Preserved Sheet Haz'kimiaorten'z "hal" Zts

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a muppet of a man
Aug 20, 2016
Reaction score
Some dark basement
Chalsie's fac
Roleplay Guilds
Silver Lining Fleet

Basic Info
Name: Haz'kimiaorten'z "Hal" Zts




Sexuality: Bisexual

Main Ambition: Philosophical Stimulation

Hal is currently in a sadistically low position in current society. He pulls little income, though is usually very frugal with his money, causing him to maintain the common amount of wealth. He doesn't have a current set occupation, but tends to nudge from place to place, picking up little money that he can and doing little contracted chores for his like-minded peers.

Hal was brought up in quite a generic location within Maraya culture. His Circci colony herded and mined. He had plenty of Vissi slaves and his clan amounted much wealth. His clan consisted of several Circci, mostly male, joined together to support each other in hopes of replicating the family structure they could see in the Tohn Sona. His colony had a few clans, so they identified by using a sir-name "Zts." Though, he would later drop the "Zts" name from common conversation, finding it hard for even himself to pronounce after he turned to a Maraya.

Hal is quite oriented with his primary ambition of developing his own philosophies to guide Maraya civilization. Though, he has different steps presented to find his way into a position of respect, so others may consider his ideals. He believes he could find professorship at some sort of school or maybe a military position, he may have high enough respect to get others, especially those of his race to listen to him. He also believes he may want to do some scholarship work, to learn more about the physical world, similar to that of Aristotle. He believes this may further guide his reference when creating his philosophy.


Skill Information

Proficiency Points: 60

+10 Rogue Training

+10 Fast Blade Combat

+10 Visual Arts (gained at School of Buildcraft)

+20 Literary Arts

+10 Musical Arts

Body Shape:

10 Fast Blade Combat + (0 points athletic training)=10 Physical Stat

Body Type-Toned

Body Fat-Extremely Low





Visual Information
Eye Color: Dark Violet

Hair Color: Violet

Hair Style: let down, very occasionally in a bun

Skin Color: Light Green-Ish blue

Clothing: a dyed tunic and some brown leggings

Height: 5 feet 11 inches

Body Build: Sinewy

Weapon of Choice: Dagger

Hal has a triangular face. He has a pointed jaw with high cheek bones. His face is quite symmetrical. Though, he maintains an alien facial look, always maintaining a "different" look, which makes him stick out in a crowd. Its a culmination of most of his facial traits, included the alien ears, and bone protrusions upon his forehead. While most Maraya's forehead protrusions set them into a perpetual state of a scowl, Hal is set in a state of intrigue, with his brows curved upwards, but his intentness on scowling setting them down, creating a look of perplexity, solidified with a flat mouth, conveying little compassion, but much interest.

Hal's body is in shape, but again, alien. He has slightly extended limbs, which have the average amount of muscle, but look skinny do to the length of his limbs. He has an average torso, but extended slightly, looking as if he may have an extra rib. His skin color is a green-blue hue, which shades in sunlight, with such a facial structure, that works to give his glare a murderous intent when imposed from most angles.

Hal wears common uniform. He usually wears a white shirt, with french cuffs, but occasionally wears a blue vest, that fits the cuffs and edges of the french shirt, giving him the style of a colonial scholar. He wears black shoes, with slippery fit, but stern friction. His pants are average, typically black, showing little-to no contrast to his vests, when he chooses to wear them.

Hal's voice can be most often described as terse, showing little compassion, but being precise. He has the voice of a scholar, not deep, but subtly strong. His voice flows, and his common is precise. His rhetoric is elaborate, commonly using appositive phrases to add sarcastic flare to his sentences. Though, these are often muttered, for his own pessimistic pleasures.



Hal is commonly seen as quite conceited but, in some senses, quite generous or interested. He tends to look at most things objectively. His main objective socially is to gain the viewpoints of others or come to conclusions about ideas. Out of intrigue, he may be generous towards you and seem interested, which he commonly is. But in other cases, you may be classified by him as just another stereotype, which he tries to act against, but it makes him ignorant towards you, finding no useful information within your experiences. This means that he is selective about whom he is kind too, for he typically is only kind to those he finds interesting to him, making him seem absent or conceded to those who he finds no interest in.

