Archived Have There Been Any 1.6 Vampire Changes?

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The Runesmith
Jun 28, 2013
Reaction score
Has there been any changes to the vampire plugin? Such as neutralizing the 1.6 changes to strength potion effects, accounting for/incorporating new potion effects or adding horses to the "menu"?
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Moved to Feature & Idea Discussion.
I estimate I will be able to update MassiveCraft to 1.6 in a couple of days. I have updated all my own plugins like Factions, MCore, Vampire, CreativeGates etc. However an important external plugin we need is bugged right now and the core server software stability may be low unless we wait a couple of more days

Thanks but I saw that, my question was has anything been changed beside just making it compatible. There hasn't been any changes on the vampire plugin page that I can see and I'd assume a blood value for horses would need to be added. Just curious whether they are not going to be done, they have been done but the info page has not been updated or those will just be done later when the coder is less busy. Just curious really.
You don't need to bump threads. Someone will get to it and answer. (I'm not a vampire anymore so I don't know if anything changed).
I think there is no changes. Horses will be added to the food table and thats all.
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