Preserved Sheet Harald.

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"One might do"
Sep 14, 2017
Reaction score
Oh Canada!
Harald Dederich.

  • Age: 26

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Alior

  • Culture: Velheimer 1/2 & 1/2 Heartland

  • Preferred Weapon: Long sword and Crossbow

  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
Skill Information (Required)

26 points from Age

  • +16 Blades Combat (+16 From Points)

  • +10 Heavy Bow Combat (+10 From Culture)

  • +10 Magical Knowledge (+10 From Points)

  • Arkenism Info

  • Sanguinology Info
Body Shape

  • 16 Combat = 16 Body Stat

  • Body Shape: Athletic

  • Body Fat: Low Body Fat
Languages Heartland, Common, and Skodje.

  • Common (Free Language)

  • Skodje (Father Tongue)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

  • Will of Holiness - Unionist Ailor
Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Green, dark green.

  • Hair Color: Brown

  • Hair Style: Pompadour

  • Skin Color: Pinkish White

  • Clothing: Dark Brown & Black Robes,

  • Height: 6' feet
Personality and Abilities (Required with Choice)

Option Two: The Core List

  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Lawful Neutral
  • Choose your Character Personality Type

  • The Giver
    • Choose your Character's Religion

    • Unionism. 8/10

Life Story

Ages 0-5

Harald was orphaned on the day of his birth, being left on the front door of a loving couple. The man and woman were puzzled as to why they were gifted a child, but believed that the Spirit had gifted them a blessing since the woman was told that she could not give birth to any child. The man was an ex-Darkwald Knight who decided to retire from being a Darkwald after many years of service, who then acted as an artist The mother was a baker, helping make the bread that fed many Anglians.

Ages 5-10

By the time he was around 5 years old, his mother passed away after a group of Sanguine attacked the home of the ex-Darkwald. However, they failed to kill their main target. Which was the child of the ex-Darkwald and the wife. Harald didn't understand what they wanted, but the ex-Darkwald did. He decided to go out of retirement to hunt down the Sanguine that killed his wife, taking his son with him to learn how to fight them. However, he saw that it was too dangerous for his son to come with him. The Darkwald decided to give a letter to Harald and send him to the School of Darkwald when Harald himself came to the age of 10.

Ages 10-15

When Harald arrived, he was very nervous of why he was sent to Castle Virgadulvlas in Tirgunn to work under the School of Darkwald. Harald stepped forward to some of the Knights that guarded the castle, handing them a letter in which they'd read. They accepted the young man within a heartbeat, understanding why he was sent to the School. Harald's first few years were hard on the boy, pushing him beyond his limits to make him a powerful fighter.

Ages 15-20

At the age of 15 is when he became much more religious, praying daily to the Spirit for guidance as he studied the demons of Sanguine and Silven alike to help the young Harald with his future hunts. After a couple years, he was sent on his first Sanguine hunt as a test of training. Harald encountered a Sanguine from the Zikiel Bloodline, seeing them in their Lich Form. Harald aimed his crossbow, shooting a bolt right towards the chest of the Zikiel. It screeched in pain as it began to use its chains to grab the left arm of the young Darkwald, pulling them forward until they were face to face. Harald reacted in seconds with a breakable vial of Holy Water, disabling their abilities where they were able to go for a stab into the chest of the Sanguine with his blade. Once he returned with the corpse of the Sanguine, he was rewarded with a newly reinforced crossbow.

Ages 20-26/Current

Harald graduated on time at the age of 20, allowing him to explore the world while in search of suspected Sanguine and Void Worshipers. His prayer too the Spirit was as great as ever before, in which he was granted a gift from the Spirit for his worship. His blade began to glow, allowing him to deal more damage against some of the demons that the world held within the world. Harald's hunts took him all around Opper Calemberg, teaching him many things about his hunting skills for demons and the ways of life in general. After 6 years of hunting and traveling, he decided to travel to the Holy City of Regalia to search the population of any suspected Sanguine or other demon threat.​
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