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He Who Has No Charity Deserves No Mercy - A Bounty


Hiding In The Lockers
Aug 18, 2018
Reaction score
The Marty Party
From the Desk of Marceau Delmotte

His Grace, Louis Delmotte, Duke of Basta-Irvelle, Viridian Knight, and a close friend to many.

The aforementioned man, my father, better known for his status as a Duke, Knight, and a firm diplomat, can at times be an abrasive and cold individual. He can, however, display compassion, charity, and kindness, and despite the common opinion of many, this is something that he frequently does, allocating funds from the coffers of House Delmotte to give alms to the less fortunate.

Unfortunately, however, on the 4th of November, my father was assailed while providing acts of charity to the impoverished peoples of Old-Town, set upon by two individuals, one who has been described as a sorcerer and the other who has been described as a gargantuan brute. This attack follows shortly after the assaults and attempted murders of Madame Milena du Brierust, General Reimar Typhonus, and Duchess Dianne Black, and the frequency of these unprovoked actions has led me to arrive at the following:

Given that my father is out of commission due to the attempt on his life, I have decided it fit to issue a reward of 15,000 regals for the capture and delivery of all individuals who played a part in carrying out the cowardly attack against my father. Should these individuals turn out to be members of an 'Undead Gang' as they have so far been rumored to be, their destruction is a satisfactory outcome, and will grant an even higher reward.

To assist with the search for these lowly creatures; a sketch to best of my father's memory.
Penned by,
Ser Marceau Delmotte,
Heir to The Duchy of Basta-Irvelle,
Imperial Chamberlain to His Imperial Holiness
OOC: While the bounty does call for the death of who it is set on, this is merely for the sake of an rp response, and I would much prefer that you do not kill their characters if you capture them. Additionally, the 15,000 regals will be paid to the successful contractor through the noble system, so I encourage knights, nobles, and even aristocrats to take part.
"Fuck... I think I seen 'em before. Looks like every fuckin' guard 'round these parts. Really incriminatin'." Addie replied dryly as she passed the bounty down the Dragon's counter.
A Darkwald would be wondering the city, sipping some ale in hand. He'd stop to spit to the side to the sight of the drawing. "Those bloody.. I know those lot. Seems that I need to have a word with the Delmotte."
Taendross moved off into her dining room, passing the Bounty on toward three individuals as she pressed her clawed fingers toward her forehead, giving a gentle sigh. "Time runs thin before they are caught.-- We need to capture him. Whether he was a friend, your General, or someone else to you, he must be caught before someone else gets their hands on him. We can't afford to lose, not after we've thought him to be gone." she'd start, turning her desperate gaze to Tiray, Wistaeri, and then Ava.
@SnashuuPomaymay @BiBiBirdie @GamingLeopurred
A certain creature's maw widened in a sickening grin at the news, as it started to burble and whine, before suddenly turning to a friend of his, nodding. "Clock.. Tick. Tock. Now."

Chymes K. Mortimarti looked at the paper in front of him. He'd found it gripped between the hands of some soft-brained fool in the sewers, killed by what seemed to be a small a dagger to the small of their back, if he were to judge the bloodstains as such anyways. There seemed to be quite a few disillusioned bounty-hunters down there nowadays from what the Crimson Witch had observed, and felt it was worth checking what the hullabaloo was this time that led to their demise. Whatever was causing the sheer number of people to come down, it was disruptive.

His eyes flashed over the victims, the culprits, and the drawing, and finally the bounty. The exorbitant bounty. "No... no, no, no, NO, by the Void and the Seven, NO!" he cursed, gripping at his hair and looking down the tunnel, half-expecting a crowd of Grey-Witches to be storming the sewers any second now. "Can these imbeciles just simply learn the meaning of covertness? How am I supposed to complete ANYTHING now?!"
Taendross moved off into her dining room, passing the Bounty on toward three individuals as she pressed her clawed fingers toward her forehead, giving a gentle sigh. "Time runs thin before they are caught.-- We need to capture him. Whether he was a friend, your General, or someone else to you, he must be caught before someone else gets their hands on him. We can't afford to lose, not after we've thought him to be gone." she'd start, turning her desperate gaze to Tiray, Wistaeri, and then Ava.
@SnashuuPomaymay @BiBiBirdie @GamingLeopurred
Wistaeri took the paper into her hands as she leaned against the wall, raising a brow at the sketch "Hey! This looks like the guy from the fight yesterday." She'd pass the paper to the other two Isldars.
Sigrid was given the bounty by a certain someone, raising a brow. "Thank the gods I'm not on here at least. Though I do know this idiot..."
Eloha sits in the wreckage of her workshop, trying to recover the work she has lost due to the same fiends that has tainted her haven. Gripping a paper from the clutter upon her desk, she moved to present the bounty to a few trustworthy friends. "However it has to happen. I want these freaks to pay for fucking with my shit." @__TheDarkLord__ @Faith_Bug @Ascelus
Haeddi Harhold gave a small gasp! of shock at seeing the bounty. "Oh! Poor Duke Delmotte." The girl frowned before hurrying home, having a basket of pastries sent to the Delmotte Estate as a get well soon gift!!

