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Played Character Ha'ran Erborn

This character is actively played.


Jun 12, 2024
Reaction score
Full Name: Ha'ran Erborn
  • Heritage / Culture: Ailor / Anglian Culture
  • Age: 31
  • Gender / Pronouns: Male / He/Him
  • Occult: None
Core Concept
Ha'ran was a once traveler, now farmer and part-time trader. Finally settling down in one spot, Ha'ran hopes to set up his homestead and soon after a farm on which he can grow both crops and produce. With plans to self-provide as well as to sell product to those wanting to buy, Ha'ran hopes to one day expand his food production beyond his homestead. He hopes not only to flourish his business and leave a legacy beyond his homely fields but also to aid in the production of food and make certain no one goes hungry.

Appearance Information
Not standing out as a sore thumb, Ha'ran appears with rather typical features. He stands at a respective 6 feet tall, with chestnut brown hair along with a beard that wraps across his face. His skin is rough and tanned and in some areas leathery and his palms especially calloused from his many hours enduring hard labor on previous fields. Ha'ran is perhaps notable for his grey almost blue eyes and the fact that he is left-handed. Typically, Ha'ran can be found either at his homestead hard at work, or in town seeing what might be could be sold or bought, as well as to catch up on local/regional/global issues that may affect him. Though more comfortable in his work clothes, he can be seen -when in town- wearing a perhaps more lavish outfit with an overcoat to keep him protected from the elements. Certainly comfortable to work solo, he will never shy from those that wish to converse, offer assistance, or request a hand.

Attack and Defense Stat
I do not CRP

Hobbies and Talents (Optional)
Athletic Hobby

Not Used.

Common, Anglisch

Life Story / Plot Hooks
Ha'ran was a once traveler, tasked by his father to depart from home and venture throughout the world and find his calling. Not certain if that meant becoming a mighty world figure or perhaps helping the little guy, Ha'ran left his home to answer this question. For many years he walked from city to city, nation to nation, across oceans and mountains, til finally he felt the travelling lifestyle catch up to him and he wanted to plant himself. Still an answer to his father's wish alluded him even after all these years abroad. Ha'ran felt he hadn't gotten any closer by trying to find an answer, so instead he would let it find him. Planting himself in the Regalia Archipelago, he hopes to either claim, purchase, or work for his space of land and cultivate using the few gifts he has which are farming, trading, and slight construction.

Knowing Regalia was neither built in a day nor by one pair of hands, Ha'ran sees the value in community and service. Whether it's a kind soul that has come to his aid or should someone in need of a hand, Ha'ran is both a receiving and aiding character. Though his heart beats for his business and the legacy he wishes to leave after his departure into the next realm, he recognizes the prosperity and charity to be gained in all hands working with one another.

An overall hard-worker and delightful soul, it's from Ha'ran's travels that he comes to truly learn and appreciate the betterment and security of those around him. Having witnessed many travesties and innocents unwarranted of terrible ends, he is driven by the much conflict that has graced upon his eyes. Not wanting to repeat now locked away memories, or worse be an accomplice in something far more nefarious, Ha'ran can be seen often putting the needs of others over his own. Though his passion is in his business, the end game is that by his hard work, he might be a provision for those that are lacking and unfortunate during these times, a place of temporary peace and ones simple needs fulfilled with a full plate and cheerful company.