Preserved Sheet Halvard

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Ugly Bastard
Sep 21, 2016
Reaction score
In your shoes.
Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Halvard "Akvavit" Asklasen

  • Age: 22

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Velheim Ailor

  • Sexuality: Very Rare Only

  • Preferred Weapon: Axe, Dirk, or Fists
Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 50 + 10 Hobby

  • +10 Dagger Combat (+10 Core Points)

  • +15 Fist Combat (+15 Core Points)

  • +7 Axe Combat (+7 Core Points)

  • +5 Circus Art (+5 Core Points)

  • +5 Horticulture (+5 Hobby Points)

  • +5 Musical Instruments (+5 Hobby Points)

  • +10 Sailing Art (+10 Core Points)

  • +3 Rogue Gift 4 (+3 Core Points)
Body Shape

  • Physical Stat: 15+15+7+(5*.5)+(5*.5)+(10*.5) = 47 -> 30 Physical Stat

  • Body Shape: Ripped

  • Body Fat: Extreme Low

  • Skodje (10/10)

  • Common (10/10)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

  • Pagan Book Mutation

  • Pagan Soil Mutation

  • Exist Bite Mutation (Gained through roleplay)

  • Exist Carry Mutation (Gained through roleplay)

  • Omniaware 1

  • Wall Climb 1
  • Empathy Sense 7

  • Rogue Gift 4
Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Blue

  • Hair Color: Blonde

  • Hair Style: Straight and messy, usually kept around Adam's apple to shoulder length.

  • Skin Color: Pale

  • Clothing: Simple Commoner Clothing

  • Height: 5'1
Personality and Abilities (Required with Choice)

Option Two: The Core List

  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Neutral Good
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • INTP-T
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Old Gods (8/10)

Life Story (Required)

Halvard was born in Nordskag to Gunnar and Thonje Asklasen in the year 288 AC in the middle of winter. His father was a successful warrior that consistently brought money back to the family whenever he went on raids. As such, his first few years of life were mostly filled with love, gifts and simple education. Around the age of eight, Hal was a constant companion on his father's raids, usually being used to carry around supplies and be the general waterboy of the crew. Eventually, he started his tutelage in the School of Skaggers, his slight build forcing him to learn the Voldsomarg discipline.

The boy was seemingly a natural at being quick on his feet, doing well in his training. Halvard graduated in four years at the age of seventeen, right as the conflicts between the Regalian Empire and the North were rising. It was only a matter of time before the young man was in the military fighting with the rebellion. Halvard was a vicious fighter, killing those that would dare disrespect his culture, committing atrocities all the way. At the end of the Burning of the North conflict, Hal was completely burnt out. In just a year, he went from a relatively cheerful and optimistic young man to a hardened pessimist with trauma cutting deep. The act of killing and watching his fellow Skaggers be killed by the thousands was simply too much for him, causing the young man to pursue a more pacifistic lifestyle. The easiest way of doing so at the time was to simply give himself up into slavery, which is exactly what he did. He spent years farming on a plot of land for a wealthy family, his persona forlorn and quiet as he completed his work in autopilot.

Two years passed on the farm, working endlessly day to day completing menial tasks. At face value, Halvard was doing alright, his body becoming stronger with each day of labor, but his mental health suffered. As weeks passed, the young man became even more of a shut in. While before he would play with his master's kids in a cheery, if subdued, manner, now he avoided them. Halvard usually ate dinner and slept in the master's house, but as the years went by, he began to sleep outside out of his own volition. Usually in the open air for the warmer months, and living inside a little hovel for the colder ones. Unbeknownst to anyone on the farm, Halvard was suffering from both trauma and survivor's guilt, causing nightmares and the like. His master, having grown to like the young man, eventually set him free, worried that Halvard was wasting away on his farm. The young velheimer was given simple instructions; find something to do with yourself and then sent off. Halvard set off to Regalia to find his purpose only to spend his next two years homeless and working on odd jobs, simply drifting through life and the various calamities within the city.
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@Pantheizm Your application seems mostly in order, however there are a few things that require correction.
  • Please include your calculations for Body Stat in your body shape section.
  • What are these mutations which you reference? Please elaborate on their source.
  • You list that you have 29 point available, which you do, however you have only spent 24 of them. Please fix this discrepancy.
Please make these changes in Blue and tag me when you have done so.