Preserved Sheet Héloïse Aurore Deceres

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Scribma Male
Staff member
Sep 4, 2013
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where the elf things are
Basic Information
Informal: Héloïse Aurore Deceres
Formal Ithanian: Héloïse Aurore Obraive-Solarent Soiecour Deceres Fileuse de Portée du Paradis
Age: 29 years.
Born: 1st November, 279AC
Appears: Early 20s.
Gender: Female.
Race: Half-Elven.

Parentage: Half-Elf father; Medavinti Ithanian Ailor mother.
Condition: Alais Brood.

Skill Information
Total Points: 34 Proficiency (29 Age + 5 Boost); 10 Talent; 10 Hobby
Boosts: Husbandry Art (from Father); Needlework Art (from Mother)
Core Group:
Talent Group:

10 Bodycare Training (10 Talent)
5 Perception Training
4 Dextrous Rogue Training
Hobby Group:
15 Alchemy Science
15 Needlework Art (10 Hobby, 5 Boost)
10 Body Art

Body Shape
Shape: Slim.
Body Stat: 5.

Calculation: (10 Bodycare / 2) = 5.
Body Fat: Low.

Birth Languages:
D'Ithanie; 10/10 Fluency; taught by Mother.
Common; 10/10 Fluency; native language.

Special Traits
Half-Elven Ageing; Héloïse ceased to age at around 23, and will not age again until the age of 100.
15 Alchemy Science; Héloïse can concoct and make use of a wide range of Alchemical items, with an equally wide array of effects and uses.
10 Bodycare Training; Héloïse has access to the Sculpted Body Shape, and can change the Body Shape of other characters through personal training.
4 Dextrous Rogue; Héloïse may attempt to pickpocket with a 60% success rate with a d10 roll; if the number falls upon 4 or lower, the attempt fails.
Vampirism (Inactive):
Crimson Graces; Héloïse may, upon the event of a failed Rogue Training roll, perform a single saving re-roll.
Crimson Silence; Héloïse no longer makes sounds when moving or making use of an item, such as opening a door or using Clockwork.
Crimson Guiding; Héloïse may, during a dance, influence her dancing partner to leave the floor with her to be fed upon. Alternately, if alone with her target, she may influence her target to perform particular actions that they would not otherwise object to.
Crimson Dressage; Héloïse may add to, remove articles of, or alter the clothing she currently wears, which dissipates if removed from her person. Attempts to disguise herself with this Ability may be thwarted by characters with 10 Perception or Bodycare.
Crimson Guile; Héloïse no longer inflicts pain when feeding, leaving neither bite marks nor memory of her feeding upon her victim. Further, initiating eye contact with a target causes Héloïse to appear alluring to them.
Crimson Form; ???

Visual Information
Eye Color: Rusty brown.
Hair Color: Raven black.
Hair Style: Typically elaborate, varying styles that demonstrate some form of skill in tailoring or otherwise convey a particular message or emotion.
Skin Color: Flushed.
Clothing: Asymmetric gowns and dresses in tones of black and red.
Height: 6'4", or 193cm.

Personality and Abilities
The Core List:
Moral Alignment:
Lawful Neutral.
Personality Type:
The Adventurer; ISFP-A.
Religious Affiliation:
Religion: Unionism.
Piety: 6/10.

Life Story
Birth & Childhood
Héloïse Aurore Obraive-Solarent Soiecour Deceres Fileuse de Portée du Paradis is born to Jeanette du Joyau-Vert du Nord and Nathan Deceres in late 279AC; although apparently sharing some chemistry, her military father nonetheless flees, leaving Jeanette, a hiding Alais Vampire, to raise her daughter alone.

Héloïse grows up not wanting for much; a combination of pure Ithanian self-confidence and Vampiric parenting shapes her early into a girl of will and wit, with an innate knack for the crafts. Her mother, a member of the Ithanian Iron Fist enrols her as early as she can, starting Héloïse early on a path of alchemy and textiles.

Adolescence & Teenage Years

Héloïse's later youth are marked largely by a growing obsession with the cosmetic- one which her mother, a self-obsessed Alais and alchemist, gleefully encourages. Applying her knowledge of clothing, she delves into the practice of tattoo art, piercing, hair work, and makeup as she grows older, developing a considerable skill for the physical aesthetic.

Simultaneously, Héloïse continues her studies as a young alchemist, as frequently burning her eyebrows off with mishandled burners as re-applying them with hair-growing concoctions. She develops as much skill in this regard as she does in her practice as an amateur stylist, complementing such with a thrill-seeking dip into the world of crime, internally remarking that if her hands are so nimble as to apply delicate features to someone, then surely she can remove things that are just as delicate from them- without them even noticing.


Héloïse's adulthood runs about as smoothly as it could ever go; blossoming into a formidable stylist, she merges her skill in the alchemical with her stylistic advice, radically altering the appearances of her clients with all of a few potions and some bales of silk. In this, she accrues a modest wealth, allowing her to persevere in her occupation with fashion and vanity.

At age 29, Héloïse is contacted by her previously unknown half-brother, Lyonel- informing her of their shared blood, he asks her help in the Regalian Holy City, mostly in the realm of the financial to boost the Deceres coffers. She accepts, reasoning that the heart of the realm bears with it the greatest exposure.
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