Preserved Sheet Hamelin D'vaud

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Carnation of Fristadvlom
Apr 19, 2017
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Hamelin d'Vaud

  • Age: Forty years of age.

  • Gender: Male.

  • Race: Ailor - Leutz-Vixe

  • Main Ambition: Progression of civil order and moral discipline within the Empire for the servitude of his superiors.

  • Special Permission: School of Leadership - Discipline of General Command - Expert
Skill Information

  • School: Leadership - Discipline of General Command.
  • Level: Expert with two commissions.
  • Source: Academia Della Arti Militare
Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Silver with a tint of azure.

  • Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde.

  • Hair Style: Long-cut with trimmed ends.

  • Skin Color: Fair, borderline pale.

  • Clothing: Anglian officer garb.

  • Height: 6'1

  • Body Build: Lean stemming from Military Education.

  • Weapon of Choice: Standard Tenpenny Arming Sword.

Personality and Abilities (Required)

  • First Paragraph: Oddly enough, Hamelin lacks a direction, moreso, he is a conflicted being which frequently overthinks existential issues on his own ambitions. He has done well to keep this crucial flaw about himself on the pretense of success for his superiors. However, Hamelin would rue the day he has to determine his ambitions, but he may be relieved now, it is not an immediate problem that he faces. Having a sheltered childhood ingrained such existential doubts onto him, as his paths tended to be influenced by the decisions of others.

  • Second Paragraph: Ferocious temper betrays his calm demeanor, when a fight is forced onto his plate, Hamelin is incensed to fight both tooth and nail for his own dignity and pride. In turn, he has repeatedly gotten intense arguments with peers over his lacklustre credentials. It remains a pet peeve for him to earn his badges of success, and grow a pride to match. Feeling much like a minnow on the shoulders of giants, Hamelin has yet to come to terms in concluding the standing in which he'd settle with.

  • Third Paragraph: An empathic individual by nature. Hamelin strives to understand the inner clockwork of other individuals in order to appertain dealing with them, a key difference that it is mostly out of self-benefit than legitimate concern. He has yet to determine the ethics of manipulation, or honesty, his personal moral compass remaining untested. However, it does not imply that he lacks discipline, but moreover, his time in the Academy has brought about a distinct admiration for the discipline possessed by the alt-regalians within. Furthermore, his believe in faith remains absolute.
  • Fourth Paragraph: His smarts is contrasted by an ironic nature of being aloof at times, in which he had a tendency to daydream and draw quiet in group discussions in a bid to retreat to his own personal world, despite being a trait that most would lose over the years, Hamelin had been unable to purge such a habitual flaw. Innately, he feels a personal satisfaction at being able to imagine his own castles in the skies and relishes the pull from reality that it provides.

  • Logistics Insight - Hamelin was influenced by his older friend, and largely fatherly figure, Johann Eshevard on the intricacies and importance of logistics in many practical applications in the realities of Regalia. Sooner developing his own particular interest in the area, he strives to ensure diligence and excellence within the systematic chains.

  • Adequate Fencing- Frequently dabbling in bouts of combat in his sparse free time. This has granted the noble practical knowledge in ways of melee combat. However, Hamelin adopted a more upfront and intimidating stature of offensive stances through his use of the arming sword, choosing instead to hack and slash his way forward in a brutish flare.
Life Story (Required)


  • Hamelin's father was a merchant, whom, through immense chance, crossed paths with a Leutz lady from Brissiaud that blossomed into a lengthy relationship stemming from a bonding that united the two. Hamelin was born to such circumstance, in Brissiaud, an illustrious beacon marred by darkness and besieged by gloomy swamps..and so he grew, ever curious to the greater world.

  • Perhaps it could be regarded as a boorish period of growth, under his father's stewardship, and mother's mettle, Hamelin grew up sheltered but tempered for the hardships ahead, but failed to have any meaningful childhood friends...a longing wish that remained unfulfilled. His unremarkable upbringing was partially due to his parent's frugality, teaching him the importance of coins and material wealth early in his life.

Young Adulthood - Present

  • Following his father, Hamelin frequently followed on trips to the crown isle, sooner making several acquaintances with older countrymen such as Johann in his time within the Wodenstaff , and Vulmar Ravenstad through his minding in a regalian tavern. He served Vulmar astutely as a personal servant, and to a limited degree, learnt under him as well.

  • The Leutz's thirst for knowledge did not cease, and whenever he could, he would bide his time in the Regalian library. It was there where he tutored a dakkar, whom name he went on to forget, on the common language in return for wages for such lessons.

  • On the tender age of fifteen, Hamelin applied, and was subsequently accepted into the academy, and went on to spent his time off, however few, between odd jobs in the capital.
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@Suicidium Review Complete!

Fortunately, I can find no outstanding errors or glaring lore inconsistencies in this sheet. The only thing that I would personally suggest is the addition of more formatting (bolding headers, bolding/italicizing subjects) to make the sheet more readable and visually appealing.

Otherwise, this sheet is approved.
@Lore Staff

Re-review request for expert permission.
Approved. Remember to register your special permission.