Hearths Of Blood And Stone Beckons-❈



Steinhorst Castle

Ertaubleierwald Province, Canton of Vaud, Opper Calem.

Cascading waves veiled the stampede of hooves resounding across the trodden path. Shadows swept through the heavy morning fog, nothing could fill the aching emptiness left in their hearts. With the golden sun disappearing beneath the mountains, a looming silence arrived.

The gateman hammered ice off the windlass. Shrieking its protests, the portcullis rose as the riders entered. Piths of melancholy engulfed those that watched from the sidelines, the defining quintessence was that labels were abjured. Wonder means worry. The rules demand a show of indifference.

The gateman shouted, but there was no rush...For the Lord, himself strode out to meet those who arrived. The rules call for casualness, for a pretense that your guts are not churning with dread. He was only met with coldness and disdain, as a lock and chain were produced into sight.

That was all it took for a man, once called the 'Silver Bear' to be caged. An irony, when he had tussled and fought for his way in the crown isle. Begrudging rivalries. Once swirling with oratory strength that was beholden to no man. Pervading a determination to succeed was a reminiscence of an age-old proverbial that totaled irony. Now what is only left is the consequence.

An ornate silver key was handed into the hands of a slender cloaked individual with hauntingly green eyes, A whispering echoed from the keep when the hood was pulled off to reveal Amrynn placing the key into a metallic lockbox completed with the Von Rahm seal. The night came to a close.

As the fog begun to lift the next morning, a vessel bearing the flags of Regalia slipped into a small port by the wayside. An old Von Rahm stood over the exchange, an elusive name behind the flaxen hair kissed with fire, complete with a sardonic smile. Avoiding bloodshed needed a thread through a needle, necessitating surmountable circumstance. The wheels had begun to turn once more for this proud family.


  • Benedictus Von Rahm, Tenth Patriarch of the Von Rahms, have been arrested on charges of collusion and deceit. His fate unknown, a rationale presumption may be that he was handed over to the Judiciary Ministry. He had been promptly replaced by the Ninth Patriarch, Hamelin Von Rahm. @BillyTheScroofy
  • Brought in Amrynn, @Annju, to have a role in the internal family progression.
  • [Family Lore/Recruitment related]Hesta Von Rahm, an NPC, belonging of the newly written De Geer af Leufsta line in the family to encompass played characters in the past, had been brought in to serve a role. Hopefully paving the way for more means of artisan/backseat based characters and a means of Intelligence-gathering for the administration of the family's rule.