Hal has an unseen sense of overconfidence, which may be from his foreign ideals. He was part of the wealthy class in his colony, making him subconsciously feel as if he has a sense of superiority. Though, in a literal sense, Hal doesn't tend to look at himself, and mostly sees himself as an observer or a messenger. He believes he is there to look at different viewpoints, and possibly change the belief of other Maraya so the Meriac won't lose their rulership of aloria when they regain control, through his new ideals. He feels otherworldly in a sense, that he is just part of a larger movement, though he does feel some slight stress knowing that others might not agree with his ideals.

Hal has very few true "friends" and even fewer family. Most of the clan of Maraya he has grown around and considers "family" live far away, but when he's around them, he usually treats them very well. His friends he keeps around for pure companionship, just to save himself from the potential of loneliness. Though, he can be quite friendly to his few comrades, and enjoys going on outings with them. But, he loses more friends than he makes, and finds a need that his friends follow his standards and agree with him, or have something interesting to share with him.

Hal has an interesting sense of morality. While he comprises a main need for philosophical stimulation to create a viewpoint on which to save Maraya society, he also feels that he shall not become an animal like those he has viewed. Most killing is unnecessary to him, unless a major threat is involved if the subject is not killed. He is conflicted on a topic of racism, he feels that all viewpoints could be interesting, for his may not have been listened to long ago, he also believes some people have similar viewpoints, devaluing them. Though, he still sees himself as holding more importance than those around him, seeing himself as one of the greatest potentials for the Maraya's success. He wouldn't likely ever sacrifice himself, and wouldn't be quick to donate, less it gave himself a better position, or got him a good stance of someone interesting to him. He may be there to gift a family member, but won't show much extent, unless he shows great empathy towards this person, which he does of very few. Money doesn't play into this either, he just tends to look at everything objectively. He is more important to the Maraya's success than any other person. If he needs to trample a few family members or comrades, so be it.

Personality traits:
  • Peaceful: Hal tries to be peaceful and logical within his reasoning. He only uses his magic as an escape if he is in trouble. He doesn't prefer to hurt others and tries to be as pacifist as possible. He is often seen avoiding stepping on flower petals and plants.

  • Passionate:Hal feels passionate about all of the people he meets. He feels what they feel and tries to make them feel good. He must help the needy. If it is just a cardboard box to a homeless person or anything that helps.

  • Integrity:Hal tries his best to get integrity in any way he can. This helps him keep inner peace. He tries to equal himself with those around him. If one he meets is hungry he will give to them or not eat for the rest of the day.

  • Cowardly: Hal is very cowardly of a good fight. He is also cowardly of drinking vodka or dating women. This is due to his insecurity of the pureness of the subject. He is always wondering what the right thing to do is so he spends lots of time thinking and most of the time he cowards if he is unsure of the situation.

  • Argumentative: Hal is argumentative about certain moral issues. If he has come to a conclusion of his opinion on something, he will try to enforce his opinion on those around him who state against his opinion. He tries to use facts to persuade though sometimes he must use opinion. He is great with debate.

  • CareFree:His Zen may be good for him though he often has no care in the world. He doesn't care if he eats. He doesn't care if the rent is payed. He sometimes forgets to pay for his drinks.


  • Acrobatics:He is great at jumping around. He is also good at somersaulting, and cart-wheeling. He has strong legs which are good for exerting large force. This vaults him into the air.

  • Architecture: Hal is great at designing buildings. He can design a building with incredible infrastructure and support. He styles most buildings with the design of a bee hive and other sorts of bug hives and or nests. He enjoys creating housing for those in need.

  • Arithmetic:Hal is great at doing equations and calculations. He uses this in which to help balance the weight upon the buildings he designs. He can calculate many complicated equations and is also good with logic. He is great with determining the value and quality of an idea, representation, or statement.


