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Half-elf Seeking Coin

Pinned to a notice board at the Golden Willow Tavern was a shoddily written note on yellowed parchment. It held no fancy seal and was quite to the point.

Skilled blacksmith and Graklak warrior seeking employment. The type of work matters little, from assisting with a business to guarding. The name is Arthfael, I'm a half-Elf, but let this not turn you away. So long as the coin is well paid no trouble will be had. Any letters should be dropped into the mailbox of the Golden Hive Honey Productions stall within the Willow.
Arthfael Signature.png


(Letters may be written below)
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To Arthfael Sylfina the half-Elf,
I would like to cordially invite you to take up employment under myself as both a guard and blacksmith. The pay should afford you a house, food, and other necessities, and will offer living quarters should you need them. If your interest be piqued, send a letter to myself at the following address. [Beneath is written the address of a higher-class inn].
Ave imperium,
Lord Gallus Tyrannian
To Arthfael Sylfina,

Perhaps you should open a blacksmithary (is that the word?) within the Dark Lady Emporium. Good work to be found there with the amount of no-do-gooder's looking for weapons. If you ever need a drink, the bar to the Falcon's Nest is always open to a new patron! Drinks and siggs of the Slums' best quality.

Safe travels,
Merina Marth
Best Lady of the Falcon's Nest
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There's a spindled letter that clearly doesn't belong sitting inside the mailbox of that particular Half-Elf. What appeared to not be addressed to him, however, actually had his name plastered right on it in big, bold letters that were meticulously written in.

Dear Arthfael Sylfina,

As of late, it has been brought to my attention that I have too much money and too many problems. I am sure you know exactly what comes next. In fact, I would like to offer you some unstable pay (never below what you expect, but ever-growing like the crescendo of a music piece) for your loyalty. Enclosed are one of my recruitment forms. Simply fill this out and I just might consider you someone that could do with my blessing. Two pages are enclosed, one lump of wealth is what is at stake, zero questions will be asked. I will be waiting.

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The letter is sent to Arthfael inside a slightly yellow envelope. The envelope is sealed with red wax. In red ink was his name as well.

Dear Arthael Sylfina
I noticed your need for employment and think that my business could use someone of your talents. Both talents in fact would be quite useful to us. As expected you will be paid quite handsomely. Personally I live in the Ithanian district and would love to set up a meeting with you to properly interview you for the job, and perhaps you interview me as well, since I'm sure you have gotten aplenty of letters. Please send a letter to me using the address on the back of this piece of parchment with your acceptance or denial. If you accept also include the time you'd wish to meet.

spero di sentirti presto!

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