Preserved Sheet Rae-ha'i

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Magical Batel
Sep 6, 2016
Reaction score
A Cave located in the EST timezone


Basic Information

Full Name [Imperialized]: Hana Arakida.
Sihai Name: Rae-ha'i Be'ha-sai.
Alias: The Wicked Howler.
Age: 38.
Gender: Female.
Race: Huai Dynasty Sihai [War Dynasty].
Sexuality: Homosexual.
Preferred Weapon: Her Eastern Blades.

Describe your character's position in Regalia. Why are they there? How long have they been there? What is their occupation and living situation?
Describe your character's upbringing. Where were they born, to whom? How many siblings do they have? What about their extended family/noble family?
Describe any secondary ambitions your character may have. Short term ambitions, or ambitions that may not be related to your character's main goal in life.


Skill Information
Point Distribution
38 points for 38 years of age.

+4 Threads Arts [+4 from Points]
+8 Athletic Training [+8 from Points]
+10 Eastern Knowledge [+10 from Sihai Race]
+10 Unarmed Combat Skill [+10 from Points]
+11 Sailing Knowledge [+11 from Points]
+15 Eastern Blades Skill [+10 from Sihai Race, +5 from Points]

Body Shape
Physical Status
: 45 [War Dynasty Cap], +16 from Athletic Training, +20 from Unarmed Combat, +11 from Sailing Knowledge, and +5 from Eastern Blades Skill.
Body Shape: Ripped.
Body Fat: Extreme Low.

Wa'an [native tongue, 10/10]
Common [learned in travels, 10/10]


Visual Information
Eye Color: Light Brown.
Hair Color: Black.
Hair Style: Long and straight, often put into a ponytail with shorter parts over her face. Rae also commonly wears a red headband across her forehead that goes all the way around and ties in the back.
Skin Color: A pale tan with yellow undertones.
Tail Color: Black.
Clothing: Conservative and easy to move in Sihai styled clothes, usually wearing the color red somewhere in there.
Height: 6'1".

As for the details of Rae's facial features, she sports the average epicanthic folds as all Sihai have, with all other features not having anything too note worthy or sticking out that is beyond the average, besides for her fuller lips that noticeably pout and eyebrows that by default look a little thicker and slightly angry. And finally as for her hair, all of her life it has been long, straight, and usually tied back in a ponytail with her chosen accessory being a red headband.
Rae-ha'i's height is about average for a War Dynasty Sihai, but taller than the normal for a woman of her shift type. Her body shape lacks curves and has extremely low fat, letting her ripped physique show through. Her frame is rectangular, but strong and able to take a beating. Her skin color is a light tan, though having a more yellow undertone, while her monkey-like furred tail is a black color, also being longer than the length of her legs and prehensile, usually curling behind her. Surprisingly or not, the rest of her body lacks much hair. From her years as a pirate and being prone to fighting often, her skin is littered with scars of all sizes. And finally as an appreciater of tattoos, Rae has two full sleeves on each arm that consist of waves, clouds, and loong dragons.
As for Rae-ha'i's fashion appearance, she is most often found wearing clothes bordering between pirate garb and simple laborer's outfits, with red, gold, and white being her favorite colors often worn with black and brown shades. Jewelry is almost entirely non-existent on her person besides for a few kai'tsen'ur (Sihai faux-gold) rings she sometimes wears, an influence clashing between her Sihai heritage and pirate lifestyle. And finally as for her weapons Rae has one typical longsword eastern blade, carried when permitted to do so, and another smaller eastern blade that is carried more often.


Chaotic Neutral. "A chaotic neutral character is an individualist who follows their own heart and generally shirks rules and traditions. Although chaotic neutral characters promote the ideals of freedom, it is their own freedom that comes first."​
Personality Type
The Entrepreneur, ESTP. "Entrepreneurs leap before they look, fixing their mistakes as they go, rather than sitting idle, preparing contingencies and escape clauses."​
Loong Dragon Worship, 8/10. "The saying goes that the Loong Dragons created all life among the Sihai, and this can in large parts be said to be true, because the creation of the Lunar cycles has been directly witnessed by the Sihai people."​

Likes of Rae include games and gambling, drinking, and getting into fights.
Dislikes of Rae include the quiet, things being done slowly, and killjoys.


