Milo stood infront of a mirror, trying, although in vain, to flatten his hair against his head. He'd gained a case of bedhair and his hair stuck up in almost every direction, water doing nothing to keep it down.

When I was just a kid
I couldn't wait til I grew up

His freckles stood out on his nose and cheeks, having become much darker as the summer months came around. He lowered his head momentarily to grab a new ribbon from his pocket to tie it back and when he looked back up all he saw was his brother.

Tried walking in your shoes
But couldn't even tie them up

The rugged sort of look his face had taken seemed much to similar to Anthony's and, although his hair had always been a much brighter shade of orange and his eyes a more vivid green, he had somehow grown to become what he remembered his brother to have looked like.

No matter how big and tall I grew
I was always looking up to you

Sometimes things like this would happen to the young man. He'd catch a glimpse of himself in a shop window, or spot somebody else even, and think it was his brother. It never turned out to be him, but that didn't stop Milo from imagining the day it really was and he found him again.

You showed me that I was just a diamond in the rough
You helped me to grow into the man that I've become

Sighing he moved away from the mirror and over to the doorway, grabbing his guitar from where it leant against the wall. He slung it over his shoulder by the strap and walked down the stairs, steps creaking every so often. When he did reach the kitchen he opened a few cupboards and tried to find something he could take and eat of the go, being met with only almost empty shelves. Milo shook his head and headed out the front door empty handed, making a mental note to pick up some more food later.

We've been down, we've been up
I hope I've made you proud enough
You make it look easy even when I'm hard to love

Thoughts of his brother still played through his mind as he walked, the summer sun blaring down on the young man. He couldn't seem to catch a day where he wasn't there though. It was like when he was younger, Anthony always watching over his shoulder to make sure he was okay, and now he still did, except it was Milo's brain making it seem as though he was.

When I dropped out of school
You told me that my time was up

When he made it to the sewer entrance Milo twisted his guitar around so it was hung against his chest. He'd been down to the sewers the after time and yet he still didn't trust the people down there, much like people had with him when he was theiving. With his guitar now safely strapped to his front Milo began to descend the steps leading to the sewer Tavern, a few stray strands of hair falling into his eyes.

I was a rebel with a cause
Just didn't know quite what it was

He was planning on doing maybe seven or eight songs tonight and hopefully get enough Regals to buy at least a weeks worth of food. There was never any guarantee on what he would earn at any given time, so sacrifices were normally made on what he could and couldn't afford, along with the bills every month.

So I got a job that barely paid
You said you did the same thing at my age

Milo also knew eventually the novelty of his singing and playing would wear of and he'd have to find another way to earn money, but this did for now. His feet finally hit the bottom of the steps and he made his way to the counter to order an ale with the few coins left in his pocket. Once that was made and paid for he picked up the mug and placed it on the floor of the stage, pulling his guitar of and placing it down as well before pushing himself onto the stage. He pulled a cap from his pocket whilst he was still crouched and placed that on the floor besides the mug. Once standing again he picked up both the guitar and mug, draining some of the ale before placing it back down again and adjusting the instrument into position.

You showed me that I was just a diamond in the rough
You helped me to grow into the man that I've become

He stunned it a few times to test it out before stopping, a mop of red hair in the distance catching his eye. Milo averted his gaze over there, entire body anticipating seeing Anthony, only for his shoulders to drop and the smile on his lips to be wiped away.

We've been down, we've been up
I hope I've made you proud enough
You make it look easy even when I'm hard to love

Shaking his head Milo turned back to face the half full tavern, squaring his shoulders and readjusting the instrument a second time before taking a deep breath and beginning to play.

We've been down, we've been up
I hope I've made you proud enough
You make it look easy even when I'm hard to love

His eyes slowly drifted shut as the first verse came up, and when it eventually did, Milo was ready for it, Anthony always resting on his shoulder.

Even when I'm hard to love

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