Preserved Sheet Hagiel

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The G0atfather
Aug 3, 2013
Reaction score
a hole in the ground
a hole in the ground
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Hagiel
  • Age: 56
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Nefer Asha | Mew Clade: Leopard Head
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: One-handed Scimitar
Skill Information
Total Points: 50/50
  • 10 Conning Rogue Skill (+10 Talent Points)
  • 10 Dancing Arts (+5 Hobby Points +5 Nefer Boost)
  • 10 Sailing Arts (+5 Hobby Points +5 General Points)
  • 5 String Instruments (+5 General Points)
  • 6 Dexterous Rogue Skill (+6 General Points)
  • 10 Perception Training (+10 General Points)
  • 5 Finecraft Sciences (+5 General Points)
  • 9 Linguistic Sciences (+9 General Points)
  • 10 Blade Combat Skill (+10 General Points)
Body Shape
  • 5+5+2=12 Body Stat
  • Slim Body Shape
  • Average Body Fat
  • Ibeth [Birth language]
  • Common [Free]
  • Farradi [Linguistic Sciences]
  • Sofaal [Linguistic Sciences]
  • Daendroque [Linguistic Sciences]
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Yellow
  • Hair Color: Brown fur with darker stripes and white mixed in
  • Hair Style: His fur is short, though he has some tufts on his head that make his cheeks look puffy, as well as longer hair-like fur
  • Skin Color: Non applicable
  • Clothing: Simple and comfortable clothing
  • Height: 5'10
  • Voice: The Captain from Castlevania Season 3
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Chaotic Neutral
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • Adventurer
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • 5/10 Agnostic
Life Story
  • Born in Queendom of Kharkoor. His childhood was rather uneventful, he learned to build ships by his 20's but found life to be relatively boring. In his late 20's he decided to abandon his quiet life of constructing ships and actually got on one, leaving with the Medes Corsair fleet to raid Farah'deen.
  • Hagiel found this far more exciting than his old life, raiding and fighting, constantly doing something. He learned how to fight and sail quickly, spending the next five years on the ship until a raid went bad. During this raid, one of the Songaskian warriors managed to cut Hagiel just below his eyes and render the Asha unconscious.
  • Hagiel was taken as a slave by the Songaskia, and was not well behaved due to his people's past as slaves and his own feelings towards the practice. Despite slaves not usually being in chains by the Songaskia, he was in them for some time. Eventually he became more docile, finding that violent outbursts and belligerence were going to get him nowhere fast. He became more patient, grounded and waited, biding his time.
  • When on a vacation with his master in Daendroc, some ten years after being enslaved, Hagiel was able to enact his plan. He escaped under the cover of night and made his way into Daenshore, hiding and becoming a beggar. During this time he learned how to barter, how to lie and how to steal. Who better to learn all this from, than the Daens?
  • He spent several years in Daenshore, honing his craft and becoming very good at faking valuables, convincing people they were worth something when they were, in fact, worthless. His cunning and patience learned during his decade as a slave assisted him in these .
  • He generally moved along, never staying in one place long, preferring to stick to quick cons and thefts in one area and leaving before the locals caught wise to his tricks.
  • Eventually he made his way out of Daenshore, working on boats and putting his old skills to use along with his new ones. This led him to come under the employ of Khawiqet-Muhit, a fellow Asha who acted as a pirate captain. Shortly after he joined, the captain made the decision to travel to Regalia, Hagiel had no complaints about such.
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