Preserved Sheet Hallgrim Asleson

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Let there be Noot
May 13, 2018
Reaction score
Anamosa, Iowa

Hallgrim Asleson


"We shall fight with the strength of 100 men."

Basic Information

Birth Name: Hallgrim (Elven Alias: Myrin Syllbess'aos)

Imperialized Name: Hallgrim Asleson

Age: 65

Gender: Male

Race: Half-Human {Anglian-Breizh}

Sexulality: Heterosexual

Proficiency Points (60 Points)
  • +20 Blades Combat Skill (+10 From Points, +10 From Culture)

  • +20 Athletic Training (+20 From Points)

  • +20 Rouge Training (+20 From Points)
Body Stat: 10 Combat Skill + 40 Athletic Training (20x2) = 50 Body Stat

Body Shape: Strongman

Body Fat: Low Body Fat

Arcana Vampirica - Allows to feed on Silven and Mages from 10 feet away
Parlorica Vampirica - Able to get 1 Parlor Spell for Free (Elemental Shot Spell)
Grand Vampirica - Able to live twice as long as maximum age, age 2x slower
Mutating Birth - Able to take 1 Mutation from any Bloodline (Varlord Form)
Bending Arcana - Able to bend spells back to the caster


Anglian [Father Language|First Language]
Picaron [Mother Language|Second Language]
Common [Learned in Childhood|Third Language]


Eye Color: Crimson red irises with dull orange eye whites (When Varlord) Forest Green (Cured)

Hair Color: Dark Auburn

Hairstyle: Medium & Wavy

Skin Color: Dirty White

Clothing: Fur clothes

Height: 6 feet 5 inches

Personality & Abilities
  • Hallgrim shows fear through the visible shaking of his body, his orange eyes widen at the sight of whatever he fears. He doesn't fear much however, given his affliction and the amount he has seen. He will however, sweat quite a bit when he is scared or worried of his fear.

  • When stressed, the Varlord would just keep their head down and sigh. He has felt way too much stress to worry about other things within life. Being hunted on all sides has made him into a more stressful character to be more prone to fighting.

  • When happy, Hallgrim will tend to give a nod of approval for whatever made him happy with a small grin to give. Hallgrim has given much time to think of what has been able to make him happy, only finding little to nothing to support him.

  • Hallgrim doesn't believe that the law does their job completely, always allowing the criminals and villains to get away from their hands. He wants to put the law into his own hands to the point where he can see people walk around safely while being able to feed on people as he pleases.

  • Hallgrim isn't much of a religious type person, though he does believe about in some of the ways of Unionism when he is not infected with the Vampiric Curse. Hallgrim tends to let his own mind and soul be the one to drive him, not whatever religion that wants to try and stop the Varlord.

  • Hallgrim is a fan of Magician Magic, loving it greatly since he can use it quite well to his advantage. Magic has always had a special place in his heart, as he has done much with the use of his Magician Magic. Even with knowing a single spell, it has saved his life more then once to help him.

  • The Varlord lost all hope for his families, both his birth and Vampire family. He had given so much of his life in order to fight for those that he loved, but nothing was done with it but thrown around like a doll who had no owner. He decided to take a step away from the life for a reason.

  • His biggest insecurity is the fact of losing his wonderful gift of the Vampiric Curse too many times to where he is killed, only to be seen as a true monster to the world. He wants to become as powerful as possible, but only knows that he needs to have the Curse's power in order to make it so for him.

  • The proudest moment of Hallgrim's life was when he was granted the gift of the Vampiric Curse by Lord Wyrmwood. He doesn't believe that Wyrmwood was the one that had chosen him, but the Curse or Blessing itself. It had given him a new purpose in life, to become as powerful as possible to protect the people he wants.

  • The thought of his power increasing along with the people he has protect has made him happy, knowing that he could do so much with the power that he holds within his grasp. Being both an assassin and Vampire makes him into a powerful and deadly creature of the night.

