Preserved Sheet Hal'cyóna Aalviënta, Hállëvandëia

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Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main
Nov 20, 2013
Reaction score
Where ever the wind blows, literally sometimes.
Roleplay Guilds
I like to wander around a lot. Yep.


Basic Information

Birth Name: Hal'cyóna Aalviënta, Hállëvandëia.
Imperialized Name: Rowan Haaven.
Parents: Nadina Haaven (Mother), Zaan Haaven (Father, Deceased).
Age: 57, Born on December 26th.
Gender: Agender.
Race: Yanar, Yanera-Dul.
Sexuality: Destruction.
Preferred Weapon: Nen'yalon Stave.



Skill Information
School of Atraves, Yanar Warden.
Proficiency Points: +50, +10 Talent, +10 Hobby.
+20 Stave Combat (+15 Points, +5 Racial Boost)
+3 Arcanology (+3 Points, Ward Knowledge)
+12 Sorcery (+12 Points, Compassionate Sorcery)
+10 Frontline Command (+10 Talent Points)
+5 Siege Command (+5 Points)
+10 Husbandry Art (+10 Points, Dappled Grey Casecabillas Stallion Mount, Also has a Hawk Yattil.)
+5 Fortification Art (+5 Proficiency Points)
+5 Horticulture Art (+5 Hobby Points)
+5 Gardening Art (+5 Hobby Points)

Body Shape
Body Build: Ripped
Body Stat: 20, (15 When infected.)
Total: 20 from Combat.
Fat: Low Body Fat

Plains Elven (Native Speaker)
Modern Altalar (Native Speaker)

Mercenary Chapter:
Rowan Haaven leads a mercenary chapter consisting of Yanar Protectors known as The Unnamed, because Rowan never cared to give the band a name and focused more on war than heraldry or making a proper name for his band.

Preference to; Wind, Water & Lightning elements.
Tier 1. Woodland Grace (Spell) - Woodsinging (Aesthetic)
Tier 2. Brambling (Spell) - Evergrowth (Aesthetic)
Tier 3. Elemental Orb (Spell) - Elemental Influence (Aesthetic)
Tier 4. Elemental Intercept (Spell) - Primal Design (Aesthetic)

Nen'yalon Nature;
Halting Infestation (Aesthetic) - Familiar Sensor, Songbird (Aesthetic)

Ward Knowledge (+3 Points)

Exist Hallow (Carries a booming, echo filled voice.)
Exist Airing (Gaseous Hair that flows gently upward like a cloud.)
Exist Sight (Foggy mist swirls around their eyes.)
Pagan Horn (Antlers.)

Raprann Soul Line
Status; Infected
1. Hollow Bones.
2. Eagle's Call.
3. Compassionate Sorcery.
4. Feathered Call. (Utilizes this to equally distribute orders to his own soldiers on the battlefield.)



Visual Information

Eye Color: Pale Pink.
Hair Color: Pale Light blue.
Hair Style: Long, messy and careless.
Skin Color: Lavender Purple.
Clothing: Wraps made of plant matter, carefree and unbothered by dress code.
Height: 6'2



Personality and Abilities (Core)

Alignment: True Neutral
Personality Type: The Advocate, INFJ-A
Religion: The Gods are dead and we killed them.



Life Story

Birth - Childhood

Date of Birth- Born on the 26th of December. Firstborn of the Heiwynn, now Haaven Children and Eldest Son of his two parents.

-Rowan was born in the City Sewers nestled within the confines of the first iteration of the Nenyarina Grove. From the day of his blossoming, he received his mutation 'blessings' granted onto him by his parents whom were both the high priests of the cult. His birth and personality were shaped by the harshness and difficult memories that his mother had been subject to.

-Rowan spent much of his childhood entrenched in combat training, he was raised to be the family's first protector and was subsequently the family black sheep from the moment he was born, though never suffered harsh ridicule in his isolated childhood. He began to learn what the faith of Estel was like during his childhood in the Nenyarina, learning about religion early on given he was quite literally born into an Exist Occult.

-In the dark of the sewers, Rowan spent many a year in the company of his father and uncle Veridan Daevaar observing them both as the sought out heinous void worshipers to put to the sword, Rowan was witness to many atrocities early in life and as such dulled his sense of morality to some degree, he, is also one of the few people who 'know' who his father Zaan really is and what truly happened in years past, this has caused Rowan to harbor an unsettling fear of his own father, all the while Rowan never truly fears anyone. The first seeds of hatred towards his parental figures were sown.

Young Adolescence - Late Adolescence

-After years of training and being void of a true childhood, Rowan was brought up with many issues, one of which he loathed his parents for, his lack of freedom and choice. He felt that his mother saw him more as a tool, a belonging, property or at least in his mind- she treated him that way. His heart swelled with resent that persisted.

-Rowan spent years in the slums and sewers, his early years were riddled with the horrors of dealing with aberrant in the wretched sewers, he went as far as to become an aberrant hunter of sorts and began learning how to wield a bow with deadly precision during his 'stay' in the city sewers, while his sister Salvia was mostly oblivious to all the atrocities, Rowan, was not. During his early exposure to the sewers, he was afflicted with the shattered curse from a werebeast under the guise of a student in the Nenyarina Order. He became a Raprann, something that helped to mold his more cruel and callous personality, his heart filled with resent and hatred especially for the religion which he was raised among.