  • Reckless:Hal is pretty reckless. He has a go-with-the-flow mindset. So he can seem to be pretty reckless when he is relaxing. He doesn't seem to mind much as long as someone else isn't involved.

  • Search For Nirvana:Hal is in constant search for nirvana. So, if he fails to find it, he will be in a constant search for it for many years. This just brings him into more trouble. And, this will also drive him to insanity one day.

  • Nearsighted:Hal is incredible disabled when it comes to view. He cannot see too far away and only has recognition to things close to him. He is also unable to view glass and may sometimes walk into nothing and may other times try to lean against a window when there isn't any glass on it. This causes him to fall out of buildings.

Hal has a great relationships with an elder of his clan, named Mktizcz Zts. Mktizcz was a bit of a father to him. When he was just emerging, and had little knowledge of the world, Mktizcz had remembered much more of his past life and had already been out of stasis long enough to teach Hal language and arithmetic and the knowledge of the world. Though, neither had much knowledge of morality, and looked to the Tohn Sona often to find information about it. Though, they found little. They learned the ways of right and wrong together, defining them on their own. They both had adopted a semi-unison ideology of equality. Hal was saddened greatly by Mktizcz's death, which had sent him into a depressed slump for several months. When Mktizcz returned as a deathling, Hal had been sent into yet another awkward position. But, the deathling of Mktizcz had a swayed view on a equality, showing a slight prejudice towards those of prejudice, which confused Hal, of which he would later develop into a belief against radicalism. The experience turned Hal somewhat morbid and idealized, like that of Plato, which resulted in a somber experience when Mktizcz's deathling died, but not an emotional one for, Hal was solidified and emotionally terse when the deathling disappeared.


Life Story

1-10 Years After Stasis
-Hal came out of stasis in Tohn Valeer.

-He joined with a clan that all operated together like a family. The clan was wealthy, owning many Vissi and herding for commerce. Hal learned to sing from them, as they had used their singing to attempt to find other colonies.

-Hal grew close to an elder of the clan, and the elder taught him to be somewhat open minded, and cared for Hal more than any of the other clan members. The two would spend a lot of time together, working on the clan's buisiness and sitting about, watching their Vissi in the fields, and talking about a world ruled by the Meriac.

-Hal was walking through a field one day when he noticed a few of his Vissi slaves following him. He knew they had the mind of a dumb animal, but pondered why. He considered they may have been lower people in the Meriac world. Making brief note, he threw a ball of chrysalis into a field nearby, getting the Vissi to stop following him. Hal also took interest in the fact that two Vissi were in a furious fight over the chrysalis.

-Hal moved to regalia with his clan. A male of similar age of him, which he new like a brother, opened a bakery, and got the nickname, "notepad." In regalia, he noted the social and class divide among the citizens and non-citizens of the city.

11-20 Years After Stasis
-The elder of the tribe was murdered by an Elvin man, calling the elder a heretic. This impacted Hal negatively and sent him into a deep alcoholism. Hal avoided thought about why this was done, discluding any reason of the class divide he noted earlier, whilst tried to distract his mind, spending his nights in the regal bars.

-Hal was captured and held captive by a sanguine, which infuriated him, causing him to be released from his mental slump and start training and thinking more often. He despised the feeling of hopelessness, fearing death at all times; it made him desperately angry feeling that he couldn't save himself. This caused him to start training in the dagger and learning about scholarship and to start having brief contemplation about morality and crime. He began studying quite often at local libraries in things such as literature, poetry, and some architecture. The whole experience caused him to develop an idea of self worth, and helped him grow some sort of individuality, that he could define himself, and maybe others.

20-32 Years After Stasis
-The elder of his clan became a deathling during the Lo occupation, though, the elders mind was twisted, finding itself quite racist in the reflection of the man. The elder seemed like a different person all the while. Hal held little compassion towards this deathling, and saw the deathling as more of a puppet than a man. This did confuse Hal; He cinsidered if this man should be let rule? Is this what the Meriac really are? Hal was left subtly stunned when the elder vanished, and went into a brief dysfunctional slump.

