The twitch of a head, a blink of the eyes, baited breath. She waited for the call, she waited.
Her eyes flooded with the flames of the fire as she watched it flicker dimly in the falling snow. A side was coated in blood, it was not her own however. A hand draped over to swipe a trail of blood off, her fingers rubbing it onto her skin. She reached forward and held her hand over the flame, letting the blood drip into the small flames.
A cold breeze slapped at the Northwoman'a face and it brought her back to where she was. She looked to her hands, the blood gone. Her sleeves rolled up displayed her tattoos..but also the scar left from what the last month has brought her. Healed now, fully, outside and inside. She clearly had much to look forward to...but much to remember back on. The past week had been a blur for her. Unhelping and untrusting in her own play in the piece. She determined her will not to think on it.
A hand raised to pull the clip that always held her back out of her hair. She brushed her thumb over the ridges.
"Don't find yourself looking back, as if you were going that way." she read it silently in her mind. When she was little she never thought too much on this, however now she understood more than ever that she would not be where she was now without even the worst of events.
She turned now, the clip fastened back into her hair. Clearing the slate for a new week. One that would hopefully bring much for her.