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Needs Help/Review Gwyna Radelmann

This sheet needs additional review by staff or community members. Please respond to the thread with tips!


Sep 3, 2024
Reaction score
Character Information

Full Name: Gwyna Radelmann
Heritage / Culture: Alior Wirtem
Age: 22
Gender / Pronouns: Female/ She her but often also reffererd to as an manwoman
Character Occupation: Knight Bloodcast Order

Appearance Information
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Eye Color: Deep ocean blue
Skin Color: pinkish pale
Hair: strawberry blonde , shoulder length mostly in a bun
Height: 1,88 m (6.1 ``)
Body Type: muscular /sqishy
Fun fact :
is scarred of cats

Her favriote food is anything with bread
Personality and appearace :
Gwyna Radelmann, a woman of graceful height and sturdy build.

She has shoulder-length wavy hair that is always tied in a loose braid. The color of her hair is a beautiful strawberry blonde with soft, caramel-colored streaks .

Her face radiates the warmth of the sun, with deep blue eyes that sparkle like a calm ocean on a clear night. Two small moles adorn her face, one on her chin and one under her eye, seem only to help with her friendly face.

Always attentive to people and friendly, she looks out into the world with a smile, ready to make new encounters and experiences, but despite her bravery and determination, she has a small problem: she gets lost easily. Nevertheless, with her broad shoulders and muscular build, she is a reliable and trustworthy companion.

Gwyna is a soul full of warmth and openness who loves to talk to others and make new connections. Her smile is always genuine and those around her sense warmth in her surroundings.

As a knight, she is filled with a thirst for discovery, ready to explore and find her place in it. But despite her courage, she often tends to get lost in her thoughts and carried away by her dreams.

Additional Features: Has freckles and moles on her face one below her right eye and one her mouth.
Very often wears her armor. Seems to only take it off if needed or if she is really comfortable
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Skill Information

Hobbies and Talents:Dancing; Botanic ; farming, cooking, sewing, embrodary,
Mechanics: Ailor mechanics
Languages: Common, Sign, Calem

she was recut from a promise from a knight to a peasant, she was never asked if she wanted to be a knight at all.

in her training she was often put down and excluded by her peers and was only used when she could help.

Attack Stat:5
Defense Stat:5
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
Strength: 5
Diving Tackle
Careful Fighter(Free)
Technique Parry
Pinning Throw
Concussive Blow
Tangle Strike
Constitution: 5
Shield Cover(Free)
Shield Phalanx
Shield Slam
Tank Stance
Tank Rally
Tank Rush
Intelligence: 2
Safeguard Pack
Wardrobe Pack
Wisdom: 0
Dexterity: 2
Flexible Maneuver
Sharp Reflexes
Faith: 0
Magic: 0
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