-Most of his clan moved back to the hive, finding dwindling success in regalia.

-Hal got infected with the disease created by allar, which sent him into stasis.

-After awaking from stasis, he remembered his name, which he translated to "derelict" or "unwanted" in some ancient Meriac transcripts. This continued his contemplation about society and eliminated his earlier slump, dissuading the victim complex he slowly adapted. He wondered if he had been so useless, then why hadn't he become a Vissi like the ones back at the Tohn Valeer? He slowly developed that he may have some importance, and slowly grew a sense of conceit.

-He returned home to find that the death of the Vissi had drained his clan's wealth, and that his clan had become poor, giving him another perspective to take upon aloria, but that of a poor one.

-He returned to regalia, beginning to adopt a belief that civilization is flawed, and that he must study and guide future Meriac, so their new civilizations won't fall as they had in the past.

-He sold his brother's vacant restaurant and saved up a bit of money, allowing him barely enough to attend the school of buildcraft, where he learned much about how to design buildings and choose materials to build said buildings. After graduation, he started some freelance architectural design which allowed him to gain enough funds to rent a large house.

Hal awoke from his colony a decent man. The name he found was Haz'kimiaorten'z Zts, which he went by in his colony, nearby the Tohn Valeer. As a Circci, he joined a small clan, and they grew close as a sort of "family." In the colony, his clan owned many Vissi slaves, and amassed quite a good reputation. He learned to sing well from the rest of his clan, who used their voices to help find other colonies. Most of Hal's clan had helped take Naylar land during the Chrysant war, though, Hal awoke from stasis a bit later than most of his brethren, a short while after most of the conflict occurred. He worked to find food for his clan, and a circci of a similar age, which he considered a brother, did most of the food preparation. He spent a bit if time studying the Tohn Sona. He admired the ancient people and enjoyed attempting to decipher their customs. This gave him a point of identity.
Most of his clan, including the clan elder and Hal's brother, moved to regalia to pursue further wealth. He found the people of regalia had a hard time pronouncing Haz'kimiaorten'z, so he shortened the name to a simple "Hal." His brother opened up a small bakery, and got the nickname "notepad" from how often he wrote down things in a notepad. Soon after, the elder of the clan was murdered by an altalar man who spouted that the circci were heretics, and unholy blemishes on the face of the city. Hal had grown somewhat close to the elder and was hit with the man's death particularly hard. Hal turned to alcohol for a while, avoiding reflecting on the experience that had occurred. He started noting the racial and economic divide in the city.

He was bumbling drunkenly along the streets of the slums one night when he got attacked by a sanguine, who held him captive for several days, drinking his blood for sustenance. This enraged Hal, a feeling of helplessness, and this event inspired him to end a victim mentality, releasing him from the slump the elder's death. He started learning to use a dagger, and began wondering why he was treated as such a deficient being, and why the elder was killed. He began observing more examples of treating certain as lesser beings. He also began going to public libraries more often, studying in the ways of diplomacy and public speaking, and also looking for patterns and commonalities within the modern periodical. He learned how literature works, and learned how to convey motives through poetry, also sometimes dabbling in architecture. During the Freya Lo occupation, the elder came back as a deathling, of which he told evils of elves and ailor, and while he was still close to Hal, he had a severe disliking of most other races. This morally confused Hal, and he spent much time with the elder before he disappeared.

At about this time, the mekket disease created by the allar swept through the city, and he went into a stasis for about a month. He arose from stasis a more handsome man, with fine blue skin and violet hair. He remembered his name, and after a few translations he found his name meant, "derelict," in some ancient Meriac scripts. This made Hal think much more. He decided to continue by the name "Hal" after much consideration.