-Later in the eve of his adolescent years, Rowan was shipped away overseas to Daen to fulfill some modicum of a formal education. Given his rather militaristic upbringing, he was shoehorned into the School of Atraves. He never really wanted to be a warrior, never enjoyed war or violence but was thrust into that life style never the less. He was brought up a predominantly Altalar school where he suffered ridicule for being a Yanar and seen as 'lesser' by some of the other Altalar students. That he wouldn't quite compare to their level of skill, this gnawing factor in the back of his mind influenced him to become a lot more hardened. He grew tougher skin and was pushed by his teachers to become more skilled with a blade. True, that he might not shape up to Altalar Standards, he was still incredibly good with a bladed Atraves.

-While he underwent training, he began to grow more and more emotionally hardened- rather than being reckless and disrespectful he became more stoic, focused and reserved towards others, albeit he still harbored his own deep set resent that perhaps would never truly heal. He began to learn how to meditate as well to help control his emotions and growing hate. It was during this time he began to explore philosophy, and got better at hiding who he really was. During this time period he spent more years in the academy library, studying history to pass the time in between lonely nights. His parents were old-- his father being an ancient. There was a modicum of expectation placed upon his shoulders as future patriarch, leader and guide to his people. He studied Allorn history to better understand his own roots.


-Rowan's first engagement was during the Ranger Crisis when his school deployed its students on the field against Orc, Regalian and sometimes Avanthar encroachment. The callousness in which the Yanar dispatched foes began to fully shine. One by one he felled his enemies with a cold, calculative demeanor. His hardened and brutal nature put some modicum of fear and respect into even his Altalar peers. He had finally earned the respect that he quietly craved, yet, in the process lost a fragment of his humanity.

-After spending years overseas during the ranger crisis he eventually returned home a bit more grizzled than he was when he first left. Graduating fully from the School of Atraves to wander the world and refine his own skills. Witnessing death both at his hands and the death of some of his family members, his first real fears in life began to manifest. During his years overseas, he grew quite good at not only hiding his emotions but his affliction and became quite proficient in the art of deception.

-After returning home, Rowan took out a lot of his pent up negative emotions and resent born over the years on his mother, after injuring her and coming close to wanting to kill her, he had a change of heart. This wasn't who he was, who he wanted to be and suddenly became more repentant for his actions and focused instead on becoming a bit more altruistic and kind, in his own subtle way. He gave birth to his first child, Alexa Haaven and later adopted an Isldar child named Silyoran which he raised no different to his own and has taken her under his wing as a pupil. During this time period, he was equally cured for the first time in years of his werebeast affliction. He went through day to day life with an unclouded mind for a time.

-Took part in the Deathling Crisis when Freya Lo had taken over the city, albeit his role in the matter was fairly short and more so towards the end of the crisis. He merely helped keep the grove safe towards the end before later being shipped back to their home colony-- again to defend against bone horrors for a time before returning once the threat to their family and roots had ended.

-Was party to being in the Black Hand under his mother's jurisdiction at one point, and fostered a psuedo love interest, however they later ended up dying via an executioner's axe. Was also subjected to additional training, more so emotional training under duress in the field.

-Began to work in his mother's alchemical shop on his downtime in between being shipped off in Regalia's wars and problems. It was around this time he first began to dabble in alchemy and learn the process beyond just simply manning the counter. He grew rather fond of alchemy, it was a pass time he genuinely enjoyed observing.

-Rowan participated in the recent wars against the Elven Inheritor states on behalf of Hengest, scaling the cliffside and felling many mounted Elven riders, some of which he was brought up with in the school of Atraves. He even went on to fight some of the people who he once studied with, never again would they belittle his skill.

-Participated in warfare overseas against the Kathar once again under the unit of the Qar-Digmaan, killing scores of vile Kathars just like old times. Once more he was subject to war after war. His talent for leadership developed over the course of the many wars he had been participant to. Spending much of his time upon the front line in direct confrontation with enemy combatants over the course of his life.

-Rowan returned home in mid 308 in light of revelations returned to his home to actually stay for once beyond wandering outside the world. During this time however he found himself lost and confused after having fought war after war, feeling powerless he turned to other means and willingly reinfected himself with the shattered curse once more. He re-embraced his older identity under the curse, once more he was Hal'cyona, the grey-falcon.

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@Suicidium Tagging for Re-Review, I decided to take the plunge and remove magic from Rowan entirely and remove the proficiencies that infringed on the niche of my other characters, Rowan now hearkens back to his original niche!
@Suicidium After a lot of thought, I decided to give Rowan back magic and re-vitalize his scholarly focus on the subject as well, I made him a musician and I'm curious to see where that goes in roleplay.
@Suicidium Made some minor updates that need re-review. Rowan got older and is now much much more engaged with leading his own family.
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@Carlit0o Requesting re-review, changed up a mutation for their soul line, added appropriate eye color and added in a sorcery spell for when they are uninfected!
@Carlit0o Requesting re-review!
Removed Ritualism as it made more sense to the character's hate for religion, being raised in an occult setting.
Lowered Athletic Training and branched it off into Historical Knowledge to fit Atraves theme, moved other two into Stave Combat.
Shuffled points from Ritualism into more sorcery spells.
Edited a few points in life story, mostly changed Werebeastism from being a recent change to something that has existed for much longer a time as it seemed more fitting.
I'm going to revisit this when the update is out tonight
@Carlit0o I updated Rowan's proficiency and swapped a mutation, glaring sun into feathered call for the doves and aesthetic being able to distribute messages.
>Major changes to proficiency over-all, he is far less niche and more broad now.
>Rowan's military career is now far more reflected in his proficiency.
>I got inspired by that one scene from Rise of the Lycans.
@Carlit0o Hebbo, I'd like to request for this application to be rejected on the account that I'll be shelving Rowan and letting that aspect of the past remain buried. I can't bring him back for the life of me nor do I think I should bring him back.