Life Story

Rae-ha'i was born in Drexai on the 1st of May as the Be'ha-sai family's first child. Over the next six years she would gain three more siblings.
Her mother was a Greater Dynasty Sihai and scribe while her father was a War Dynasty and a sailor that traded goods.​

She spent her beginning years as a Common Dynasty, but as her general studies that any child would learn continued, she made her first shift into a Greater Dynasty Sihai, but it was short lived.
Rae-ha'i then went through and tried out all of the other shifts, giving most at least a full month, and some were given more time. Frivolous was one of the shorter spans, while War stretched out a few months.
Her final shift was New Dynasty, and one she stayed as for a few years after. Coincidentally about the same time, her father decided to shift into New Dynasty as well, in a sense, 'retiring' from his wilder War Dynasty side.​

Teen Years
Rae's father one day while out on a port came across a curious crew of pirates, and they got to talking, soon enough, her father joined their crew, and decided to take Rae with him, her at age 12 to learn some life skills.
Amongst the crew Rae was by far the youngest and one of the only, if not the only, female. As to make up for this she thought, she had to learn how to fight and work hard to prove herself and earn some respect.
She did chores and other work around the ship in exchange for training in first unarmed combat, and then later eastern blades. She was also expected to give them any valuables she came across like gold coins, jewelry, fine materials, etc.
Rae did well in her training, and even got to the point where she was quicker than a lot of the men, likely due to her youth. She also decided to make the change around this point into becoming a War Dynasty Sihai-- her life now changed as it focused around the combat that War Dynasty love so much, and also it fit her new more aggressive personality.
Now as a War Dynasty, Rae met others like her at another port and got talking. She decided to run away with them and join their pirate crew, leaving only a brief note for her father before leaving and never looking back.​

Young Adulthood
The young Sihai took the pirate life quite well, and continued her eastern blades and unarmed combat training here.
Rae-ha'i also learned sailor's skills during this time, including chart reading, tying knots, how to adjust the sails, and general ship maintenance, which even included learning how to sew to mend broken sails or torn clothing in battle.
Much gold was made in these years, but just as quickly spent on drinks, gambling, tattoos, and more rarely for Rae, lady friends.
The good times didn't last forever and Rae gained many scars and lost good drinking buddies. One broken left leg later she took her share from the crew and was off, heading home after all these years.
Her parents upset, but let her come home again. They had her rest and doing mostly sitting chores, including a lot of sewing and repairing torn clothing, doing some embroidery and dying of cloth materials as well.
After time, Rae healed. Her parents waiting to break some sort of big news called her into the room. Her youngest sister, Kai-is'en, had been kidnapped by pirates some years ago. Hearing this news, Rae immediately packed her knapsack, and heading out the next morning to find her.​

Rae'ha'i talked her way onto a merchant's ship, be hired as a laboring to work until they made it to the next port. The ship turned out to be attacked by pirates only two days in.
Rae fought them with ferocity, being the only one on the merchant ship to do so. The enemy ship tied her up and questioned her, Rae stating her cause and look for her sister. They struck a deal then allowing Rae to join their crew, as long as she worked and fought beside them. She agreed.
Many years and had battles past, but still no sign of her sister. Rae would ask any captured or spoken to pirate at ports about a few years younger Sihai girl, pirates that kidnapped, and would even give them the sister's name. But one day a lead was had, and pursued. A man giving information, led Rae to a crew of masked pirates.
Tracking down the masked pirates took weeks, and after some speaking to them to get any information, required a bribe. They said yes the sister was a part of their crew, but left with others to Ithania after a bad battle. And so to Ithania she went.
Rae-ha'i found members of the ex-crew, now part of a mercenary band. After some talking they pointed in the direction of Regalia, and Rae was off.
She had to work again as a laborer to gain passage, but it wasn't too hard to find, with Regalia being such a large port city and all. She had made it then some time again later, now so close.
Finally, Rae tracked down what members of the mercenary company were in Regalia. Rae received some brief information about Kai's whereabouts and workplace, heading there next.
And their reunion was finally had. A large mix of emotions were had that day (and confusion for Kai), but finally, after 12 years, Rae's search had ended.