This experience made him begin hypothesizing. He started studying the Tohn Sona much more, trying to find the reason the Meriac lost control of their world. He started thinking that maybe he was an outcast in the Meriac society, but was actually a visionary, waisted by the social divide. He also began thinking that he possibly snuck into the Tohn Valeer. This propelled him into a philosophical world, and he began theorizing about much more in regalian society, growing the attitude of an observer. He then visited his old colony, to find all of his clan's Vissi dead, and much of his clan quite poor. He had seen the tables turn, and although their wealth was regenerating, he now saw who was "poor." He returned to regalia, and continues to search for knowledge of how society works. He'd picked up a job as at the local library.

Life Story from the Original Character: Hal awoke from stasis in a popular colony, a little bit after a majority of his colony. Hal was quite wealthy growing up. As a Circci, he associated himself with His mother was a calm loving person and his father was a rationalist. He grew up looking different from the other children. He was always alienated and had little friends. He spent his time pondering questions of life and working to find money for books to read. Math and architecture were of his favorite subjects. He was always in search for the answers to things. Otherwise, he would grow horrifically distraught. He grew very close to his father. He grew to know the difference between right and wrong. He knew the difference between good and evil. Though, he wasn't always sure and he went
out and about looking for the fine line. He philosophized that the line between good and evil wasn't straight. He found that this line was a mass curvature that hit all aspects of one line. He found it more of an oval around a person. Though he figured this, he often found it hard to believe growing up in a racist world. This is just one example of the questions he ponders. One day, he went out upon the city alone, as a teenager. He found many intricate philosophies, ideas, and religions. He had glands on the side of his body that began to create a strange substance. This was not like any substance that had been created before by his body. This substance was much more "stringy" than the others. He grabbed this as it got stuck to his hand he flicked it off. As it hit the ground, he saw a small spark blow off of the ground. He rushed home to find that his mother had been killed as his father walked in. His father rushed in with major distraught. They took the body to the clinic but it was far too late. Hal was severely depressed for several weeks. He seemed to find that the only thing that could find him peace was acting revenge on the one who did this to his mother. He asked his father about the substance several weeks later and his father gave him the talk. He explained to him what this was and that he should embrace it. He explained to him what would become of his powers if he trained in them. He went about with his philosophizing as ever until he was about 20. In which by this time, he had been studying for one year. He was able to create a legitimate amount of substance when his father passed of disease. He was severely upset about this and got into the habit of drinking. He had a major addiction for several months and eventually drank so much that he wasn't sober but when he sleeps. He lost all of his money on this and became homeless. He lived in a cardboard box for multiple weeks. Afterwards, he decided to get his life back together. He quite drinking and slowly grew back through society pondering questions as normal. He final gained a wee bit of wealth and hit the streets if regalia.

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vcfgwVs_d.webp made by greenie
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Helloooooo sunshine!
  • Personality first paragraph, it's meant to be conceited.
  • You have access to all 60 of your proficiency points, given that his age is after-stasis.
  • I'd like you to expand more on your fourth paragraph, go a bit more in depth. How would he act in a life or death situation? If it came down to it, would he sacrifice himself for someone he cares for or would he let them take the fall? How does money play into his morality, etc.
  • I'd like to see more expansion in your life story as well. Supplement it with experiences that shaped his personality in a bit more detail - how did the Elder mold his personality? How did the return of the Elder as a Deathling shape his view of the world? What about being captured by the Sanguine specifically broke him out of his slump?
Make these changes in blue and tag me when you're done, thank you!
@Athelois edits made in blue
I always wonder how to take the color off once the app is approved, because I like my apps all pretty
@Athelois I had to edit it cuz the spoilers broke, could I get the thread reapproved? Sorry about that
@Athelois updated proficiency, discarding the racial boost because the page shows the racial boosts for 2 types of maraya, which isn't updated in lore, and racial boosts are kind of optional.
@Athelois I updated the character to give him some school skills and a stable source of income as an architect
-removed 10 points of fast blade combat and added 10 metallurgy (It's the closest thing to architecture on the forums)
-updated physical stats to account for change
-explained it in life story
-updated age to make character a little older
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  • Visual arts actually covers architecture.
  • Rogue training does not count towards body build it is only combat proficiencies and Athletic Training.