Archived Heal Trait

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The Omnipotent Nobody
Jan 12, 2014
Reaction score
Middle of Nowhere
I have reviewed the traits plugin, and I realized that there is a trait that should be added: Healing.

I realize there are the traits such as "HealSunlight," but what about healing others?

This could revolutionize PvP, healers running around on the battlefield. This could lengthen PvP battles and encourage people to join in PvP to become a healer.

Also, this would make RP more immersive for Light Mages and such, being on Roleplay battles.

This trait would likely be placed in the "Abilities" category to make it so Fireball isn't it's own category.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I like this, but there are health pots. Also, how would you heal someone who was on your side?
@_Erebos_ @znake1468, you would likely have to use /trait use heal and aim at the player you wish to heal. Or, even perhaps adding a "Staff of Healing"(Hitting Allies=+3 or more Hearts) or a "Mass Heal," (Healing all allies in an area for a certain amount of hearts).
This would totally get me in to PVP.
You have my support!
@_Erebos_ @znake1468, you would likely have to use /trait use heal and aim at the player you wish to heal. Or, even perhaps adding a "Staff of Healing"(Hitting Allies=+3 or more Hearts) or a "Mass Heal," (Healing all allies in an area for a certain amount of hearts).
This would totally get me in to PVP.
You have my support!
A long time ago there was a thing where Yanars could heal others by hitting them with red flowers so there's an idea.
+1 !
@_Erebos_ @znake1468, you would likely have to use /trait use heal and aim at the player you wish to heal. Or, even perhaps adding a "Staff of Healing"(Hitting Allies=+3 or more Hearts) or a "Mass Heal," (Healing all allies in an area for a certain amount of hearts).
As long as you can't spam the abilities I'm k with it.
I have reviewed the traits plugin, and I realized that there is a trait that should be added: Healing.

I realize there are the traits such as "HealSunlight," but what about healing others?
This can be easily remedied with absorption 2, heal always, health boost..... and of course golden apples and potions. In my personal opinion, it seems like you are trying to fix something that is not broken.
This can be easily remedied with absorption 2, heal always, health boost..... and of course golden apples and potions. In my personal opinion, it seems like you are trying to fix something that is not broken.
Golden apples aren't a thing in Massive pvp. I pvp myself and like to get like a support trait set. I would totally pick this trait if i go for support again.

If you have a healer on your side and your enemies dont, your side needs to use alot less health potions then the enemy, which means that they run out faster and you get to kill them. And if both sides have a healer it would make the pvp indeed longer. I support this idea :P
Golden apples aren't a thing in Massive pvp. I pvp myself and like to get like a support trait set. I would totally pick this trait if i go for support again.

If you have a healer on your side and your enemies dont, your side needs to use alot less health potions then the enemy, which means that they run out faster and you get to kill them. And if both sides have a healer it would make the pvp indeed longer. I support this idea :P
Golden apples do work on Massive. You're confusing gold apples with God apples.
What I'm talking about is an alternative. Healing might not be as effective as spamming health pots or chugging gold apples, because it would likely have a cooldown for how many hearts you heal. For example, you heal 10 hearts, perhaps it's a 5 second cooldown. This would make it so that people wouldn't make others "invincible". The trait would be nerfed, but it would still be drastically changing PvP (Due to not having to brew/buy/use health pots) .
Golden apples do work on Massive. You're confusing gold apples with God apples.
I didnt say they didnt worked, i said that they aren't a thing in Massive PvP, what i mean by that is that nobody uses them in Massive pvp.
I can see where the confusion comes from though :P
I like the idea of using items, such as your Staff of Healing idea, but this kinda goes back a long while, when Cay wanted to implement Magic.
The idea was to make runes that you could call and cast a spell, or even write runes on certain items so casting would be automatic.

Unfortunately, it has not seen the light of the day so far.
How about a trait combined with the item "oxeye daisy flower"? The trait would cost points, making the player vulnerable in other means, the flower would disappear from the inventory when used and there would be a certain cooldown on it so we can't spam it. In other words: completely like the fireball. Oxeye daisies wouldn't be too easy nor too hard to get and have some lore back ground too. I personally think the heal itself shouldn't be more than two or three hearts.

Another idea: different flowers heal a different amount of hearts.
For instance:
  • poppy and/or dandelion (can normally be found in 5 biomes, bone meal) = 1 heart
  • azure bluet and/or oxeye daisy (can normally be found in 3 biomes, bone meal) = 2 hearts
  • any tulip (can normally be found in 3 biomes) = 3 hearts
  • and blue orchid and/or allium (can normally only be found in one biome) = 4 hearts
But not sure if that's easy to program or not..
Honestly it's a cool idea and all I just don't see it being practical. It's already really easy to heal yourself and it just adds weak members to your force that the enemy can target. I mean are you gonna go after the guy with tank traits and a healer or are you just gonna go after the healer?
Honestly it's a cool idea and all I just don't see it being practical. It's already really easy to heal yourself and it just adds weak members to your force that the enemy can target. I mean are you gonna go after the guy with tank traits and a healer or are you just gonna go after the healer?
Of course you would target the healer, who should enjoy some protection of the tank or DD (damage dealer) - or be fast. I certainly would finally learn how to use an enderpearl with this. It think it would change the way of PvP a bit. If you had healtraits as healalways before, you can exchange them to other attack-based traits with a good healer in your team but you would still need the usual methods of healing (pots for example) in case your healer dies or needs to get away quickly because of being targeted.