The aged Paladin slowly removed his spectacles, resting them on the table surface as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Damn..."
Eloha sits in the wreckage of her workshop, trying to recover the work she has lost due to the same fiends that has tainted her haven. Gripping a paper from the clutter upon her desk, she moved to present the bounty to a few trustworthy friends. "However it has to happen. I want these freaks to pay for fucking with my shit." @__TheDarkLord__ @Faith_Bug @Ascelus
Lathlaeril Watched as she did, simply shaking his head in frustration, a frown present on his features, "Don't worry, they'll get what they deserve whether it's by us or someone else, they will not get away with it."
"What sort of coward attacks a man helping the homeless?"
Lida breathed out releasing a small puff of steam as she brought her porcelain cup to her lips to drink. Looking from the paper in her right hand to Azra across in the Violet's bar. "Azra vant to make a quick regal?" She called over with a smile.
"Helping the homeless."

She laughed, shaking her head as she moved out to the balcony, wrapping her fox fur coat tightly around her.

"It is sad that he was attacked, he doesnt deserve that."

Peered down the streets of the Ithanian district, before mumbeling.

"But you don't care about the poor. One wouldn't be rich if one cared. Pah. False stories."

She sighed, moving back into the warm room.
A particularly skeletal figure turned to his hulking compatriot and nodded. A rare grin forming to his pale, sharp features as he chimed in and discarded the bounty notice.
"That'll do Stones..that'll do."

Her teeth clacked in annoyance as she stood beside the duo she called her best friends. Passing the letter over to the much smaller of the two, she spoke evenly, "I have a score to settle with these bastards and that money could be good. Five thousand each, split evenly between the three of us, how does that sound?" The sapphire eyes of Seraphina focused on the pair.

@TheMoistestMan @Nesstro
It was no coincidence that he heard of the bounty of the individuals in question as Andreas lingered in the shadows, smirking as if he heard of the mans crime.

"Attacking that who helps the poor? I believe the Void has given me a challenge." He'd mutter to himself as he'd note about his allies and enemies preparing for war. Oh, he was certainly ready, but it seemed not even the guards would stop him now as Andreas would slowly begin his own mission, caring little for the reward. He had other ideas for that.

"Time to get to work."
Her teeth clacked in annoyance as she stood beside the duo she called her best friends. Passing the letter over to the much smaller of the two, she spoke evenly, "I have a score to settle with these bastards and that money could be good. Five thousand each, split evenly between the three of us, how does that sound?" The sapphire eyes of Seraphina focused on the pair.

@TheMoistestMan @Nesstro

Alexander tightened his new cape around his shoulders as the note was read, he offered a little nod, and a small grin. "Almost sounds like fun, count me in, though I probably didn't need to tell you that." The man added with a small chuckle, moving to grab his shield and polish it carefully.
Clinton Peered at the parchment, hsi eyes trained on the number "Fifteen thousand.." he would repeat the words several times, looking over to the blades on the nightstand before standing "Well then Delmotte, I suppose you're paying for everyone's drinks for a year."
A certain figure that conveniently matched the description on the poster peered over the bounty as he sat back in a seat, huffing to himself. Geist sat up after taking the time to read it over, making his way over to a certain leader of his where he held it up, "Oi! Oh wonderful and illustrious leader.. I just wanna say that this sketch of us is.. Really.. Scarily accurate, y'know? But anyway! Think they'd pay me fifteen thousand regals to turn myself in? Make us rich. It does say ANYONE. Loopholes, boss. Loopholes. ", his tone was of course laden with his typical sarcasm that the undead was probably accustomed to by now. @Sozzer