TLDR Version: Rae-ha'i had a crazy pirate life learning eastern blades combat and how to sail, then spent 12 years searching for her kidnapped by pirates sister, finding her in Regalia ultimately and then deciding to stay there for a while with her.

Birth: Rae-ha'i was the first born child of the Be'ha-sai family, entering into this world on the 1st of May. At the time of her birth, her mother was a Greater Dynasty Sihai and scribe, while her father was a War Dynasty and a sailor that traded goods. Over the next six years, Rae-ha'i would gain three more siblings.

Childhood: Rae-ha'i started out as and stayed as a Common Dynasty Sihai for the first half of her childhood, though starting to learn the religion, history, and language of her people soon led to her first shift, that same of her mother's, the Greater Dynasty. It lasted a few good months, but then the child wanted to try the other shifts, first going with the very different Frivolous, then War, and then New. As a New Dynasty for some time now, Rae's father also made a surprising change, and that was, becoming New Dynasty similarly. Coincidentally not long after while Rae's father was out on the job at a trading port, he came across a group of lost, though curious of the area, pirates. They had some conversation, and not long after, her father decided he wanted to travel with the crew, wanting to take his eldest child, Rae, with him to share the experiences. And so they did, Rae-ha'i at the age of 12.

Teen Years: Now part of a crew and one of the few females, Rae-ha'i had to learn how to toughen up. A few of the other members were willing to teach her how to fight-- some with their fists, and the others using eastern blades, but these lessons came at a price. She was expected to do chores for the men and give them any valuables she came across, unbeknownst to her father. But it worked, and Rae-ha'i did it, and started to become a well-rounded fighter. She also at this time, made the switch back into her Huai War Dynasty for a multitude of reasons. One, for the aesthetics. Being the height, muscular capability, and useful prehensile tail. And then two, for the way she was starting to feel. Acting more confident and bold, prideful of her skills, but also loving to fight and becoming more excited come any action, remembering those feelings again from so long ago when she first tried out the form. Life became good, and one day while conversing with a group of other War Dynasty at another port, Rae-ha'i made a rash decision, at age 18 now, to run away with them and away from her dad and more passive crew, seeking a more action filled and thrilling, true pirate life. However to make sure her father wouldn't worry she thought, or try to find her, Rae-ha'i left a note beside his sleeping place, though then after that note, she never turned back.

Young Adulthood: The young Sihai took to the pirate life quite well, her prior experience and learning how to act around these rowdy men from the last ship only helping her. They pillaged and plundered out beyond Dexai, Rae-ha'i turning out to be one of the quicker on her feet of the crew, learning new techniques with blade and fist all the while. Their crew did well, and were a mini terror around their hunting grounds. Rae also in these years would pick up the knowledge on how to sail and manage a ship. From adjusting the sails, tying knots, chart reading, and ship maintenance, even including learning how to sew to repair any torn sails or clothing while on the job. In these years gold was gained but just as quickly spent on drinking, gambling, more tattoos, and other lady's company, the fourth being the least common she practiced and one she would never speak of, but one that Rae still took part in on occasion. Rae-ha'i lived a self serving life, and enjoyed it, but the good times wouldn't last forever. More scars gained, and drinking buddies lost, until one raid put out the Sihai from her crew for a season. Her left leg broken, she was forced to step out and rest. Through what gold shares she had left and hitching multiple rides with strangers, Rae-ha'i finally made it back home to Dexai, and to her parents and now aged siblings. Her parents being reasonably upset still allowed her to stay until she healed, giving her chores to do, and at least being impressed with her newer found skill since she had left home, that being sewing, of course. They had her repair torn clothes, dye new garments, and embroider designs on existing clothing and decorative cloth items. And after some time had past being home and Rae could walk again, her parents decided to break the news. That her youngest sister, Kai-is'en, a baby to Rae and last seen by Rae when Kai was six years old, was kidnapped by pirates. This placed an angry spark inside of Rae, her becoming determined now to find her sibling and kick some pirate ass.