  • Hallgrim's greatest fear is losing all of his power and the people dying to where his power would be meaningless if he still held power. He knows that he can't have one without the other, fighting to make sure that his fears don't become a reality to the eyes of the Varlord.
Life Story

0-6 Years Old

Hallgrim Asleson was born from Arthur and Marie Asleson on June 18th, 227 within the land of Ularen Valley, where he was born from an Anglain Father and Etosian Mother. They were staying within the Valley due to the personal freedoms of being with the Avanthar and the ability to protect others. When Hallgrim was very little, his parents would also spar with each other as to show what fighting was like so he wasn't a stranger to it when he got older. As he slowly learned of his family's culture, he also began to study and watch his parent's spars more closely. When he turned the age of 6, his parents told him that they graduated from the School of Bloodcast where they learned how to fight with great strength.

7-13 Years Old

When Hallgrim turned to the age of 7, his parents decided to move to the city of Axford for a time until they needed to move again. While they were there, they decided to teach Hallgrim about how the School of Bloodcast was and what it would most likely be like for him once he'd arrive. By the time he was 10, he was sent to a tutor within their homeland of Ularen Valley. His training started extremely well, he was a very well done student who put his heart and soul into his training.

14-20 Years Old

Hallgrim continued to be an excellent student at the age of 14. As time went on, he continued to learn more of his culture and the way of life for Avanthar. Slowly but surely he continued to do his training, his strength would increase dramaticly as his training continues. Finally at the age of 20, Hallgrim was able to leave Ularen Valley and away from his family to explore the world for a small time.

26-32 Years Old

Hallgrim's adventure would begin, wondering the many wonders of the world. His training continued on, keeping his strength ready for whenever he needed. His time and effort made his strength increase very slowly since he was at his limit anyways, but it never stopped him to keep on moving forward with life. The Avant Teachings continued to help him non-stop as he'd fight with larger creatures, killing a bear all by himself even though it costed him some blood and flesh in the process.

33-65 Years Old

Hallgrim continued to adventure around, keeping himself trained and ready for anything that appeared in his path. Hallgrim wondered the streets of Axford when he came across a very dark ally, nothing really strange about it until he saw two glowing red and orange eyes that stared back to his. He was paralyzed in fear for a moment as the eyes would move closer to him. He tried to fight the beast to find out that it was a Sanguine of old. The Half Human stood no match against the fast beast. He'd knock back with ease to where he'd be infected with the Sanguine curse when he was 35 years old by the Varlord known as Lord Wyrmwood, giving him no other option other than to accept it as he became a powerful Varlord. His travels helped him meet some interesting people, which helped keep him moving forward as it increased his spirits. Now he is within Regalia to help spread the Curse and help support the most powerful Desprince within the city. After quite some time within the city of Regalia, he became tired of the horrible acts of the Kathar. The Heirarchy did nothing to stop the horrible acts against him and their other allies, to where he left. He became recently cured from the Sanguine Curse to where he can start a new life after many years of being a Sanguine. After some time, Hallgrim was infected by a Rouge Vampire. Hallgrim soon found a meal after feeling the effects of the Vampirism, which in turn made him back into a Varlord.
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Hi, sunshine!
  • The new language rules are the mother's language, the father's language, and common are free. Any other languages require sinking six points into Linguistics for each additional language learned.
  • Please elaborate on all of his personality paragraphs.
Make these changes in blue and tag me when you're done.
Hi, sunshine!
  • The new language rules are the mother's language, the father's language, and common are free. Any other languages require sinking six points into Linguistics for each additional language learned.
  • Please elaborate on all of his personality paragraphs.
Make these changes in blue and tag me when you're done.
What do you mean by elaborate?
You need to choose either the mothers or father's main language with the new language update.
Common is free but you need to choose Skodje or Tunge
@Athelois I changed the backstory around a bit to make him a Varlord Sanguine. I believe I'll need to switch the personality paragraphs around because that's him when he's normal, maybe add on a bit. Otherwise I believe it looks good.
  • Go ahead and just remove the zeroed out proficiencies! There's no point in having them listed - just remove the ten points from your total pool.
@Athelois I pretty much redid A LOT of stuff, I worked on the paragraphs a bit, prof points, Sanguine Mutations, and Life Story
  • Please adjust his life story and personality to reflect that of an Avanthar infected with vampirism instead of the Velheim he was prior. His personality does not reflect that of a vampire, nor does it reflect that of the culturally imprinted personality traits of an Avanthar.
  • Please expand on his life story since you aged him up.
Make these changes in blue and tag me when you're done.