get a chance to crack his hard shell.

  • Inward: Hector sees himself as a protector and a loyal friend. He also believes his patience is one of his greatest feats. But he has also tested his own unforgiveness many times and lost many dear friends cause of it. That's why he tries to be very persistent with keeping his valued friends close to him. Hector cause of his tendencies to sever ties with friends before truly making lasting relations. Has a hard time making real friends. The ones he feels he could open up to and speak his mind to.

  • Inner Circle: Around friends and family Hector would be like the big brother, His loyalty being a great feature of him. He is also very loving which might not be shown to a stranger. Hector also has a lot more tolerance for family and friends which a stranger would never get. Hectors self-control around family seems to also be alot better than around strangers and disliked people.

  • Moral: Hector is a man that doesn't care for the law if it hinders him from aiding his friends, But he also thinks breaking the law is wrong if not done for a just cause. He thinks someone that is brave enough to risk their freedom for their friends is a fearless and strong person. Hector would be almost fully a Neutral Good character, Meaning he would bend the law when it's needed. For Example. For example if a friend were in a bad spot and bending the law could save them, He would do it, But only for someone important to him. He wouldn't the law if he didn't think it was right. He always tries to follow his heart and do what he thinks is best.

Life Story
Birth & Childhood
  • Hector Chappelle is born to Juello Chappelle a retired Knight and Mercia Chappelle a merchant. In La Cour de Ciecle. Year 276 in april 23.
  • Hector grows up to become a well known face in his neighborhood, His friends calling him big brother a lot. He has an easy going childhood his mom working a lot and taking him on trips across the world. His father teaching him how to use a shield and mace and later a flail.
Teenage Years
  • Hector begins to train more seriously with his father excelling at the usage of the flail and at age 13 goes out on an adventure with his mother that would end up one of the most tragic moments of his life, The death of his mother in a cruel storm that sends him floating on scraps of a ship for days.
  • He gets saved by a old sailor that feeds him and lets him rest up his strength, Letting him stay and grieve his mother's death. He stays with the sailor for one year. Going out on an adventure to join up with a school of bloodcast.
  • He joins up with the school, Working on becoming better at the Flail and shield. His school time isn't the happiest him still grieving his mother, But the school of bloodcast is where he first meets Cyprien Alaire for a short while before graduating and returning home.

  • Having returned home to his dad, That had thought he lost everything. Hector explains what happened to his now alcoholic dad. His dad ends up hanging himself from the pain of losing his loved one.
  • Hector now not having anyone to turn to takes his problems by the horns and looks for guarding jobs and gets one with a merchant ship. Protecting the cargo while it's out sailing. Under this time he builds an addiction for tobacco and opium. Smoking either daily.
  • Hector after getting kicked of the job as ship security for the merchant. Retires home now at the age of 22. He is working shifts as a bartender, But can't hold that job for long. He tries his hand once again applying to be a guard but his addiction being frowned upon by the other guards.
  • Hector keeps scraping by the day, Barely having enough money for food and having a hard time finding good paying work.
  • He finally finds a job that would pay him some good money, The job is to protect this cargo going threw a bad part of town. As the cargo goes threw the town a group tries to assault the convoy killing almost all the guards, Hector somehow single handedly holds of the group while the cargo goes to safety. Getting his reputation up quite a bit and opening a whole new world of good paying jobs.
  • Hector has found himself a steady job, Working there steady up until the day of the Bone Horror crisis. Currently 28 years old. He goes in to fight against the undead alongside comrades from his city. That's where he meets Cyprien Alaire again, This time Cyprien gains Hectors respect as a respectable comrade and warrior.
  • Hector leaves La Cour de Ciecle. Heading towards Regalia to find work and connect with his comrade from the Bone Horror Crisis.
  • Hector secures himself a job in the De Letoirneau. Meeting a lot of new wonderful people and probably a friend for life Gabriel Letoirneau.
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Here is my review:

Personality and Abilities

  • Your first and second paragraphs are a little hard to understand. Hector is described as intimidating and cruel, but somehow also friendly. I'd like for you to reword the first paragraph especially and talk about which side he shows more often--his cruel or caring side--and how this behavior looks to strangers. Think about strictly how strangers would view him.
  • Talk about his insecurities, worries or anxieties in the second paragraph. Consider expanding on the idea of him disliking how he can tend to sever ties with people before truly making lasting ones. How would this affect him and how would it show through his personality/actions?
  • Expand on your morality paragraph. A few sentences more should suffice. Think about what kinds of things might affect him and what sort of stance he typically takes. Is he Neutral Good, Lawful Good, etc.
Make your edits in a legible red and tag me when you've completed them. @Swaki__
Try to further elaborate on your newest morality sentence. Try to think about what kinds of situations he'd be in where he'd bend the law as he sees fit. @Swaki__