Shelved Character Haijin Jaehan Kymiin

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


Aug 8, 2022
Reaction score


"I am known as Andrac. It is a pleasure to meet you."





Andrac is constantly caught between two worlds.
East and West.
Ideology and Logic.
Empathy and Necessity.

Home and Acceptance.
Emotions and Himself.



➵ Full Name: Haijan Jaehan Kymiin
➵ Nicknames: Andrac Kymiin
➵ Aliases:
➵ Age: 28
➵ Gender: Male
➵ Race: Half-Sihai, Half-Fin'ullen
➵ Culture: Dexai
➵ Sexuality: Heterosexual
➵ Preferred Weapon: Prosthetic
➵ Secondary Weapon: Eunjangdo




"I am biased, yes. But I go by logic, not by fanaticism."


➵ Strength: 0
➵ Bruiser Tackle (Free)

➵ Constitution: 1
➵ Rage Counter

➵ Arcana: 7
➵ Chem Talent (Free)
➵ Gadget Combat (Free)
➵ Chem Cleanse
➵ Chem Experiment
➵ Technique Parry
➵ Chem Slip
➵ Chem Enrage
➵ Chem Endure
➵ Chem Bang

➵ Wisdom: 7
➵ Tech Talent (Free)
➵ Tech Defense
➵ Tech Armory
➵ Tech Sanction
➵ Tech Antimagi
➵ Tech Rockets
➵ Tech Stim
➵ Arcane Oceana

➵ Faith: 0
Sacred Revive (Free)

➵ Languages: 3
➵ Wai-lan | 10/10 (Learned From Upbringing)
➵ Altalar | 10/10 (Learned From Upbringing)
➵Common | 9/10 (Learned From Guardian)

➵ Racial Abilities:
➵ Stanceborn (Qilin and Garas Preferred)
➵ Jadeshaping





Eye Color: Ocean Blue
Hair Color: Technically a dark shade of brown, but really just appears as black.
➵ Hair Style: Neatly combed and well kept.
Skin Color: Strangely pale, despite being quite active outdoors.
Clothing: Various coats, shirts, robes in blacks, golds, dark blues and greens.
Height: 1.8 meters




"10 to 8. Sleep. 8 to 12. Accounting for the family. 12-5. Research for the Academy. 5-8. Work commissions. 8 to 9. Physical activity. 9 to 10. Personal Research."


  • Jaehan
    • His mother, a Fin'ullen noblewoman from Tol Viseu, had met Jaehan's father, a Sihai merchant, off the coast of Mandu. Specifically regarding a conversation with Jaehan's father repairing a Dexai Junk underwater, meeting his mother there (who had the strength to, with her hands, rip barnacles off the ship's hull) before reuniting at a port city. After spending some time togther in Mandu, and specifically connected well traveling together across the eastern coast of the Regalian Archipelago trading precious stones and metals, the two generally became a well acquainted pair, with Jaehan's father living in Mineria for a time. Eventually as Jaehan's father sailed back to Dexai, his mother decided she wanted to finally visit him with some news, and eventually. on that journey across the stormy, dangerous, waters, between Dexai and Mineria. Jaehan was born.
    • Eventually, Jaehan's mother arrived in Dexai, but met some scrutiny, while Dexai's inhabitants were generally used to foreigners, they also still distrusted anyone connected to the occult. While Jaehan's mother was a Unionist paladin, her nelfin status gave her some trouble, but finally did reunite with her lover. Jaehan's father was ecstatic to learnt he had a son, though urged Jaehan's mother to keep their relationship a secret, as his own family had their own biases. Though, the small family was found out eventually, but mostly was kept safe, thanks to Jaehan's grandfathers own protection, though Jaehan's grandmother did not approve of his father's relationship or Jaehan himself.
    • Quickly learning the language of the Zhong Kingdoms, Jaehan's mother acclimated well to the culture, but eventually grew homesick, but did not wish for Jaehan to travel out back to Mineria, and instead allowed Jaehan's father to care for him off of Dexai to another Zhong Kingdom, away from the Jade Wall. Jaehan himself dislikes this memory for a strange reason.
    • As Jaehan grew, there was a surprising amount of curiosity and intelligence in the boy. But... he faced a strange detachment from the other Zhong Kingdoms, unfamiliar with everything, it was hard for Jaehan to accept himself in Sihai culture, as there was the other aspect of himself that called apart from the somewhat conservative culture of the Zhong Kingdoms. His times were rigid, and his familial relationships tense, with him always being a point of conflict between his grandmother and grandfather's sides of the family. So, instead of involving hismelf with the outside, he made a strict schedule for himself to keep, somehow, being spoiled and neglected at the same time. But often followed the words of his aunt and uncle, who were archon. One Hunter, the other Keeper. Jaehan followed their words, the only real people who accepted him truly, other then his father. Jaehan always loved the waters as he grew up, watching Junks and other sailing ships pass by, as he swam in the coastal waters looking for clams, and trading with his father behind the Jade Wall. He thought of his mother back home, always. As Jaehan grew out of childhood, and eventually into his early teenage years, there was a flood in the Zhong Kingdom, with his aunt unfortunately drowning while helping others escape, his uncle dying upon the Jadewall fighting the Akula. The flood and the death was unfortunately pinned as a bad omen amongst the family, that the half-Fin'ullen and his connection to the waters of the ocean were what caused it, and eventually the aristocratic rumors passed down to the small coastal town they were living in.
    • Jaehan, still around thirteen, then moved back to the Dexai Republic. With his grandfather now ill, Jaehan's father worried for him, and he was sent off across the seas, to live with his noblewoman mother, from the rumors of the Zhong Kingdoms and Dexai.
  • Andrac
    • He arrived in Aetosil, reuniting with his mother, before traveling across the Empire to Mineria. Now in Tol Visen, he learned the Altalar language, and was generally more accepted in Regalia, as he was eventually gained the name Andrac as a moniker from his aunts and uncles. Though, even here, he felt a general unacceptance due to his strange nature of his birth and circumstance, with trouble adjusting from the culture shock experience in Regalia.
    • Though like his mother and father, he had grown accustomed to the coastal and freshwaters of Aloria, and Andrac adapted quickly, but still kept his strange personality from his uprising in Dexai. Andrac eventually became closer with his home. And generally spent his days in the estate happy. As he dove into his studies, and explored the coasts, interacting with the locals. He was home. As Andrac grew to be young adult, Altalar grew to be his main language, and lived as a Fin'ulllen would alongside the rest of his family. He grew to be mentored by Neremyn Kymiin, but had noticed the young man loved the machinery more then the actual art of crafting, that Andrac eventually took up to being a technician instead, helping managing the machinery around the house. Eventually, his organizing skills became incredibly useful for the family, and he was often seen helping around in finance and accounting. His desire for shipbuilding and sailing was supressed, with a lot of other things, as he seemed to take working, as a way to not remember.
    • Through his management skills, he became a rampant multitasker, keeping his mind busy with whatever his family needed him to do, his strange disposition allowing him to come closer with 'Aunt Alre' which is probably the family member he is the closest with other then his mother.
    • Eventually, Andrac heard news, that his father was coming to Mineria finally out of advice from his sibling's advice, and finally, for the final time, now in Mineria, the small family was reunited. And they were all home.
    • But due his past, Andrac has trouble with adjusting to the world. While also a Guided Unionist, combining the faiths of both Regalia and Dexai, he felt isolated with the world, with his history influencing how he saw the world. But there is a distant happiness in Andrac, as alongside his older cousin Ponnoc, and younger cousin Nerashii, there is a life ahead with opportunity.
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