Adulthood: And so began her hunt. Rae'ha'i packed her knapsack immediately after the family's conversation, setting out to leave the next morning after breakfast after her mother was able to calm her down and convince her to stay until at least then. At dawn, she headed to the docks, talking to any and trying to worm her way onto a ship. And before noon, she was successful. A merchant ship letting her board until they made it to the next port, at the cost of her physical labor with loading and unloading their goods. She agreed, and they were off. Unluckily or luckily, only two days into their voyage, they were attacked. With most of the crew being Common or New Dynasty Sihai, many did not fight back or just hid all together, but not Rae. Fighting with ferocity, whooping and hollering all the while, fueled by wanting to find her sister and get back into it all. This caught the enemy off by surprise, and Rae-ha'i was able to take down a few of the pirates, but she was still no match for the entire crew and ship. Captured eventually and tied up they questioned why they should let her live, and she told them her story. Intrigued and a little confused, they struck a deal. Her servitude and joining of the crew, and they'll let her meet and question any and every pirate they come across or capture. Rae-ha'i agreed. And it was not long into her service that the other members of the crew gave her a curious nickname, The Wicked Howler. It grew on Rae, and while active, became the new name she used.

More Recently: Over the years her mission slowly became lost. Fighting other pirates, taking merchant vessels, spending gold, drinking, eating. Rae wasn't getting anywhere, and was losing her spark struck now so long ago. Until, one day after taking some merchants captive, she learned a tip. A wild, mage War Dynasty Sihai that matched the name of her sister apparently, was a pirate apart of an oddly predominantly masked crew. This merchant explained he knew because he used to be a member, retiring after years of service and after one bad attack, a lot of the crew splitting. Taken by Rae with much skepticism, she decided that was all she had, and seeked them out, later even finding out that they had fought that same pirate crew once before, much to Rae's dismay. Some weeks later, they were found. They were tough on Rae's questions, but Rae was tough back. Going in circles, Rae-ha'i sighed and huffed and then pulled out a bribe. Then cooperating, Rae got her next lead, to Ithania. She found more of the ex-crew which led Rae to then travel to Regalia, her sister's last known location, also learning that Kai had taken up mercenary work there and in Ithania before. Rae was out of pirate days gold by now, and had to pay her way through labor. Finally arriving, she was so close, and after all of these years. Rae-ha'i tracked down her mercenary company, and then her business. A range of emotions (and confusion for Kai) were had that day, and now since that day the two sisters work together, a new far off region for Rae-ha'i to experience, plunder, and cause mischief in.
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Staff Review-
  • Personality and Abilities
    • While your first paragraph fits the bill for content, your second and fourth fall short. Give a few sentences worth of expansion on both of these and be sure to bolt certain key character traits.
  • Life Story
    • Under Hana's recent history, what is it that caused her sister to move to the Crown City? Add this in to your last bit of character backstory for additional insight.
Mark all changes / additions in blue and tag me once you're done.
  • Celestial Theory isn't part of the School of Astronomy anymore. If you meant Celestial Bodies, please change this.
  • Add one more sentence to the light-footed talent.

Make the above edits and tag me once you're done!
  • Celestial Theory isn't part of the School of Astronomy anymore. If you meant Celestial Bodies, please change this.
  • Add one more sentence to the light-footed talent.

Make the above edits and tag me once you're done!
Oh no my bad, it was the Discipline of Chi-Zǔxiān since all Chi as supposed to learn that. Would it be alright to have it as Scholar? All other changes beside that are made, including the renaming. What was added to the light-footed talent was made in orange.
Big ol bump and asking for a new reviewer as the prior is no longer staff. A complete and total rewrite of this old character with the only keepsake being her imperialized name!
Here is your review.
  • Although it doesn't effect your body stats, since you are capped at 45, the calculation is wrong as it lists 15 Eastern Blades but you only invested 5 in it aside from Race boost which does not factor into the calculation.
  • The life story is extremely, overly long. I will be honest in saying that I did not bother to read most of it because of how long it is. Applications should only include a sizeable summary for the life story, and the extensions can be written in a spoiler. Please do that so it's easier to review.
Make the changes in red and tag me when you're done.
Woops alright, made that eastern blades number change!

And oops yeah sorry, I hadn't noticed how much that I had actually already written with the life story at the time of completing it since that part was written on my phone. Aight so I put the full life story in a spoiler and did some bullet points instead to replace (and woops sort of still long err).